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  1. I’m surprised that they didn’t already charge a fee for using credit cards. Our local electric utility charged a fee from day one in accepting credit cards. They are expensive to use from the seller’s point of view even though they are convient for the consumer. Of course that is passed on to the consumer. Even when paying owed state income taxes the state charges a fee. Ironically, the state I’m in will not charge a fee for a debit card (directly from an account) but will with a credit card.

  2. Credit cards charge a fee for their use, debit cards do not. Don’t lump them together. They are two entirely different things. Its an electronic check.

  3. Specs charges extra for CREDIT cards, not DEBIT cards when processed as DEBIT rather than CREDIT.
    To Dirk — debit cards do assess a fee to sellers, it is just less than the fee for credit cards.

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