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  1. Ticketing idling cars in driveways has been threatened for yrs. Threats to do it have been made every winter.I’m Still waiting for a case to surface where the car was locked and started remotely. I believe that will put an end to this type of revenue enhancement program.

  2. Was-Berkeley Police Department Supporting Antifa Violence

    The police supported the antifa by not stepping in to stop them, no more then that needs to be concluded to find them culpable. I agree that there is very weak circumstantial evidence to support any claim that BPD actually participated. The pics of observers on roof tops were not clear and could have been anyone plus LEOs do post observers to coordinate responses anyway. Flash bang grenades leave the metal body of the device behind, it does not disintegrate. We don’t need propaganda from our side to stir things up…I’m sure the antifa backers would love to have conservatives turn on the BPD. It would play right into the anarchist playbook.

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