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  1. So the author of this article just left an unsecured weapon laying around, in an unsecured container miles from home, probably on land they don’t own, for kids to find?

    1. This is a quote from the author’s article. “It’s still on my property but out of sight of the house.) The ridge has bushes and some trees growing on it, so I selected a reasonably open spot about half way up and buried the boxes about 12” down. ” I understand the boxes can also be locked and secured. Facts will set you free.

  2. Nice list of items, and nice descriptions without being too wordy. Also, thanks for assuming your readers have minds of their own (too much of “Top Ten Items You Forgot To Pack” going around these days).
    I liked your inclusion of the nylon shopping bag, which would definitely make a hasty bug-out easier.
    I plan on bugging-in too, so my preps are focused on my Get-Home kits and EDC kits, which I can grab in an emergency.
    My single suggestion is a laminated copy of your important information, including account numbers (and PINs) for the electric, water and gas utilities, credit card companies and phone service. Also incude personal, emergency and business phone numbers and addresses.

  3. I doubt the Solar inflatable lantern will work when needed. They have rechargeable batteries which like to actually be charged once in a while. I love them things (I have the Luci), but they will disappoint you if you do not show them some sun periodically.

  4. Liked the article. It was simple and in depth and in many ways mirrored my cache and way of thinking. (Must be why I liked it. I too decided to cache a weapon, but hid the firing pin in a ziplock bag of tampons.

    I have a sub-pack of material that expires in a smaller container about 10′ away under an evergreen. I used some 4″ pvc pipe from Lowe’s. I installed it with a post hole digger. I glued the bottom end closed. An unglued cap fits snugly over the top end and I then caulked around the cap. I then lay a 12″x12″ piece for foil over the top to keep any water from getting under the caulking. Also, along with a couple of pieces of black pipe I’ve pounded into the ground, it gives off a decent signal for anyone with a metal detector.

    In this I keep the meds (aspirin, Tylenol, Neosporin, Epi, etc.), AA batteries, lighters, a 10″ x 10″ piece of plastic place in the top of the pipe. (to cover me as I transfer my cache) etc. That way I don’t have to dig up and run the risk of disclosing my main cache when I rotate stuff. I also throw a couple of packs of kids snack food, a pocket knife, and a hand-drawn “treasure map” that leads people away from the area to the “food and weapons.” Nothing there but a 55-gallon drum filled w dirt w the head welded on.

    Overkill I know, but my property backs up to a civil war battlefield and I’m finding people on my property w metal detectors looking for artifacts. I have to admit there have been far fewer after I put up signs that said we will shoot trespassers assuming that they are coming to rob us, kill us or kidnap our children.

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