Notes for Friday – August 26, 2016

August 26, 526, is the official anniversary of the invention of toilet paper by the Chinese. We celebrate this, though not because of its convenience. In fact, it has many shortcomings, some which are described within the articles and letters of SurvivalBlog. Our celebration of it is primarily because we now have an official metric of just how hard core of a prepper you are as well as a metric for just how economically unstable your country is. August 26, 1946 is also the official release date of George Orwell’s Animal Farm. o o o Today, we present another entry …

I’m Not In The Position To Right Now- Part 3, by D.D.

I/we Will Hunt! You answer, “My brother knows how to hunt!” You’re not in a position to learn or keep your skills up-to-date, but you think he will do it for you. I live in Florida, so let me give you the numbers for my state. There are approximately 20,271,272 people in the state of Florida. If half of one percent of the people in Florida survived a major catastrophe (that’s a death rate of 99.5%), there would be 101,356 people left or 1.5 people per square mile! Doing some research on primitive living, I read that it takes about …

Letter: Russia

I found this article to be profound. I think it’s valuable to get into the head of potential enemies, as well as to understand how history has shaped their culture and especially their view of outsiders. Over the years, the author, Dimitri Orlov, has had some fascinating, insightful, and useful observations about the ongoing and accelerating collapse of the United States, and I respect his opinion. I also recognize that he might have a positive bias toward Russia, which is understandable, but if this article is biased I don’t think it’s by very much. What most fascinates me with Orlov’s …

Economics and Investing:

Most Millennials Have Less Than $1,000 In Savings, Live Paycheck-to-Paycheck – G.G. o o o Federal Debt to Hit $28.2 Trillion Over Next Decade – B.B. o o o UBS: U.S. Stocks Could Enter a Bear Market This Year – D.M. o o o Can The Various Pension And Benefit Ponzis Survive The Coming Wave Of Baby Boomer Retirements? – R.G. o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our Provisos page for details.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Chicago’s detective force dwindles as murder rate soars – S.L. o o o A $67,000 Home Robbery Exposes $500 Billion Problem in Argentina – G.S. o o o EpiPen price quintuples in US, but CEO pay goes up much more o o o Baltimore cops using private company’s aerial cameras to conduct secret surveillance – B.B. o o o How To Survive With Nothing But “Primitive Technology” – H.L.