Odds ‘n Sods:

Our friend, Commander Zero, just posted this tip: Military phone wire on sale o o o Florida couple forced to destroy organic front-yard veggie garden, sues city over constitutional rights violation – DSV o o o Six Diseases Return To US as Migration Advocates Celebrate ‘World Refugee Day’ – Sent in by B.B. o o o Orlando Discussion: Why the Church is Conspicuously Absent o o o Fcc To Investigate Raised Rf Noise Floor

Notes for Tuesday – June 21, 2016

June 21st is the birthday of Rex Applegate (June 21, 1914 – July 14, 1998), author of Kill or Be Killed. He was the friend and mentor of SurvivalBlog’s Senior Field Gear Editor, Pat Cascio. o o o The recent frantic increase in gun sales in the United States is well justified. People are understandably concerned that their window of opportunity to buy battle rifles and magazines for their families may be closing–especially if Hitlery Clinton is elected. I’m presently in the process of consolidating my own collection to create better standardization. As part of that, I decided to auction …

Tracking Dogs- Part 1, by D.D.

I had read an article some time ago about tracking dogs, and I didn’t get to respond to it then. However, here is my experience. It’s not the dog you are trying to beat; it is the handler. I have a lot of experience with tracking dogs. I used to guard the copper pipeline in Indonesia. The copper mine (also containing some gold) was on top of a mountain. Once the material was taken from the ground, it was mixed into a slurry and pumped miles through the jungle to the port. This pipeline was under constant attack. People would …

Letter Re: Sanitation Issues

Dear Hugh Some years ago I severely injured my back and could not access the bathroom, which was on another floor. I took one of those lightweight home hospital potties, put a plastic bag into the bucket part, and put a bag of loose pine sawdust kitty litter next to it. You use the bucket, sprinkle a cup of loose pine litter over it, no smell, no problem. And I do mean no smell. I had to sit right next to it for weeks. Do not use standard clay kitty litter, which is made of bentonite clay. Yes, it will …

News From The American Redoubt:

‘Deeply troubling’ Senators say mineral withdrawal would protect local economy – RBS o o o Eastern Washington: State reports a new wolf pack, located near Sherman Pass o o o Actor Shia LaBeouf hitchhikes through Wyoming and Montana o o o Video: At a conference in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho in 2015, Pastor Chuck Baldwin describes the significance of The American Redoubt. (Scroll forward to the 12-minute mark for his comments about the folly of modern American corporate churches, and to the 43-minute mark for his comments on the American Redoubt and God’s sovereign will. The Q&A portion–mainly on the Second …

Economics and Investing:

Silver Price Forecast: The Alignment Of The Dow, Interest Rates, Debt and Silver Cycles Will Deliver A Fatal Blow o o o Americans Are Now The Top Silver Investors In The World o o o What Brexit Could Mean For Your Money And Your Business o o o Video: Beyond the Turmoil, Central Bankers Dread Brexit’s Shadow o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our Provisos page for details.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Court lets stand law banning some semi-automatic assault weapons. This is not good news folks. This is what we can expect when they pass a national “assault weapons” ban, and hi-cap mag ban; the Supreme Court will let it stand if challenged! – Pat Cascio o o o Because “You never know.” US Army Technical Manual 31-210 Improvised Munitions Handbook – dated 1969. There are lots of “Poor Man’s James Bond” and “Anarchist’s Cookbook” type reads around. But this one differs significantly in that the US Army evaluated and tested the items in this manual and considered them feasible, effective, …

Notes for Monday – June 20, 2016

June 20th is the birthday of Audie L. Murphy, born in 1925. (He died in a plane crash on May 28, 1971.) This is also the anniversary of the death of novelist Vince Flynn (born April 6, 1966, died June 19, 2013). His death at age 47 was a loss to the literary world. o o o Reader D.S.V. sent this: Gun Shop Sells 30,000 AR-15s in Week Following Orlando Attack. And, BTW, SurvivalBlog advertiser GunMagWarehouse.com (a much smaller company) tells us that they shipped about the same number of magazines in the same week. Be sure to stock up …

Pat Cascio’s Product Review: Leatherman Skeletool RX

I’m not exactly sure where the dividing line is between some disorders, like genius, driven mad, sheer genius, tortured mind, losing your mind, and other similar diagnoses. There are creative minds, like that of the novelist Stephen King, and I’m not sure if he has creative genius or a very tortured mind, after watching many of the movies that Hollywood created from his novels. I tend to think that, perhaps, just perhaps, he has a tortured mind. In any event, I’m sure I’ve lost my mind many years ago; just ask my own family! LOL Now, I’m not saying that …

Seeking Reader Input: SurvivalBlog’s Orwell Awards

The recent news about how the FBI filed a lawsuit to block disclosure of surveillance camera locations because it would “violate the privacy” of those surveilled has prompted the editors of SurvivalBlog to start a new awards contest for the most egregious examples of Orwellian Newspeak in the past year. This is in part to remind our readers of the prescience of George Orwell, in his novel 1984. We intend to issue these awards annually (like the Darwin Awards) each July 4th, and post descriptions and links for the top three examples, as well as for several Dishonorable Mention awards, …

Recipe of the Week: Family Favorite Meat Loaf

Ingredients: 2 beaten eggs ¾ cup milk ¾ cup fine dry bread crumbs 2 tbs grated onion 1 tsp salt ½ tsp ground sage 1½ lbs ground beef. Sauce: ¼ cup catsup 2 tbs brown sugar 1 tsp dry mustard ¼ tsp ground nutmeg Directions: Combine eggs with milk, bread crumbs, onion, salt, sage, and meat. Mix well and shape into 9×5-inch rectangle or oval, or about 6-inch round. Carefully place in slow-cooking pot. Cook on low for 5 to 6 hours. Combine sauce ingredients in a small bowl and pour over meat. Cover and cook on high for 15 …

Economics and Investing:

The EU Empire is going to fail. – A.D. o o o You Are Living Through The Dumbest Monetary Experimental Endgame In History… – B.B o o o Too Big? Brazil and Olympics on a Failing Path o o o Foreign selling of U.S. Treasuries in April was most since 1978 -data o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our Provisos page for details.