Scot’s Product Review: Survival Skills DVD Set Sigma 3 Survival School

I was very impressed with this $49.95 two DVD set. It was well produced and the material clearly presented. There were perhaps three times I wished for captions to identify some of the gear and once a drawing would have helped me understand a point about knife blade grinds, but those are small nits to pick out of an excellent video. It even explained and showed knots so well that I could make them, which is no small task as I am knot deprived. I am going to jump to almost the end of the two DVD’s to get a …

Pat Cascio’s Product Review: CRKT Hootenanny Folder

One of the most prolific knife designers that I’m aware of is Ken Onion, who resides in Hawaii. Ken actually got started designing and making knives as a result of working on a motorcycle. He knew there was “something” there that he could use. It’s been many years since I interviewed Onion for an article I was doing for Knives Illustrated magazine, back when I was the West Coast Field Editor. Ken and I spoke for more than an hour via phone, and he is an absolute wildman, to put it lightly. It was great fun interviewing him about a …

Recipe of the Week: Fresh Strawberry Shortcakes And Cream

It’s strawberry season, so I am always looking for yummy things to do with our strawberries. Of course, we make jelly, fresh fruit salads, and even make homemade strawberry ice cream and strawberry-banana smoothies, but we also really love these shortcakes for dessert. They are fancy enough to serve company but easy enough for any day with the family. Ingredients 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 3 Tbsp white sugar 1 teaspoons salt 1/2 cup frozen unsalted butter, grated 1/2 cup cold buttermilk 1 Tbsp heavy cream, divided 2 Tbsp turbinado (raw) sugar …

Letter Re: Air Lift Pumps

Using compressed air to lift water from a well does work as described in the previous article; however, one must insure the compressed air comes from an oil-free compressor. If the air compressor has an oil-filled crankcase, the delivered air will have oil vapor/oil mist in it, which is not something one should have suspended in their drinking water. Do not trust an oil/water separator on the compressed air unit to remove oil vapors; they will eventually saturate and become pretty much useless. To confirm what your compressor is doing, check the condensate drain on the air tank. If it …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Your Facebook, Twitter and blog are about to be monitored for references to the Government. – H.L. o o o JWR joins Prepper Recon for a podcast: Time is Short, Wake Up! o o o More and more, the words once shouted with such emphatic fervor, “Never Again!” are being changed and mumbled as “Never mind.” – Brazil starts counting their Jews – B.B. o o o Public Locked Out of Miami Biscayne National Park – No Fishing. – T.P. o o o 5th person dies of MERS virus in South Korea. – G.P. (Warning: This page has a text …

Street Combat – This Ain’t No Game! – Part 9 of 9, by Pat Cascio

Chapter Seven Threats in the Future…Today? Some so-called “experts” believe that future threats to our safety and well-being will come from our children. In a manner of speaking, they are correct in their assumptions. However, you need only watch the evening news to see that the future has already arrived. Read on. Los Angeles, California District Attorney, Gil Garcetti, probably best summed it up when he said, “My God, this could happen to me . . . What is going on here?” Garcetti was in a news conference describing what was being called the “Wrong Way Shooting” of an innocent, …

Letter Re: Becoming A Warrior At Gunsite Academy, by J.H.

Hugh, There is no way a civilian can develop the proper mindset, skills, and base of knowledge required to be considered a “warrior” by attending a class for a weekend or even a week. Please do not misunderstand what I am trying to say. Classes like this can be beneficial to an individual as long as they do not leave the false impression that a warrior has been created. This false belief can lead someone to get hurt if they respond with inflated confidence during an actual life-threatening situation. There is no way to become a warrior, unless you make …

Economics and Investing:

Is The Price Of Gold Really Headed Above $19,000? o o o IMF has betrayed its mission in Greece, captive to EMU creditors. – JBG o o o Why The Fed Can’t Raise Rates. – J.B. o o o Canadian Silver Maple Leaf Sales Hit New Record Q1 2015 o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: Investors Start To Panic As A Global Bond Market Crash Begins – Whether the trend continues and gets out of control or for the time being things turn around, I am not sure, but this is something to follow.

Odds ‘n Sods:

The Fat Lady Hums A Few Notes. – B.B. o o o Parents call on school’s chief to resign after Smitten Kitten field trip. – H.L. o o o Woman Feared Her Ex, So She Applied for a Gun Permit. She Was Murdered While Waiting for NJ to Allow Her to Have One.. – D.S. o o o Urban Warfare Exercise Starts Without a Warning. – J.R. o o o Entire police dept. disbanded after councilwoman and her son were arrested. – JBG

Notes for Saturday – June 06, 2015

Camping Survival is moving to Sanford, North Carolina (near Raleigh) soon and has a few open positions. If you are interested in any of the positions, please send a resume per the instructions. You may also want to check out their moving clearance section. Also, June 7th-13th they are having a Mountain House sale with 25% off of #10 cans and 15% off of pouches and buckets. It’s always better to sell it than move it, so be sure to check it out. o o o Today, we present another entry for Round 59 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. …

Conditions for Combining Survival Groups Under Extraordinary Circumstances – Part 1, by G.R.

The following is a response addressing concerns of those to whom a proposed “Plan B” bug-out scheme had been provided by a larger, existing group to multiple smaller groups. This larger group had extended an invitation to smaller groups that are lacking the financial and over-all resources of that larger group. This is a series of responses that have been/were made to the chief “officers” of the smaller groups. The basic proposal is for a 60-day, temporary sheltering at a safe location with provision capabilities for a larger group of individuals and families beyond the recognized community/core member group. This …