Odds ‘n Sods:

Mexico warns Texas not to refuse its immigrants’ babies U.S. birth certificates Why is it that the descendants of Southern European, imperialist, colonialist, slave-owning, conquistadors who settled in the southern half of North America, after enslaving, raping, pillaging, murdering, and effectively exterminating much of the indigenous peoples of that land area have such a hatred for the descendants of Northern European, protestant Pilgrims who built the northern half of the North American land mass into the most prosperous, democratic, freedom-loving and defending, ethnically and religiously diverse, God fearing nation on earth, without whom much of the free world would now …

Notes for Friday – August 28, 2015

August 28, 1883 is the anniversary of the abolishment of slavery throughout the British Empire. o o o Today, we present another entry for Round 60 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The $10,000 worth of prizes for this round include: First Prize: A Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate, good for any one, two, or three day course (a $1,195 value), A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, DRD Tactical is providing …

The Least Expensive Way Out – Part 2, by L.J.

5. Tools Tools are a great help in a lot of situations, like building or bartering, they can even be used as weapons! If you do end up buying tools, make sure you know how to use them so you don’t injure yourself. First, get basic hand tools, like a hammer, nails, screwdriver, screws, scissors, saw and a hacksaw, different sizes of wrenches, and files. Keep these in a safe place but not out of reach. Then there are the bigger tools, which are hard to forget because they are really useful, like shovels, spades, rakes, and hoes. Be sure …

Letter Re: The Least Expensive Way Out

Hugh, The article reminds me of a fellow I met on an American Heritage Girls camp out. He melts down his wife’s defunct candles placing the wax in Dixie cups that are half full of chain saw shavings from fire wood cutting. He just covers the saw dust and lets it solidify. Top half of the cup serves as a wick now that I think a little more. It provides the little extra that the fire needs to get going without the danger of accelerants. They are small and light. RV

Economics and Investing:

Gold and Warnings From Exponential Markets o o o We Are At War ~ Jim Willie o o o t’s Official: China Confirms It Has Begun Liquidating Treasuries, Warns Washington – B.B. o o o The Midst Of A Financial Meltdown That Is Truly Global In Scope o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: Fed’s George Says Still Prepared for Rate Hike, But Turmoil – You better believe there will be volatility if the Fed raises rates.. Odds are if they do some minor rate hike as immaterial as it would be it will send the markets in another tail …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Our SurvivalRealty.com spinoff website has been expanded and improved. It now has new property search and mapping features, as well as broader offerings, and more details. There are now more than 230 retreat property listings. Check it out! o o o Unlawful immigrants can have gun rights, appeals court rules – RBS o o o Facebook has secretly been spying on your medical internet searches – D.S. o o o Managers are using drones to monitor their employees – D.S. o o o Fargo police ‘apologetic’ after mistaking students’ telescope for a gun – T.P.

Notes for Thursday – August 27, 2015

Today, we present another entry for Round 60 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The $10,000 worth of prizes for this round include: First Prize: A Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate, good for any one, two, or three day course (a $1,195 value), A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, DRD Tactical is providing a 5.56 NATO QD Billet upper with a hammer forged, chromlined barrel and a hard case to go …

The Least Expensive Way Out – Part 1, by L.J.

I’m writing to give alternative ideas for those of us who have less money. The basic idea is to spread out your funds to be able to factor in prepping costs. Now I don’t know how much money you get, but if you’re really dedicated you should be able to reach a reasonable conclusion which allows you to invest in prepping needs while also having enough for daily living; maybe you can set aside 4% of your monthly income for prepping. It gives you plenty for your prepping needs but also allows sufficient funds for your everyday needs. Now that …

Letter Re: Can the States Seize Control of Federal Lands

James and Hugh, I’m referencing the 22 August article “Can the States Seize Federal Lands?“. First, they are NOT Federal Lands; they are State Lands being occupied by the Fed, mostly illegally. The U.S. Constitution is quite clear on how the Fed MAY purchase State Lands (Article I, Section 8, Clause 17) in a specifically limited quantity, for only necessary functions of the Fed, and MUST have the agreement from the State Legislature in question. Second, as decided by the Supreme Court of the U.S., “A State is created in Statehood, instantly and whole”, (paraphrased). To wit: not created in …

Economics and Investing:

Devaluation Stunner: China Has Dumped $100 Billion In Treasurys In The Past Two Weeks – GJM o o o Plunge Protection Team Losing Control of Markets-Jim Sinclair – B.B. o o o China’s economy, the world’s second largest economy only behind the USA, is tanking… The Chinese are very well known for being hard-as-nails and sticking to the course, no matter how hard. When we see them capitulate and make a major move (panic?) in devaluing their currency, coupled with lowering their interest rates, we have to believe things are far worse than we know, and certainly worse than what …

Odds ‘n Sods:

San Francisco Hygiene Goes Full Medieval? ( Caution – Silicon Valley’s New World Ordure ) My two cents: This a ticking cholera or dysentery time bomb. Get OUT of the major cities. – T.P. o o o A 21st-Century Migrant’s Essentials: Food, Shelter, Smartphone – P.S. o o o Wranglerstar discusses some of his latest controversies, but these have some real relevance to those families who are planing on sharing a retreat with others. There are some serious things that should be discussed beforehand. The Great YouTube Sack Lunch Drama o o o You were wondering how your teenager managed …

Notes for Wednesday – August 26, 2015

August 26, 526, is the official anniversary of the invention of toilet paper by the Chinese. We celebrate this, though not because of its convenience. In fact, it has many shortcomings, some which are described within the articles and letters of SurvivalBlog. Our celebration of it is primarily because we now have an official metric of just how hard core of a prepper you are as well as a metric for just how economically unstable your country is. August 26, 1946 is also the official release date of George Orwell’s “Animal Farm.” o o o Today, we present another entry …