Infectious Disease in the TEOTWAWKI World- Part 6, by Militant Medic

Let’s Treat Some Patients (continued) 5) Your other grandson (again with no vaccinations) has broken out with a fever, runny nose, and rash, which consists of small fluid-filled blisters on bright red spots on his skin. They itch and when one area gets better another bunch crop up elsewhere. Diagnostic features: fluid-filled blisters on red skin occurring in crops, non-vaccinated. Diagnosis: Chickenpox Treatment: Viral illness- no cure. Supportive care with spontaneous resolution without complication in 99% of kids (80% of adults). 6) Your third grandson (again with no vaccinations) has headache, vomiting, muscle aches, a fever of 104.2, and weakness …

Letter: The Free Rider Problem

Hello, Your Nov 10 blog entry contained a link to Wikipedia’s “free rider problem“. That article in wikipedia is extremely biased. I’d like to suggest you also provide a link to this article as well. I had one experience that might be illustrative. I lived on a gravel road with eight other families. Eventually, we decided (after a lot of discussion) that we wanted it paved with asphalt. The decision was that everybody should pay equally. As we went around to get contributions, it turned out one would not pay and another would only pay $1000. The first was understandable, …

Economics and Investing:

Sent in by G.P. – Fed Official Says Gold Standard Touted By Cruz Is ‘Unworkable’ “Doesn’t provide stability” is the answer given. I can sort of see that too. To just map the current money supply onto physical gold would push the price of physical gold into astronomical numbers simply because of all the free printing that has gone on in the last 30 years. o o o How Many More Recession Confirmations Do You Need? Yep. Every time I buy groceries, I am reminded that this is not a recovery. Sent in by J.Q. o o o Items from …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Avalanche Lily suggested this link to Frank and Fern’s Blog: One More Wake Up Call Paris is indeed a tragedy, but are you prepared for the eventuality of the same kind of issues here? o o o SurvivalBlog reader P.J. states that Patrice Lewis hits that nail on the head with this article about the recent Million Student March: To The Tantrum Generation: Forget College and further notes that it dovetails nicely with our third place winner in round 53 of the Writing Contest, Getting A Real Education– Why Becoming Self-Sufficient Is Better Than Going To College, by D.T. o …

Hugh’s Quote of the Day:

“…as it is written in the book of the words of Esaias the prophet, saying, The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight. Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be brought low; and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough ways shall be made smooth; and all flesh shall see the salvation of God.” Luke 3:4-6 (KJV)

Notes for Saturday – November 14, 2015

Today, we present another entry for Round 61 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The nearly $12,000 worth of prizes for this round include: First Prize: A Tactical Self-Contained 2-Series Solar Power Generator system from Always Empowered. This compact starter power system is packaged in a wheeled O.D. green EMP-shielded Pelican hard case (a $1,700 value), A Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate that is good for any one, two, or three day course (a $1,195 value), A course certificate from onPoint Tactical for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses, excluding those restricted for military or government teams. …

Infectious Disease in the TEOTWAWKI World- Part 5, by Militant Medic

Treatment For Specific Diseases So…maybe you’re feeling a little overwhelmed at this point. Yeah, I know how you feel, but we are not done yet. Again, it is my goal to give you good working knowledge of this topic, practical knowledge that hopefully in the bad times to come can save your life or the lives of your friends and family. In a modern hospital when we really want to know which antibiotic is best, we get a sample of your blood, urine, spinal fluid, or puss from a wound and grow the bacteria in the lab with a bunch …

Two Letters Re: Taxes

Hugh, Another reason for just underpaying your taxes is the increasing amount of tax fraud from people who will file a return as if they are you and claim your refund. What they never do is file for you and pay the small amount due. – C. C. S. o o o Hugh, It’s never, ever good to respond in a fit of anger. So, now that I’m calm, let me quote your letter writer in part: “If one must have a (pretend) “windfall” in April because of one’s lack of discipline or psychological needs…” Hey fella, the tax refund …

Economics and Investing:

Americans are buying tons of gold – Sent in by G.G. o o o Macy’S Imploding, Catching Down To Sears & Penney’s – Sent in by RBS (Warning: Some foul language) o o o Items from Professor Preponomics: Why Did the EPA Spend $1.4M on Guns? (The Daily Signal) What Copper Prices Say About the World Economy (Market Watch) The Legendary American Consumer is Out of Cash in these Cities (Zero Hedge) China’s Economy isn’t Responding (Business Insider) Macy’s Cuts Full Year Forecast (Reuters) When the Government “Accidentally” Pays Too Much, Everyone Pays (Waste Fraud and Abuse) It’s a Bloodbath: …

Odds ‘n Sods:

When will they get it through their heads that this is not a religion of peace. It never was, it is not, and it never will be. ‘Behead them in their own homes’: Ohio ISIS Muslim plotted to kill US soldiers, bomb churches, schools Wrap your head around the fact that this one worked in a hospital. o o o Reader T.Z. sent in this link to an excellent article on Perimeter Defense written by a Vietnam Vet. o o o U.S. universities have traditionally been bastions of liberal thinking, but the total absence of logic and common sense? It’s …

Notes for Friday – November 13, 2015

Today, we present another entry for Round 61 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The nearly $12,000 worth of prizes for this round include: First Prize: A Tactical Self-Contained 2-Series Solar Power Generator system from Always Empowered. This compact starter power system is packaged in a wheeled O.D. green EMP-shielded Pelican hard case (a $1,700 value), A Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate that is good for any one, two, or three day course (a $1,195 value), A course certificate from onPoint Tactical for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses, excluding those restricted for military or government teams. …

Infectious Disease in the TEOTWAWKI World- Part 4, by Militant Medic

Doxycycline (Fish-Doxy) Doxycline is an antibiotic that is a member of the Tetracycline family of drugs. Like so many other bacteria, the tetracyclines come from a soil fungus and were discovered in the 1940’s. Or maybe it’s more accurate to say tetracyclines were rediscovered then because bone analysis of Nubian people who lived about 350AD show they ingested tetracycline likely in a locally brewed beer. The tetracyclines work by binding to and deactivating the ribosomes inside the bacterial cell. Ribosomes are the bacteria’s protein factories, and without it they cannot produce the proteins they need to stay alive. Ribosomal deactivation …