Three Letters Re: A Solid Solution On Securing Home Defense During A TEOTWAWKI Situation, by B.M.

JWR, I’m sure I won’t be the only one commenting on this article, but I come to this site for good advice sound information; this article concerns me a lot. I have learned enough in the past couple of years to see the total unworkability of this approach, but I worry about newcomers seeing this and either heeding this advice or seeing through it and getting turned off to the whole site. What’s this family going to do when the mob torches the house, shoots through the (non-bullet resistant) walls, or just breaks through with a chainsaw or pick axe …

Economics and Investing:

The Pension Problem Is Worse Than You Think – G.G. o o o If The Economy Is Fine, Why Are So Many Hedge Funds, Energy Companies And Large Retailers Imploding? – M.A. o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: Video interview: USA Watchdog -Craig Hemke-Get Physical Metal Because the End is Coming Video- Mike Maloney Hidden Secrets of Money- Episode 6.. – If you have not seen the first five episodes, I would strongly encourage you to do so… They are all very well done. Items from Professor Preponomics: Terrorists: A Dangerous and Costly Economic Threat (Fox News) WSJ Reports: …

Odds ‘n Sods:

SurvivalBlog reader T.Z. suggested this link profiling an excellent book review: From Sun Tzu to Fourth Generation War o o o Robert Griswold (of Ready Made Resources – A SurvivalBlog advertiser) was interviewed on The Common Sense Show by Dave Hodges. There is some excellent information in this interview about surviving a terrorist attack like those that have just happened in Paris. With the holiday season upon us, this is information you need. o o o Man cave? or Apocalypse bunker?In any case, I’m not sure why you would advertise this to the world-at-large, but perhaps you can garner a …

Notes for Thursday – November 19, 2015

There are less than 2,000 Rawles XL Voyager knives left on hand at Cold Steel. Because this is a limited edition knife, they are likely to sell out before Christmas. Order yours soon. All profits benefit two Christian charities. o o o Ready Made Resources is having a sale on PVS-14 2nd Gen+ Autogated Night Vision. If you’ve been wanting a PVS-14 but can’t afford the Gen 3 units, this may be for you. o o o The owners of Naturally Cozy (one of our long-term Writing Contest prize sponsors) have launched a new venture: They provide the solution …

Survival Trapping: The Efficient “Hunter”- Part 1, by J.C.

Trapping animals is a skill that is as old as time itself. From a simple stick-triggered rock deadfall to modern day legholds and automatic snares, these devices increase the efficiency of gathering that all-important meal. There are many myths surrounding trapping and most notably the modern leghold style traps. It’s best to dispel some of these myths in the beginning, so as to not bog down the discussion of their use in the field for both survival and non-survival situations. It is best to refer you to the National Trappers Association for more detailed information on the myths and misunderstandings …

Letter: Unintended Exposure Through Bank Debit Cards

All, When giving an analysis of bank debit cards and the advantages and disadvantages of their use, we come across quite a bit of useful information. There is indeed a shift from the use of checks and cash towards debit cards. According to the Federal Reserve Payment Study (2013) “Over the years, payments have become increasingly card-based. Card use may have replaced check use for certain payments” (P.6). The use of cards is of great end use convenience to account holders as swiping a debit card is faster than writing checks. Debit cards are almost universally accepted in today’s market, …

Economics and Investing:

War on Cash: Here are the latest disturbing developments Sent in by D.S. o o o Items from Professor Preponomics: Requiem for QE: Seeds Sown for Future Economic Troubles (Cato Institute) DC Settles Civil Forfeiture Suit for $855K (Forbes) Value of Civil Forfeitures Exceeds Burglaries (Zero Hedge) Rent Control Policies: Ineffective and Unjust (Washington Examiner) Restoring Federal Fiscal Sanity Requires New Approaches and Strong Leadership (Washington Examiner) Oil Production in North Dakota Falls YOY for First Time in 11 Years (Business Insider) A Billionaire’s Post-Apocalypse Shelter: Here It Is (Zero Hedge) Puerto Rico is Running Out of Options (Bloomberg) Greece …

Odds ‘n Sods:

From the desk of Mike Williamson, SurvivalBlog’s Editor At Large comes this link showing groundwater resources: New study maps Earth’s hidden groundwater for the first time o o o Four Dead, 1 Million Lose Power in Destructive Northwest Windstorm (Article and auto starting video) o o o Emphasizing the need for situational awareness, SurvivalBlog reader T.Z. sent in the link to this article on the Paris attacks: Paris attack witness says black Mercedes pulled up and shooters fired rifles from the hip o o o Only hours after “He who must not be named” taunted the GOP with being afraid …

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

“In third world countries a traffic stop can be made to ‘go away’ for ten bucks or so. In the good ol’ USA, land of the free and home of the brave, it’s an opportunity to take everything in your wallet, everything in your car and maybe the car too. No warrant, no charge, just straight up theft. Congress—the people’s representatives, ask ’em—thought this up. The Supreme Court says it’s legal because it’s the property being charged, not you. It’s a legal concept from Medieval times. Karma awaits, and it’s never disappointed.” – Ol’ Remus, writing again in The Woodpile …

Notes for Wednesday – November 18, 2015

On this day in 1978, Peoples Temple founder Jim Jones led hundreds of his followers in a mass murder-suicide at their agricultural commune in a remote part of the South American nation of Guyana. This incredibly tragic occurrence introduce the term “…drink the Kool-Aid” into our parlance, since poison-laced punch was the vehicle behind most of the deaths. This serves as a stark warning and reminder to those in the prepping/survivalist community who would join with like-minded friends under the leadership of a charismatic leader. Always know who you are following! o o o There were several mistakes in the …

Raising Angora Rabbits as Part of a Well-Prepared Homestead, by J.R.

Previous Survivalblog articles have focused on raising meat rabbits as part of a well-prepped homestead. Raising multi-purpose angora rabbits takes this aspect of preparedness to the next level. I’ll start with a quick review of the benefits of raising meat rabbits and then transition into the advantages of raising angora rabbits. Rabbits are indeed the most efficient of domestic livestock in converting feed to growth, meaning that it takes less feed per pound of mass produced to grow them out than it does for other animals. They are manageable in an urban situation, even an apartment, where other livestock are …

Letter Re: .40 S&W

Hugh, I’m in agreement with the recent postings regarding .40 cal pistols. I have been shooting .40 for more than a decade now and am a firm believer. During the shortages I was still able to consistently locate ammunition, and as mentioned by another contributor you can swap parts out on the Glock easily. I carry a Glock 23 and run full power ammunition for daily carry, but when attending a Front Sight four day pistol course I dropped in a Storm Glock 19 barrel. The pistol functioned just as well on 9mm ammunition as it did with .40. After …

Economics and Investing:

The Government Netted $4.5 Billion in Cash, Cars and Houses – Sent in by B.B. o o o The remaking of an American housing bubble: Home prices are up 78 percent since 2000 and 30 percent since 2012. o o o Items from Professor Preponomics: $195M Pension Payment May Derail Detroit’s Post Bankruptcy Recovery (Detroit Free Press) Blackstone: Now the World’s Largest Owner of Real Estate(Business Insider) China Welcomes IMF Backing to Make Yuan World Currency (Yahoo News) Japan Relapses Into Recession (Reuters) California: Study Finds Half of Illegal Immigrants Qualify for Medicaid Benefits(Fox News) 38% of All Comex Gold …