Odds ‘n Sods:

World’s first 3D printed self-loading revolver revealed: Washbear can fire eight .22 bullets and be made on ANY home 3D printer – Sent in by JBG o o o While willfully ignoring current immigration law, the White House has sent a stern warning to states about the refugee battle: You don’t have power to stop refugees. Sent in by T.P. o o o R.C. sent in this link: As the immoral drone war continues in the Middle East, Drone Pilots have Bank Accounts and Credit Cards Frozen by Feds for Exposing US Murder. o o o According to Bill Whittle, …

Notes for Thursday – November 26, 2015

From the SurvivalBlog Family to yours, we wish you a happy Thanksgiving. Despite the crises in this world and the mounting pressures, we give thanks to our LORD that you are are still here, you are still prepping, and that He will never forsake us. November 26th is the birthday of both gun inventor Eugene Reising (born 1884, died February 21, 1967) and the late Barton Biggs (born 1932, died July 14, 2012). Biggs was a money manager known for his pro-preparedness stance. o o o Today, we present another entry for Round 61 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. …

Eating after TEOTWAWKI, by Midwest Prepper

I just want to say upfront, this article is not all inclusive by any means. I am not a master gardener, and there is so much information out there that can be gathered and much of it is at your fingertips right now, so use the time we have left wisely. I realize that everybody’s definition of how much you are going to eat is different. I am just using examples here. When you were in school and found out about a test coming up, did you start studying as soon as you could or did you just cram the …

Letter Re: A Solid Solution On Securing Home Defense During A TEOTWAWKI Situation, by B.M.

HJL, Home safety is an assumption that you need to fully analyze, being just 40 miles out from a city. I’m two hours away from NYC and about a 40 minute drive from the NY border, yet I see NY plates all of the time. (They often come here, day in day out, to escape their city lives for whatever reason.) Cars/mobility make it possible; a tank of gas will get you around 350 miles in a small car. Some of the people here have roots in NYC, meaning when things get bad the relatives will appear. Being only 40 …

Economics and Investing:

Video: SPROTT MONEY & SRSROCCO INTERVIEW: Where Does Silver Go From Here? o o o Podcast: Negative interest rates to hit the US o o o Items from Professor Preponomics: We’re Now Just One Big Shock Away from a Global Downturn (Zero Hedge) What Does It Cost to Produce a Barrel of Oil? (CNN Money) Expedia Lays Off 40% of Orbitz Staff in Chicago (Seattle Times) VA Spends Millions Promoting Obamacare (Washington Examiner) Figures on Government Spending and Debt (AP via CNS News) United Health’s Obamacare Reckoning (Wall Street Journal) Insurer’s Warning Signals Troubles with Obamacare (USA Today) The Secret …

Odds ‘n Sods:

SurvivalBlog reader B.B. sent in this article discussing the failure of the U.S. government to perform its most basic function: Armed militias and concealed carry: It is Lexington and Concord time. o o o JWR was just a repeat guest on the God & Guns podcast. His hour-long interview begins at the 34:00 mark. o o o Preparing your kids for total surveillance: Kid’s toys are recording and transmitting every conversation. Sent in by B.R. o o o Not for the squeamish: Deadly kissing bugs reported in more than half of U.S., spreading Chagas disease – Because it isn’t bad …

Notes for Wednesday – November 25, 2015

November 25th is the birthday of economist and comedian Ben Stein. His unscripted monologue on economics from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off is one of the most memorable scenes in American cinema. By the way, Stein spends part of each year at his second home in Sandpoint, Idaho, so he is an honorary Redoubter. I’ve heard that he plans to retire here. o o o The countdown is running! six more days until the release of “Land of Promise”! It will be available as both a Kindle e-book and a trade paperback, but the paperback ordering option won’t be visible at …

It’s TEOTWAWKI and the Living’s Easy, by N.M.

I’m talking about the upside of long-term, remote, Rocky Mountain survival. The very fact that you are reading this essay means that you are concerned about the state of the world around you and that you have serious concerns about what you are seeing. Whether your concerns center on the threat of attack from outside forces, economic collapse, fears that elected officials in the American government are taking us irreparably away from the government envisioned by our founding fathers (my concern), or the Zombie Apocalypse (my wife’s favorite), you’ve decided that the time has come to prepare for the possibility …

The Smoking Gun of Monetary Fraud

Back in December of 2013, when the protracted rumors of the Quantitative Easing taper finally came to fruition, I posted my conjecture in SurvivalBlog that to compensate for the lost dollar value of the tapering, the Fed would make some backroom deals with one or more nations to either: A.) Swap debt purchases (their ugly paper, for ours), or B.) Secretly buy more of our own debt, through intermediaries. Then in late 2014, the proverbial smoking gun was found. Citing some research by the often-cited Tyler Durden of Zero Hedge, Jeff Nielson at Bullion Bulls Canada wrote: “Belgium is a …

Economics and Investing:

Items from Mr. Econocobas: David Stockman: Wall Street Remains Clueless—–Even As The Brown Stuff Heads Straight Into The Fan U.S. GDP Growth Raised for Third Quarter – It’s laughable to think the Fed will raise rates in December unless they want to bring this whole thing down.. National Debt Spikes $578 Billion in Three Weeks – This is astounding… Items from Professor Preponomics: 21.6% of U.S. Children on Food Stamps (CNS News) NYSE Joining the NASDAQ in Eliminating Stop Orders (Market Watch) Household Finance: Spending Books Can Help You Save (Christian Science Monitor) The Case for $1 Gas (24/7WallSt) 5 …

Readers’ Recommendation of the Week:

Hugh, I wanted to recommend a book that I just read called “Deadly Minutes vs Precious Seconds, a Primer on Armed Church Security from an Oklahoma Perspective” by Billy E Kuempe and available on Amazon Kindle. It is a well written treatise on how to set up a church-sponsored, armed security team, focusing on selecting the right team members and dealing with some of the interpersonal problems that arise. I think that it not only would be valuable for anyone looking to set up or improve on their security, but it also has value for those who look to set …

Odds ‘n Sods:

If you live in flood prone areas or just areas with lots of waterways, then this might interest you (although its practicality is dubious): This Inflatable Boat Will Let You Carry Your Car Across Water. Link sent in by C.W. o o o I think some of these dates are on the short side, but it’s headed in the right direction – The vast majority of expiration dates are bogus — here’s how long your food is still good. Link sent in by B.C. o o o As most are already aware, Turkey shot down a Russian bomber today. Details …

Hugh’s Quote of the Day:

“A libertarian is a person who believes that no one has the right, under any circumstances, to initiate force against another human being, or to advocate or delegate its initiation. Those who act consistently with this principle are libertarians, whether they realize it or not. Those who fail to act consistently with it are not libertarians, regardless of what they may claim.” – L. Neil Smith