Economics and Investing:

60% Of Retail Sales Growth In Hong Kong Was Due To The iPhone 6 – H.L. o o o BIG TROUBLE FOR U.S. GOLD MARKET: No Available Supply When Price Skyrockets o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: Video: Marc Faber – Gold is Now Inexpensive Russia Credit Rating Is Cut to Junk by S&P for the First Time in a Decade The Shrinking American Middle Class When Once Is Not Enough: Obama 3% Down Plan Setting Up Next Mortgage Meltdown

Odds ‘n Sods:

Sociologists Warn of ‘Christianophobia’ Among Progressive Activists. – B.B. o o o You would really have to want to work at this office: Office puts chips under staff’s skin. – D.S. o o o New Bill Would Let Cops Enter Your Home without a Warrant and Kill Your Dog. – H.L. Hugh adds: While unlikely to pass, the bill is a strong indicator of the relationship between the average members of the populace and the law enforcement world. o o o For those who like foraging or are learning about it, Kristina Seleshanko’s book The Ultimate Dandelion Cookbook is available …

Notes for Friday – January 30, 2015

January 30th is the birthday of historian Barbara Tuchman (born 1912, died February 6, 1989). She wrote some of the most engaging history books JWR ever read. January 30th is also the anniversary of the 1945 Great Raid on Cabanatuan Prison Camp where US Army Rangers and Filipino Guerrillas liberated Allied prisoners. See Rescue At Los Baños, by historian and bestselling author Bruce Henderson. o o o SurvivalBlog is looking for a second Economics Editor to supplement the submissions of Mr. Econocobas due to his travel schedule. If you are interested, please contact us. The ideal candidate already works for …

What Happens When A Spouse Dies? by JEH

In prepping, I never thought about my wife not being by my side. We have both come to believe that the world, as we know it, will evolve into a world where we do not belong. We both work to make our home happy and educate our child. We are paying for braces on her teeth, and we want the best for her. However, nine months ago, a close friend of ours was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. We saw a lady go from being a loving and caring wife, mother, and school teacher to a woman who fought …

Two Letters Re: Canned Food

Hello, In response to a recent article on expired food, I just want to say that not all foods are the same. Recently I decided to take an expired case of Chef Boyardee Meat Ravioli on a extended road trip. The case expired in 2012, which was about 2.5 years past its “use by” date. I’ve eaten these plenty of times, so the food was as palatable as could be expected. However within two hours of eating one can I developed a headache. Headaches are very rare for me, so I didn’t pay any attention. The next day after eating …

Economics and Investing:

Reagan’s OMB head: Wealth inequality is a problem. – G.P. o o o Oil Wars: Teetering On The Edge Of Economic Disaster o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: Japan’s Retail Sales Unexpectedly Slump in Challenge to Abe – Unexpectedly? You devalue your currency, prices rise, and “unexpectedly” sales fall? Do they live in a parallel universe where the basic laws of economics are suspended? Greek Bond Yields Spike as Syriza Scraps Austerity Subprime Bonds Are Back Seven Years After U.S. Crisis- Cause this worked so good the first time… David Stockman Trashes The Fed

Odds ‘n Sods:

From the weekly posting of the Conservative Cow Doctor: The Progressive Trinity. – Avalanche Lily o o o Adachi blasts deputy public defender’s arrest; police say arrest was lawful. – S.G. o o o Suspected Ebola patient admitted to California hospital. – P.S. o o o Drowning: A Deceptively Quiet Event. – D.C. o o o From Granny Miller: Survivalist, Prepper, or Housewife? . – J.C.

Notes for Thursday – January 29, 2015

Today, we present another entry for Round 56 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The $12,000+ worth of prizes for this round include: First Prize: A Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate, good for any one, two, or three course (a $1,195 value), A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, DRD Tactical is providing a 5.56 NATO QD Billet upper with a hammer forged, chromlined barrel and a hard case to go with …

Early Literacy for Children, by C.L.

I have read many articles on preparing for TEOTWAWKI that deal with valuable information on caring for our needs and those of our family. These have been full of important information and should be noted. However, I feel there is another skill that each of us needs– teaching our young children to read. I am a teacher, and I love being part of a child’s early literacy experiences. I want to share some things that have worked for my own children and my students. Background: I am a Christian wife, mother, grandmother, teacher, and prepper. I have a B.S. in …

Keeping Lawmen at Fishbowl Distance

In recent years, some members of American law enforcement have developed a knack for talking motorists into vehicle searches that would otherwise not be justifiable under the Plain View, Probable Cause, or Reasonable Suspicion doctrines. Their goal is often to smell your breath or to go on a “fishing expedition” looking for illicit drugs, in order to seize assets. My advice is to NOT talk with law enforcement officers, and NEVER consent to any searches. To simplify this, I prepared the following lines for you to print out in large bold type, on an 8-1/2″x11″ sheet of paper, that you …

Letter Re: Canned Food Alternatives

Dear Survival Blog, There’s a food storage learning curve. It’s is a long journey; my 65 years of life and 40 years of survival learning and self evaluation on products and locations has been very interesting and beneficial. Having submitted a few articles in the past on this wonderful site, I’m going to respond to food preps and storage. This is a brief account, as this is in my humble estimation is the most crucial part of all the survival categories. HJL is right on target with the canned food viewpoint in our current world situation, However the viewpoint will …

Odds ‘n Sods:

From Wranglerstar: More Power Puller + A Homestead Helper o o o A reminder to watch your security with the electronic gadgets we all have. – D.S. o o o I have always been intrigued by the survival uses of small airplanes, but this one really gets the imagination going: Short landing! – W.G. o o o If you like your raisins, you can keep your raisins. A story of a lunatic government going on a crime spree. – RBS o o o Seattle government now going through citizens’ trash for public shaming, revenue. – J.C.