E-readers: My Personal Alexandria, Now Less Flammable!, by ASC

Imagine that you wake up one glorious morning, except you discover that it has hit the fan. You wake up in a brand new world, filled with dangers and struggles that did not exist the day before. Depending on how you have prepared, you may be bugging out to your pre-determined bug out location, or you may be bugging in and locking down your primary home and using it as your shelter as you move forward in this dangerous new world. You are fully stocked with enough food, water, and other supplies for a long while. However, Murphy’s Law will …

Letter Re: Caring for Babies in a Post-Collapse World

Mr. Hugh, I would like to add to the article on caring for babies. My mother-in-love told me that when her daughter was born, she contracted a stomach virus within hours after birth. She survived the virus, but her intestinal tract was very sensitive. The pediatrician put her on a formula of goat’s milk and rice water– water drained from boiled rice. This might work for the baby in your scenario as well. Goat’s milk is an excellent alternative to human milk, and rice is a grain that is very easy on the digestive tracts of infants and elderly folks …

Economics and Investing:

Sweden cuts rates below zero and starts QE – G.G. o o o This is the first time I’ve seen this gold ‘buy’ signal since 2009 – Dominic Frisby o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: Guess What Happened The Last Time The U.S. Dollar Skyrocketed In Value Like This?… US Weekly Jobless Claims Total 304,000 vs 285,000 Estimate Food Stamp Beneficiaries Exceed 46,000,000 for 39 Straight Months U.S. Foreclosure Activity Rises 5% in January

Odds ‘n Sods:

Bartering After SHTF. – H.L. o o o IRS to pay back-refunds to illegal immigrants who didn’t pay taxes. – P.M. o o o America is Choking: Operation Chokepoint. – H.L. o o o Government wonders: What’s in your old emails?. – S.A. o o o What’s Behind Big Pharma’s Freak-out Media Blitz Over Measles?. – D.S.

Notes for Thursday – February 12, 2015

The knife industry lost a legend and icon as the Buck Knives Company Chairman Chuck Buck passed away last week: Industry Legend Chuck Buck passes away. o o o Today, we present another entry for Round 57 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The $12,000+ worth of prizes for this round include: First Prize: A Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate, good for any one, two, or three course (a $1,195 value), A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three …

Caring for Babies in a Post-Collapse World, by F.C.

“How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers! Pray that your flight will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath. For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now—and never to be equaled again.” (Matthew 24:19-21) The shrill scream of a sick infant pierces the night. It’s your sister’s newborn boy, only six weeks old. Your sister, husband, and other two young children showed up at your country bug out location three days ago; they were exhausted, starving, and desperate. In the years leading up …

Letter Re: Trusts

Hi Hugh / JWR, In reply to the post about trusts I would inform your readers of another kind of trust. There are a number of different kinds of trust and many I would not consider to be asset protection; there is however a trust that is known as a Massachusetts or Contract Trust. While most trusts are statutory documents, a Contract Trust is a Constitutional document and has stood the test of multiple court challenges from the likes of the IRS. Many very wealthy people have their assets in this type of trust. This trust does not die until …

Economics and Investing:

Why We Won’t See An Oil Price Rebound Yet o o o Barack Obama’s policies for 6 years have brought NEITHER peace nor prosperity. PERIOD! o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: Medicare and Social Security Tabs Coming Due – Good article, but I have seen credible folks saying the numbers on unfunded liabilities in the 200+ trillion dollar range. David Stockman: Audit The Fed——And Shackle It, Too Low Oil Price Won’t Spur Global Growth Says Moody’s Shifting Goal Posts on Employment Signals Slower Fed Rate Hikes – Of course they are going to move the goal post; that is …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Central Florida leaders to vote on pay-per-mile study. – T.P. o o o From the local TV news out of Portland, Oregon on Tuesday, February. 10th: Major shipping company pulls out of Portland I’m sure you’ve all seen those shipping containers attached to semi-trucks with the words “Hanjin” written on ’em. Well, Hanjin is one of the biggest sea shipping companies in the world; cargo ships are absolutely loaded down with those shipping containers stacked high on ’em as they pull into port. Well, Hanjin announced yesterday that they will no longer pull into port in Portland, OR. No big …

Hugh’s Quote of the Day:

“What we have in life that we can count on is who we are and where we come from, she thought absently. For better or worse, that is what we have to sustain us in our endevors, to buttress us in our darker moments, and to remind us of our identity. Without those things, we are adrift.” ? Terry Brooks, A Knight of the Word

Notes for Wednesday – February 11, 2015

February 11th is the birthday of the late Burt Blumert (born February 11, 1929 in New York City, died March 30, 2009). He once owned Camino Coin Company (as did Dr. Ron Paul). JWR was a Camino Coin Company customer, starting back in the late 1980s, and can remember Burt personally helping him dolly out his first purchase of 100-ounce Englehard bars. That was back when they cost just $580 each. Those were the days! o o o Rural Revolution has gone online with their Country Living Series of illustrated E-Booklets on country ways. From moving to the country, canning, …

Pulling the Trigger, When They Don’t, and After the Action, by K.B.

Are you prepared to take a life, and are you prepared to deal with the consequences? The answer is not as clear as you might think, but there are three very important concepts to understand that might make answering that question easier. First, in what situation would you take someone’s life? Second, how do you respond to someone not firing or freezing up during a firefight? Third, are you prepared to deal with the mental trauma associated with taking someone’s life? These are very real issues that need to be addressed, and this article attempts to show how to deal …

Letter Re: Revocable Trusts

Hugh, I am an attorney. I believe in trusts and have prepared many. A trust will not prevent estate taxes, but it can help keep them low. However, remember that you have to be rich to worry about taxes anyway. A well-drafted Will can do the same tax planning that a trust can do. The benefits of a trust are: Privacy. (You might need to give it to the title insurance company or the investment company, but it won’t be available to anyone who is just being nosy, as a Will filed at the Courthouse would be.) No probate. (There’s …

Economics and Investing:

Silver and Gold Truth Versus Fiat Lies. – C.G. o o o The world economy stands on the brink of a second credit crisis, China is imploding, interbank lending begin to seize up, the debt markets fall over, Europe on edge and TRILLION$$ in currency derivatives at risk o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: Tomorrow Greece Decides: Europe… Or Russia How Fast Would Contagion Spread If Greece Exits The Eurozone Video: ‘Less Chocolate In a Bar, Price Stays The Same: Pure Deflation?’ Dr. Pippa Malmgren – Great video. Video: The Central Bank Manipulation Trade – Rick Santelli