Notes for Friday – July 31, 2015

31 July is the 94th birthday of Army Air Corps veteran David Thatcher, one of just two living Doolittle Raiders. He lives in Missoula, Montana. 31 July is also the birthday of free market economist Milton Freidman (born 1912, died November 16, 2006). o o o More moving sales from Camping Survival: Canned Cheese, DAK Ham and Red Feather Butter. o o o Today, we present another entry for Round 59 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The $12,000+ worth of prizes for this round include: First Prize: A Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate, good for any one, two, …

The Importance and Art of Fire-Making, by N.P.

Obviously, being able to make a fire in a SHTF scenario is of utmost importance. In addition to providing warmth and cooking capabilities, fire also provides a psychological boost. As an avid outdoorsman, who is originally from Canada, I’ve got a lot of experience and training, but I’m by no means claiming to be an expert. I just want to share some of my findings that may prove useful to others. I have several stories about the importance of fire-making. Here’s an example: I was in the Boreal Forest in Canada and noticed a large billboard containing the writing “Nature …

Letter Re: Raising Meat Rabbits

HJL, This is just a note to let you know that three years ago, based on information obtained on SurvivalBlog, my daughter stopped using commercial pellets to feed her pedigreed silver fox rabbits. I gave her an article about all the things you can eat from your yard. Two hours later, she had found most of them in our yard and decided to feed her rabbits that way. Since then, she harvests clover, wild strawberry, dandelion, mulberry, sorel, wild violet, and much more from about six yards in the neighborhood that use no chemicals. She supplements in winter with bales …

Economics and Investing:

Rental Apocalypse: US homeownership collapses to 48 year low while rental rates continue to climb. o o o Central banks will disagree; Keynesian economists probably disagree; Too-Big-To-Fail banks don’t care … o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: 2nd Quarter GDP Misses Expectations Alan Greenspan: This is ‘Extremely Dangerous’ – While what he is saying is true, Greenspan has no room to lecture anyone, considering his abysmal track record at inflating debt and destroying an economy. US Economy Grew At 2.3% In Q2, Below Expectations, “Winter” Quarters Revised Higher On Double Seasonal Adjustments – Venturing further down the “Ministry of …

Odds ‘n Sods:

War drums beating: China, Russia to hold military drills in Sea of Japan – G.P. o o o Violent Street Gangs Launch Shocking Contest: “Kill 100 People In 100 Days” – B.B. o o o Michigan Officer Shells Out $35,000 For Open Carry Stop – D.S. o o o Dem Congressman: With Sanctions Relief, Iran Can Just Buy a Nuke from North Korea – B.B. o o o US military’s smart rifle can be HACKED to change weapon’s target and disable its scope – JBG