Letter: Instinct Shooting


I have a question about instinct shooting. Several years ago I saw a video showing a technique called “index shooting”. This video had the shooter standing with his handgun arm locked at right angel and elbow locked to side with handgun approximately six inches out from lower ribcage. Wrist is locked and shooter swings torso to change radial firing direction. Off hand is held up toward chest with palm pressed to upper chest to keep it behind the muzzel. In the video demo the shooter was very accurate, but I have not seen this technique elsewhere and have lost the link long ago. This may not be called “index shooting”. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks. – J.B.

Pat Cascio Responds: There are several different types of Point Shooting, or Instinct Shooting, being taught out there, and one particular method– the one I learned from the late Col. Rex Applegate– is simply called Point Shooting, and it can easily be learned in an hour or less. There are several methods demonstrated in my DVD Tactical Point Shooting by Paladin Press. One method is the “Lift” that I favor; another is the “Swing”, demonstrated by the late John McSweeney, and there is another method that is called the “Push” and taught by Sheriff Jim Wilson, in the DVD. I believe the DVD is only $9.95 from Paladin Press.

In the DVD entitled Rex Applegate, The Lost Tapes that I produced for the good Colonel back in 1992, you will see two young men demonstrating Instinct Shooting. I taught both of these young men how to do this over an hour lunch break. Mas Ayoob also teaches a form of Point Shooting in his book Stress Fire. Applegate’s DVD also sells for $9.95 from Paladin Press and is very informative.

Lastly, you may want to purchase a copy of Kill Or Get Killed, which was written by Col. Applegate during WWII, when he was with the OSS. Here he demonstrates Instinct Shooting, as well as a lot of other self-defense techniques. This book is the longest and best-selling book on close combat methods in history.

I have found that Point Shooting, in most cases, is very accurate out to about 18-21 feet with a modicum of practice. However, keep in mind that aimed shooting is always best, when you have the time, the light, and other factors working for you. When you don’t, resort to Point Shooting!