Notes for Saturday – April 25, 2015

Today, we present another entry for Round 58 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The $12,000+ worth of prizes for this round include: First Prize: A Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate, good for any one, two, or three course (a $1,195 value), A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, DRD Tactical is providing a 5.56 NATO QD Billet upper with a hammer forged, chromlined barrel and a hard case to go with …

“Internet” Without Infrastructure – Part 5, by R.H.

The Postmaster network Postmasters, of course, will be able to communicate through this network between themselves and share information. In this way, they will know the health of the network in various areas. They will be the first ones with the most knowledgeable about encryption and programs that are available. At first, many Postmasters may not know much about encryption or how to use the tools, but they can learn about it and even share copies of the software through the network. As soon as most Postmasters have mastered it, they can start providing encryption as a service across the …

Two Letters Re: “Internet” Without Infrastructure

HJL, Almost precisely this concept was described by the New York Times back in 2004, except instead of exchanging files on USB keys, they were exchanged via a small computer on a moped that connected to an access point in each village as the moped drove through. From a technical perspective, the solutions are nearly identical and the two could easily be combined, not to mention combining with amateur radio VHF and/or HF links for high-priority or long distance communications. – J.F. o o o Hugh, The “Internet” Without Infrastructure article by R. H. is very intriguing. It makes sense …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Cops Go Car To Car In Traffic Jam, Issue $18,000 in Fines for Cellphone Use at a Near Dead Stop o o o Colorado businessman blames ‘stoned’ workers for move to SC o o o Is The U.S. Food Supply Cursed? Cursed or is it simply 50 years of bad management. Everything from GMOs to inhumane, crowded conditions and even overuse/preventative use of medications are contributing to a crisis in our food supply. o o o Christians Will Soon Be the Pariah to Eradicate. – T.P. o o o America’s Soft Police State. – B.B.