Notes for Friday – August 08, 2014

August 8th is the birthday of Terry Nation (born in 1930 and died March 9, 1997). Nation was the Welsh television writer and novelist who wrote two series, Survivors and Blake’s 7, in the 1970s. Survivors was re-made a few years ago, and Blake’s 7 is presently being re-made. o o o Today, we present another entry for Round 54 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The $12,400+ worth of prizes for this round include: First Prize: A Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate, good for any one, two, or three course (a $1,195 value), A course certificate from onPoint …

Seasonal Items and Survival Steps, by P.F.

It never ceases to amaze me when something seemingly trivial that occurs in my life can lead to so much self reflection and totally change the direction I travel, so to speak, in my life planning. I recently decided to purchase a spare, portable plug-in heater for my camper, in the interest of redundancy. So, off I went blissfully unaware that this simple, last-minute decision would alter the course of history, my history that is. I went to my local big-box store and soon realized an important issue I had never thought about before– seasonal items are difficult to find …

Letter Re: Two Thousand Miles Into the American Redoubt

Dear Hugh, For the benefit of your readers allow me to comment on the author’s list of top 15 locations in the Redoubt. By way of disclosure, I do not live in any of those communities, but I am ten miles away from one of them. Also, my business travels in the region over the last fifteen years has taken me to most of those locations many times. All of those towns are wonderful places, with wonderfully solid people living in them and around them. Any disparaging remarks I have about the location is solely based on our assessment of …

Odds ‘n Sods:

The latest news from nanny state California: Rep. Honda announces bill to ban civilians from military-grade body armor. – T.P. o o o Smart-gun designer can’t understand objections: German gun designer’s quest for a smarter weapon infuriates U.S. gun rights advocates. – SDC o o o DOJ: Regions Near Mexico Border Most Crime Ridden in US. – P.M. o o o City Evicts Elderly Man from His Tent in the Woods – by Ruthlessly Demolishing it in Front of His Eyes. – H.L. o o o Americans worry that illegal migrants threaten way of life, economy. – M.D.