Orange Jeep Dad’s House Fire Tragedy: How You Can Help

Many SurvivalBlog readers are familiar with the Orange Jeep Dad (OJD) blog. It is a great blog written by an X-ray technician prepper with a wife and six daughters. For more than two years, he’s been earnestly striving to live self-sufficiently. Two days ago, he posted about the tragedy of his house burning down. And today, he posted a follow-up. As I mentioned before, I doubt that his renter’s insurance will cover all of their losses, especially for things like storage food and ammo. In a recent e-mail, OJD mentioned these details: “For now, I for sure lost my Glock …

Letter Re: The Blackout Docudrama

Good Morning, Mr. Rawles: After watching part of last night’s Blackout Docudrama on National Geographic. I turned the television off in total disgust and went to bed.  What insidious propaganda!  I could not help but notice that the “prepper” father was a gun toting, autocratic bully who bossed everyone and refused to act humanely by sharing all his wealth with those less fortunate or less willing to be responsible for themselves?  How interesting. And of course, the compassionate one was the young and hip boyfriend of the prepper’s daughter.  He hadn’t prepared himself but he was more than happy to …

News From The American Redoubt:

I heard that Moscow Hide and Fur (in Moscow, Idaho), is still buying raw furs. I started doing business with them back in the early 1990s–back when they only had just a few employees and only three chest freezers to hold incoming furs.    o o o Arming teachers idea sparks recall effort. Note that this is transpiring in Sandpoint, Idaho, which is a resort town with a high percentage of neolocal statist yuppies from the Left Coast. So we can consider this anomalous for what is otherwise quite conservative north Idaho.    o o o B.B. sent: Number of …

Odds ‘n Sods:

While supplies last, APEX Gun Parts in Colorado is a having a $44 special on Polish surplus 26.5mm flare pistols. Note that these are inexpensive enough to consider using 2 or 3 of them around your retreat (post-TEOTWAWKI), as trip-wire actuated intrusion detection signal devices. Take note of the notch in the trigger, which makes them well-suited for rigging a trip wire. A mousetrap should provide sufficient force for the trigger pull. This doesn’t have to be anything fancy. Just use power screws to attach the flare gun and mouse trap to a scrap of 2×4, lag screw the contraption …

Note from JWR:

I heard some very bad news from fellow preparedness blogger Orange Jeep Dad: Our house burned down today. Knowing insurance companies, I doubt that their replacement coverage will be sufficient, especially for things like storage food and ammo. You can send donations via PayPal to: Please pray for OJD and his family!

Mike Williamson’s Product Review: Nitecore Flashlights and Battery Chargers

I need to review several products from the Nitecore company, as they’re accumulating around my office and seem to be multiplying. First, the Nitecore Intellicharger i4. We’ve been using this at the house for a year now, and it’s excellent. Unlike many battery chargers, this doesn’t require them to be charged in pairs.  Singles of different amp hour ratings, and even different types, can all be charged at once.  It handles Ni-Cd, NiMH, Li-ion, and various types and sizes up to C.  If you have a battery that needs charged, stick it in and let the charger have at it. …

Pat’s Product Review – Rescue Me Personal Locator Beacon 1

I’ve been out of the military for a long, long time now. However, I still remember many of the things that were taught to me back then. Those Drill Sergeants, bless their hearts, really knew how to drive home the lessons they were teaching us. Looking back over the years, I can see they were teaching us lessons that would save our lives in combat. I can still remember our map reading and compass orientation course, and the drill sergeant told us “a good soldier never gets lost, they just get disoriented.” At the time, I wasn’t sure what that …

Letter Re: The Blackout Docudrama

Hi Jim, The really bug thing about long-term black outs, is the failure of urban (and not-so urban) water systems.  Few care where their clean, safe, drinking water comes from, since it’s been gushing out of their pipes all their lives.  Electricity pumps water into towers and tanks on high ground where gravity does the rest.  No power, no water.  Even the FEMA planners in New Jersey I lectured to a few years ago didn’t quite grasp the implications of a post-EMP America….they all thought they’d be inconvenienced because they couldn’t use their computers. Toilets need water to flush, so …

Recipe of the Week:

Old Kimber Girl’s Canned Apple Pie Filling This recipe makes 7 quart jars of filling. You need to have 7 one quart canning jars, with rings and lids prepared before beginning. Ingredients 2 1/2 cups white sugar 2 cups brown sugar 1 cup cornstarch 3-4 tablespoons ground cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg 1 teaspoons salt 1 gallon + 2 cups apple juice (you may use 10 cups of water—the apple juice is best) 3 tablespoons lemon juice (or use vitamin C crystals) 7 pounds apples, pared, cored & sliced [JWR Adds: Reader J.M.L. mentioned that Jackie Clay and other experts …

Economics and Investing:

Bob in Virginia sent: A Frightening New ‘Shadow Consensus’ Is Emerging On The Future Of The American Economy. (There is more talk of a “QE Trap” — now coming from mainstream economists.) Chart: Here’s How Much the Fed Is Affecting the Stock Market H.L. suggested this by John Rubino: A Tale of Two Charts: Are We 2007 America or 2006 Zimbabwe? Census Bureau: Means-Tested Government Benefit Recipients Outnumber Full-Time Year-Round Workers Items from The Economatrix: Another One Trillion Dollars ($1,000,000,000,000) In Debt McJobs For McAmerica – Fastest Growing Jobs In Low Wage Sectors. Of 10 Largest Occupations In US Only …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Pentagon’s top three threats in the ‘deep future’    o o o Don H. kindly sent a link to a list of salvaged canned goods stores.    o o o Pirates Singled Out Americans in Ship Attack Off Nigeria, Official Says    o o o Finally, after 34 years! The motion picture rights to Jerry Pournelle’s epic sci-fi adventure novel Janissaries have been bought by Goddard Film Group. I hope that they do a good job of it.    o o o A reminder: The next Life Changes. Be Ready! Preparedness and Gun Expo will be held in in Lakeland, …

Notes from JWR:

The docudrama “American Blackout” will air for the first time on the National Geographic Channel, Sunday October 27, 2013 at 9 p.m.. FWIW, I believe that their casualty estimates for the first 10 days are overoptimistically low. — Today is the birthday of President Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt. (Born 1858, died January 6, 1919.) — Today we present another entry for Round 49 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The $8,500+ worth of prizes for this round include: First Prize: A.) Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate, good for any one, two, or three course. (A $1,195 value.) B.) A course certificate …