Odds ‘n Sods:

K.A.F. flagged this: Localize It: PodPonics Grows High-Tech Organic Produce In Shipping Containers

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John in Montana spotted this: Portable House, Simple Life

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Reader Chris H. recommend Cooking Wild magazine, a publication dedicated to wild game recipes.

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Bob R. suggested this at the C-SPAN web site: Heritage Foundation Discussion on the Electromagnetic Pulse Threat

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I have often bemoaned the dearth of true American field gear makers. (Most of the web gear on the market is now made in China.) But reader Ken S. wrote to mention that SpecOps Brand is 100% made in the USA and has a lifetime guaranteed. Ken notes: “One tip for your readers: The SpecOps web site has a clearance section where you can get their close out items at up to 60% off. For example, one of their backpacks is selling there for only 1/2 of what I paid two years ago!”