Economics and Investing:

GG sent us this: CBO admits for first time chance IMF may default

From The Daily Bell: Jim Rogers: Food prices will skyrocket. Raise rates soon or face inflation disaster, experts warn…

Items from The Economatrix:

Hot In Recession: Cheaper Wine, Chocolate, Running Shoes, Spam

GM, Chrysler Dealership Cull to Cost 100,000 Jobs

The Return of the Banker’s Bet

$3 Trillion Later… “Could there be a better time to be a bank? Governments are endorsing high leverage and guaranteeing huge parts of the financial system, so you get to keep the profits and palm off the losses on the taxpayer.”

US Prices Fall Most Since 1955

German Slump Drags Europe Down Deeper

FDIC: Some Bank CEO Jobs on the Line

Dead Receive Millions in Stimulus Money

California State Workers Outraged at Possible Layoffs

From Jobs to Food Stamps in One Week