Just an update on your book from here behind enemy lines in Chicago.
I ride the “EL” [elevated railway] to work each day and on Monday saw a man reading your novel “Patriots” . I asked where he purchased it, expecting the answer to be Amazon, and was stunned when he said that he picked it up at Borders on State Street in downtown Chicago. I wandered over to the store at lunchtime and, lo and behold, there were two copies in the the new “Mystery and Thrillers” section right next to Ian Rankin’s latest book. There were plenty of copies of Rankin’s book but only two of yours remaining. I asked the clerk if there were any more copies available and she said that they had five that morning. Only two left. Wow! Unfortunately, they were asking $14.95 for the book. I have a new Kindle Reader
(I love this thing) so I’m planning on buying the Kindle version of “Patriots” this time.
I bought my first copy of “Patriots” about four or five years ago (I got an autographed copy to boot) from a used book dealer on Amazon and have purchased that latest two editions. I can’t wait for your [two planned] sequels. You’ve developed into a terrific writer. I once read a review that described “Patriots” as a “how-to manual disguised as a thriller.”
My thoughts are with your wife and yourself during her difficult health situation and I hope that all things work out well for your family. Semper Paratus – Bill L.