Notes from JWR:

It is gratifying to see that there are now so many SurvivalBlog readers all over the planet. Our readership growth in Europe has been phenomenal. I do have one question: Why is there now a 30-to-299 SurvivalBlog reader cluster way out in Siberia, just north of the Mongolian border? It looks too far east to be the Baikonur Cosmodrome (Tyuratam), but it is apparently somewhere on the Trans-Siberian railway route. Perhaps just some bored knob-turners at a far-flung Russian SIGINT site? Oh well, I guess that I should just be content that there are so many SurvivalBlog dots on the …

The Big Picture — Grid Up Versus Grid Down–Oil, Soil, and Water

Before selecting retreat locale, It is crucial that you decide on your own worst case scenario. A location that is well-suited to surviving a “slow-slide” grid up scenario (a la the deflationary depression of the 1930s) might not necessarily be well suited to a grid down situations. As stated in my post on August 15, 2005, a grid down situation will likely cause a sudden onset variation of TEOTWAWKI with a concomitant mass exodus from the big cities resulting in chaos on a scale heretofore never seen in modern memory. My own personal “best case” scenario is an economic depression, …

Letter Re: Keeping a Low Profile is Crucial for Preparedness

James, I have to disagree with some of C.D.’s measures listed in his letter (i.e. using Scroogle and Zone Alarm) and refer your readership to the best article I’ve yet seen on the great difficulty in online anonymity: The Ugly Truth About Online Anonymity Also note comment on the linked article 12 – even if all else could be secured, the moment you behave according to your established surfing profile, you’ll be spotted. Kind Regards, – J. in Kyrgyzstan JWR Replies: I have my own perspective about online activities: Do the best that you can to cover your cyber trail, …

Letter Re: SurvivalBlog Has the Edge in Reporting Some News Stories

Dear Jim, I’ve been following your web-site for a while now and am amazed how you and your members chime in with very news worthy items sometimes weeks before the mainstream media starts covering them. One latest point would be the CountryWide Equity Line suspension finally made our local evening news last night.[It was mentioned in SurvivalBlog on February 5th.] I was stunned to read today in The Wall Street Journal that coal prices, which once were steadily priced in the $20 per metric ton range began trading in the $40 to $60 range from mid-2003 to mid- 2007, then …

Odds ‘n Sods:

I-Told-You-So Department: The U.S. Mint just announced that they will soon be changing the alloying ratios for U.S. five cent pieces (“nickels”.) Back in November of last year, I warned readers to stock up. The Mint’s announcement was vague, but I wouldn’t surprised to see the “new” nickels made with just traces of copper and nickel. It will probably be just be another zinc token. In effect, 2008 will be your last year to stock up on rolls of nickels that still have the long-standing alloy ratio. Once the new pseudo-nickels start circulating side-by-side with the old ones, it will …

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

Burnett: I was told that it might be possible to rent your boat–we need to get up river. Rambo: Where? Burnett: Into Burma. Rambo: Burma is a war zone. Burnett: Up the Salween river is our best alternative. Rambo: I can’t help you out. Burnett: Please, it will help change people’s lives. Rambo: Are you bringing in any weapons? Burnett: Of course not. Rambo: You’re not changin’ anything. – from the trailer to John Rambo, 2008