In April of 2007, I tested the three hottest “hypervelocity” .22 Long Rifle rounds. Because of the easy storage, accuracy and effects of .22 ammunition at ranges out to 150 yards (not to mention the fun of shooting a customized [Ruger] 10/22), I’ve had a second love affair with the round, since being a child. It’s the ultimate Survivalist round.
These tests compared Aguila Supermaximum, CCI Stinger and the full 40-grain CCI Velocitor. These tests were conducted at 100 meters, using a Ruger 10/22, customized with a 20″ Butler Creek bull barrel on a floating Butler Creek lightweight bull barrel stock with Harris bipod, competition 1 oz. trigger, polyurethane buffer pin. The scope is a Simmons 3-9×32. The Spring weather was sunny, with a slight right-to-left wind in a mountainous area.
My first shots were three-round zeroing groups of the Mexican-made Aguila Ammo, a 30 grain slug with a screaming muzzle velocity of over 1,730 fps. Groups #1 and #3 measured 2 1/2 inches at their widest points, with groups #2 and #4 measuring 5″ and 6″ inches, respectfully. In other words, even out of a bull-barreled 10/22, these rounds were all over the place, although they were getting there very fast.
My next four groups were five-shot groups, alternating between CCI Stinger and CCI Velocitor for each two sets of groups. Group #1 for the Stinger ammo (1,650 fps) was down and to-the-left by two inches square, and two inches left and five inches down for the slower (1,435 fps) 40 gr. Velocitor round. Deciding at this point that I was going to relegate my stockpile of .22 Aguila to practice ammo, I began making zeroing adjustments based on my Stinger groups.
During the course of this, the Stinger 5 round groups were 2 1/2″ to 3″, but remained consistent, with as many as three of the holes touching. The Velocitor groups measured 1 3/4″ to 2″, with three rounds in the last group all touching, and could fit in the area of a dime. The other two rounds in this group were high.
As for any other variables, I could probably have used a better scope. Second, being a runner, I have a strong heartbeat, which I can feel as I shoot, and probably need to train to shoot between heartbeats. The bottom line, however, is that I am now rotating through the Aguila ammo, then Stinger, and saving the 40-grain Velocitor for my SHTF/TEOTWAWKI/zeroing supply.
In conclusion: CCI Velocitor is simply the most accurate, as well as destructive .22 LR round. Once you can acquire good accuracy with a good .22 round, think of it as a good remotely-operated brain surgery tool. – Jerry E.
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