Odds ‘n Sods:

In my latest issue of Disaster Recovery Journal (DRJ) magazine, I noticed that the the magazine, in conjunction with researchers at Pepperdine University conducted a survey of disaster recovery professionals (mainly computer types) about pandemic preparedness. 49% of the respondents said that they had “not determined the potential impact on business related domestic and international travel of a pandemic.” and 42% said that they had “not yet started to identify essential employees and other critical inputs.” The statistics from several DRJ surveys, including the Pepperdine survey are available online. OBTW, although subscriptions are free, I don’t recommend subscribing to Disaster Recovery Journal unless you are involved in the Information Technology (IT) field. (Nearly all of the articles and advertisements in the magazine are IT related.)

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For those of you with fast Internet connections, Rich at KT Ordnance sent us a link to this video clip: Glenn Beck interviews Benjamin Netanyahu. He predicts a “second holocaust”, instigated by Iran.

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From the Washington Post: Congressman Rangel (D.-NY) will seek to reinstate a military draft in the U.S. How would the system work? See: “What Happens in a Draft” at the Selective Service web site.