Note from JWR:

Today, we announce the winner of Round 1 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest.The first entry for Round 2 is also posted today. SurvivalBlog Writing Contest Winner Announcement The judged winner of Round 1 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest is B.H. in Spokane, for his article titled “On Preparing Your Children”, which was posted on October 24, 2005. Congratulations, B.H.! I will confirm his address and mail him a four day Front Sight course certificate. Because we received so many great articles, we have decided to repeat this contest. Round 2 of the contest begins today and will end …

From David in Israel: Mobile Multi-Mode Survival Communications

The following is an example of a pack-portable Ham station that is usable in most modes: Icom 706 MK2G HF/6M/2M/440 bands in SSB, FM, CW, and AM MFJ travel antenna tuner MFJ Mighty Mite 110-240 to 13 Volt 25 Amp power supply SGC ADSP2 digital noise reduction (DSP) and filter speaker Morse Code Key [JWR adds: Preferably with a detachable thigh-mount clip or thigh strap for use in the field.] Spool of antenna wire Hamstick antenna HF Dipole Antenna VHF/UHF antenna Toshiba MobilePro sub-laptop (an inexpensive serial terminal for TNC) KAM Kantronics TNC Solar panel 16xD cell NiMH battery Lightning/EMP …

The Top 7 Items Left Off of Survival Lists, by David in California

There are many useful survival/preparedness lists out there. All have the usual items and practices in common (survival knives, fire starting materials, food storage methods, etc.), but over the years I’ve also noticed several gaps in common. These tend to be of the nasty “I wish I’d realized I would need this item before” variety. This is especially alarming as these gaps could be remedied in most cases very inexpensively or even just with a little forethought. 1. Bleach. No, it’s not a substitute for a proper water filtration system, but in a pinch it does just fine and it’s …

Letter from Mark G. Re: The Army Aviator on HF Radios

Howdy Mr. Rawles, I have been reading your blog for the last week or two, and I also read your book [Patriots] last week (lots of good info, thanks!) I have a question regarding the post referenced in the subject line: Are the GRC-215 radios available surplus, or is there something similar available on the commercial market? Since I have been following your thoughts I have become more interested in communications (never thought too much about post-SHTF comm before), and I would like to eventually get something similar, although a SSB capable CB will probably come first, and I will …

Letter Re: In Defense

Dear James, Regarding the naysayers about Nanomasks, I would like to comment that for most of us price is an issue in practical preps for any disaster. The company openly acknowledges that after 48 hours due to the moisture buildup you should change the filter. But two masks and 25 filters cost less than 50 bucks, so that is a fifty bucks for fifty days. Filters are cheap. The N95s with exhalation valves cost over four bucks at WalMart for two, and over five at Home Depot for two, so you need to wear each one also for two to …

Note from JWR:

Today, I’m posting two more entries for the first round of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The winner will be announced tomorrow. (December 1st.) The writer of the best article will win a four day course certificate at Front Sight. (An up to $2,000 value!) Because of the success of the contest, we have decided to repeat this contest. “Round 2” of the contest begins December 1st will end on the last day of January.

On Physical Conditioning by “Bings”

When contemplating the self-sufficient/survivalist lifestyle, the most common concerns are weapons, power generation, and food. One area that is frequently overlooked is that of physical fitness. All the non-hybrid seed in the world won’t do you any good if you have a heart attack while trying to plant it. All the guns in the world won’t do you any good if you can’t run to a defensive position without wheezing like an asthmatic in a field of ragweed. Getting in shape often seems like an impossible task. Although you may never be able to be a body double for Brad …

A Word to the Unconvinced: Ten Minutes that Could Save Your Life by “Clannad”

What exactly do you stake your life on? Better stated, what is it that you are willing to gamble your future on? A few dollars spent on a fast-food meal that might have purchased a flat of beans or some medical supplies? Perhaps it is a scoffed-at and discarded notion that our society might indeed be fragile and easily disrupted? Maybe it’s the insecurity that your friends and family will think you are a some sort of a nut? Are you secure in your lifestyle and beliefs because you still get your paycheck at the end of the week and …

Two Letters Re: Request for Blog Reader Recommendations–Springfield Armory M1A SOCOM?

To reply to the reader about the [Springfield Armory] M1A SOCOM [variant]. First, I have had and do have several M1A-A1 Scout rifles. I would not trade any of them for any other main battle rifle. Second, I personally know several [former] SEAL Team 2 members and other men who have worked with BlackWater in Iraq. The SOCOM is there preferred weapon, other than what would be Class 3 weapons for us [civilians]. – “Woo” Sir: While I cannot speak to the SOCOM, I am the proud owner of an M1A Scout (my understanding that the primary difference in the …

Letter Re: Former FEMA Director Michael Brown is Now Consulting

Mr. Rawles: Here is a link to the jaw-droppingly absurd, but true. CNN ran a story about Michael Brown getting fired from FEMA only to go into the Emergency Planning “consulting” business. See: We can all sleep better now knowing that America is once again safe. Regards, -B. Adams

From David in Israel: On Survival Cycling

It really doesn’t matter if we are thinking slow slide, nuke exchange, or just losing your job: The full or partial switch to a bicycle can be one of the best changes a person can make. DO NOT jump into a decision about buying a bike. It is one of the most personal things you will ever own, if you don’t buy the right bike for you it will just end up rusting in the barn. As I like to beat into you: #1 It must be easy to use or you won’t when you are worn out tired #2 …

Larry in Kansas on Lasik Eye Surgery for Preparedness

First, this is not an endorsement of any kind. I really want that to be clear to the readers of SurvivalBlog. I’ve been wearing glasses for the better part of 35 years. I had myopia and astigmatism. I was wearing bifocals. For many reasons wearing glasses can be a big pain in the “six”. I had been considering Lasik surgery for several years and just didn’t have the money, justification and/or the courage to get the procedure done. To me the decision was made several weeks ago when I heard a noise in the house and I went to investigate. …