Weapons of Mass Deception – Part 1, by R.G.

This article is primarily about Israel versus Iran, and how Muslims seel to subjugate non-Muslims. If this is boring to you or you are tired of listening to Middle East news, then please skip to more entertaining things. But if you know the significance of events in the Holy Land as it relates to preparedness and what triggers the coming events that we need to be aware of and prepare for, then please read on.

I lived in Iran in the 1970s. It was a turbulent time in the US with soaring inflation, a nationwide 55 MPH speed limit, and a weak president overseeing it all. This was also a turbulent time in Iran as events there were leading up to the soon overthrow of the Shah and the insertion of the radical Islamic Ayatollahs into power. While there I was not a practicing Christian but I was seeking understanding of where I came from, why I am here, and where I am going to end up. This led me to study the Quran and ponder why so many people believed it to be the final Word of God. I also learned of the schisms inside Islam, primarily between Sunni and Shia sects. But underlying these schisms was a deeper division of liberal vs literal interpretation of the Quran and its associated Book of Sayings (Hadith). The Ayatollahs of Iran preach a strict, literal interpretation, including much deception, that has led 45 years later to where we are now concerning events in the Middle East and particularly how it affects Israel, Jerusalem, and the Temple Mount.

I got the title of this article from how Iran is using their strict, deceptive interpretations of the Quran and their constant agitation of Israel with their surrogates: Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Houthis. All the while, building up their sophisticated rocket arsenal and nuclear threat to keep the world from defending Israel as they attempt to destroy the nation and the people of Israel once and for all. To understand their motives, we need to understand how they have interpreted key ideas and words in the Quran.

Remember in times past books were not ‘printed’ but hand-copied until the invention and spread of the printing press. So, in both Christianity and Islam, Bibles and Qurans were very hard to come by and only the Christian priests or Islamic Mullahs had them. Also, most of the masses did not know how to read until books and newspapers were more commonly available. So, the religious leaders were relied on to read and interpret the words of God. The ability to mass-produce the Christian Bible formed the basis of the Reformation as the general population could now read the Bible themselves and see that much of what the Catholic Priests were teaching did not line up with the written word. They could read for themselves that there was a clear thread of blood and prophecy running throughout the Bible leading to the Messiah’s coming: 1st as a Lamb for sacrifice and later as a Lion for righteousness.

Similarly, most Muslims in the world were primarily illiterate until the last century. Now, with Quran’s easily available and adherents able to read for themselves, they are now able to see that the Quran also has a common theme of blood: the domination or elimination of the Jew and then Christians

Radical Islamic Terms Used as Weapons of Deception

This article is not about the general Islamic peace-loving population, just about what the Mullahs and Ayatollahs of Iran and their surrogates encircling Israel are saying. About the radical interpretations that they make concerning several key ideas and phrases contained within the Quran. Below are a few ideas and words the radical Mullahs have twisted to their own purposes.


The Quran is the chronological sayings/teachings of Mohammed. Abrogation is a technique employed by radical Islamic scholars that says later verses have more authority and denotes greater accuracy: therefore, the newest Quran verse is more accurate than the older/first, as given by Mohammed.

Mohammed in his early period spoke well of the Jew/Christian, even stating the Jews had a historical right to Israel (Sura 5:22-23, 32-33, 43, 17:104). Also, early Quranic verses focused on mental/personal jihad (see Jihad below). Only later, when Mohammed found it difficult to convert Jews (Sura 5:82) and later Christians (Sura 9:28-33) did he demand physical Jihad or subjugation. Therefore, Abrogation allows, even demands, deception by quoting earlier verses to the Kuffar/Kafir (see below) to show a “peaceful religion”. Also allows errors to be in the Quran, especially concerning Jews/Christians.


Another technique employed by radical Islamic scholars that says verses can be separated in application between Muslims and all others (Kuffar/Dhimmi). Therefore, Quranic verses about love, peace, acceptance, and good treatment of strangers apply only Muslim to Muslim with this radical interpretation. But of course, this is not what is stated in English, but only in Arabic/Farsi deceptively behind our backs. Again, allows Radicals to deceptively speak of a “peaceful religion” to nonbelievers, knowing full well it only applies Muslim to Muslim.


Bringing territory (mental and/or physical) under the will and rule of Allah. Islam is basically a territorial religion. Also, physical territory takes precedence over personal/mental territory, see Abrogation above. Early Quranic verses focused on mental/personal jihad, later verses included physical territory and its inhabitants. Once under Islamic rule ‘territory’ becomes holy and cannot revert, why Islam considers Israel, and even Spain and parts of Eastern Europe still a part of Islam. Also, why an individual Muslim (holy mental territory) cannot convert to another religion (See Murtad below).

Latter verses on Jihad also allow “spoils of war” or legal plunder, which is why there is and will always be envy, lust, hatred, and bloodshed around the outer territories of Islam i.e. central Africa, Chechnya, Philippines, and now Western Europe. Also, since physical territory takes precedence, Muslim civilians (think children, women, and elders) during Jihad are easily/rightly expendable to protect the higher-precedent physical territory (and anyway, those civilians expended are guaranteed paradise if they die during Jihad). This is what is happening now in the Gaza War as Hamas needs civilians as cannon fodder and to hide behind, both literally and propaganda-wise.


A person who is not a Muslim believer and does not live inside the territory of Islam. This is what we are called behind our backs.


Subjugated non-Muslim(s) under Islamic rule. Worthy of deception, extra taxation (Jizyah tax), legally becomes 2nd class citizen. Even now, may also be a slave (for sex and/or labor) under the ‘protection’ of a male Muslim.

Jizyah/Zakah Tax (Surah 9:29)

Extra tax on the Dhimmi nonbeliever who lives in a Muslim country. Individuals/families/ tribes of non-Islamic people may be allowed to live inside Islamic territory if they pay the Jizyah tax and accept 2nd class citizenship.


Former Muslim who converts to another religion. See Jihad above, this is the worst sin in Islam, and the individual is given 72 hours to recant or must be decapitated under Sharia law. This is why if a person is born into Islam, it is very difficult to impossible to be open to other religions.


Law of Islam, includes strict Religious, Social, Political and Economic rules and regulations. Islam is not just a religion but a very strict way of life or worldview. Antithetical to ‘We the People’ (democracy) or Liberty/Freedom, especially for half the Muslim population: women.

Hudna Treaties

Acceptable scheme/deception/ trickeration using Treaties up to 10 years in length is ok against a Kuffar nation/tribe. This deception is allowed to build forces before attacking again. Search Arabic/Farsi discussions, will only discuss Hudna treaties in Arabic/Farsi. The Iran/US nuclear treaty was a Hudna treaty, but only spoken in those terms in Farsi. The Final Days treaty spoken of in the books of Daniel and Revelation in the Bible will likely be a 7-year Hudna Treaty.


Muslim “Savior” (the Biblical antichrist), who arrives just as Islam is threatened with extinction by the Kuffar nations. Most prevalent in the Shia sect (Iran/Iraq), also tied to the 12th Imam theory. Many Shia scholars believe if they instigate a hopeless war, it will force the Mahdi to appear and save them. Why radical Muslims have such desire to fight “the Great Satan” (USA), and the Little Satan (Israel.)


Islam’s rough counterpart to Jesus, a great prophet, but not as great as Mohammed, and definitely not the Son of God as this is considered blasphemy by Muslims. Quranic verses discussing Issa allows Islam to speak highly of Jesus, but quietly deny his Divinity. In Islamic end-times traditions, Issa will appear with the Mahdi, to expose the errors in Judaism and Christianity, and will fight for Islam in the final war.


In Islam, a devil masquerading as Issa: he must be avoided and/or killed. In Christianity, this is the real Jesus.

In summary, when you tie all these deceptions with their definition of Mahdi, Issa, and Dajjal together, radicalized Muslims are cleverly (diabolically?) set up to reject the real Biblical Jesus’ Second Coming while putting non-Muslims in Dhimmitude and blindly following Mahdi and Issa to the Final Solution: Armageddon.

(To be continued tomorrow, in Part 2.)