SurvivalBlog Readers’ & Editors’ Snippets

This weekly column is a collection of short snippets: responses to posted articles, practical self-sufficiency items, how-tos, lessons learned, tips and tricks, and news items — both from readers and from SurvivalBlog’s editors. We may select some long e-mails for posting as separate letters.

Reader Jim. L. sent this: How tech’s richest plan to save themselves after the apocalypse.

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An interesting study that I heard about by way of the American Partisan site: The effects of QuikClot Combat Gauze and Celox Rapid on hemorrhage control. JWR’s Comment: It appears that QuikClot provides superior clotting. But note that some of their products are “heat free”, while others reportedly  generate considerable heat that could cause necrosis.

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SurvivalBlog Editor-At-Large Michael Z. Williamson spotted this article: Indy’s First Shipping-Container House Just Listed.  Mike’s Comment: They put vinyl over the wood, and they want $700,000 for 1,200 square feet (by my math) of container space. Pass.”

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John A. sent this: The Criminalization Of Preppers In Turkey: Will Your Country Be Next?

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This piece from Laurence Vance at the Libertarian Christian Institute dates back a decade, but it provides a quite concise and well-reasoned view: Romans 13 and Obeying the Government.

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George S. sent an e-mail to mention:

“Waterbricks only have a 5-year warranty. I wondered if the plastic starts degrading after 5 years. I did some searching and learned:  “The maker confirmed that under normal circumstances the unit will last you much longer than 5 years.”

 JWR’s Reply:  Direct sunlight is the real killer for most plastics.  So their warranty is probably based on a “worst case”  i.e. five years of direct sunlight, daily.

George then followed up with this e-mail:

“I wonder how well the Small Stainless Steel (Beer Kegs) would work for storing water. Maybe even set up a home system. You can get them on Craigslist, or elsewhere for about $25 to $50.”

JWR’s Reply: Standard 5-gallon stainless steel containers (in some regions called “fi-guls”) have been made by the millions, for the carbonated beverage industry. One is pictured, above. Most of these are used for transporting the syrup used for mixing colas and other sodas–at restaurants, movies theaters, and cafes. Homebrewers have found that their oval openings are a bit small, but these containers can be steam-cleaned. With their stainless steel construction, they should last for decades. If bought surplus, their per-gallon cost for storing liquids is lower than just about any other container, except perhaps for clear plastic springwater watercooler containers.  One note of caution:  Many of the fi-guls sold as used/surplus may actually be “loaner” canisters that were never returned to the soft drink companies that owned them. Before buying, look for ownership stickers, engravings, or rollmarks, to make sure that you aren’t buying stolen goods.

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Tunnel Rabbit suggested this: Here’s How The Energy Crisis Turns Into Hunger And Then… War?

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Lisa in Texas had this comment:
“In regards to SaraSue’s thought-provoking article “A North American Holocaust?” she asks the question how a nation or a “people” can be brainwashed by their government, media, social media and churches. I believe this video would be of great interest to her and the SB community. It really explains a lot.
We have experienced the same experiences SaraSue describes with her family. Unfortunately, our list also includes “friends” that we thought were “like-minded”. At least we know now before everything really falls apart.

All [of us] should be putting on the Armour of our Lord! It’s the only salvation!”

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Andre sent us the link to this fascinating article: Winter is coming: Researchers uncover the surprising cause of the little ice age.

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Reader D.C. recommended this article: “No One Has Ever Complied Their Way Out of Totalitarianism – This Is the Hill We Need to Die On” – Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Releases New Year’s Statement.  His latest book, The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today and Publisher’s Weekly national bestseller. It is ranked #1 on

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H.L. alerted us to this article: EU Drafting Law Allowing Seizure of Private Property During Pandemic Emergencies: Report.

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Reader J.S.J. sent this note, in response to a couple of recent SurvivalBlog articles:

“Axil hearing protectors, recently reviewed, is shipping a V2.0 which is vastly improved over the reviewed V1.0. It features much better battery life and better sound quality. NRR is same as is product of ear plugs. They seem to be shipping with generic ear buds now which could be improved, but are available on the open market cheap. Overall they are excellent for many purposes and I recommend them. I recommend the extended Warranty as these are delicate and mine have been exchanged twice.

Aviation fuel is on the cusp of becoming unleaded. Several companies now offer unleaded high octane avgas in response to EPA interest and also, paradoxically, negative effects of lead on the upper end (exhaust valves) and exhaust systems of modern piston engines. Also, distribution of 100LL is problematic and there is only 1 factory in the world, in England, producing Tetra-Ethyl Lead (TEL) with [presumably] no more ever to start. In particular, Swift Fuel (West Coast, Brand name UL94) and GAMI (Oklahoma, not sold yet, soon) are ready to go for nationwide rollout in about a year, pending approval for use in high compression turbocharged engines. The experiments and lab testing is complete on these but the FAA is slow to approve Supplemental Type Certificates for these engines as they are common commercial op engines. They are approved for unlimited blending in tank with 100LL fuel and should offer the same storage properties. No good websites exist to check availability of these products. Although some airports offer “Mogas” availability this is E0 automotive fuel without the QC, transport and storage specs Avfuel enjoys.”

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AT&T, Verizon reject U.S. request to delay 5G wireless. JWR’s Comment: Reading that reminds me: I have a phone that will soon be obsolete. Do any readers have a suggestion on a replacement for my 10-year-old 3G  Tracphone flip phone?  Since we live in the hinterboonies, we have no cellular service here at the Rawles Ranch.  We use our cell phone only when we travel. I understand that some flip phones that are 4G compatible would still work.  What I need is “dumb” phone that is Tracfone-compatible, has a  battery that is removable (a must), and preferably one that can accept my old SIM. Any suggestions?  UPDATE:  I just learned from a reader that  Tracfone will send a free “ALCATEL MY FLIP 2” phone to existing customers that own a 3G phone.  At the Tracfone website, click on “Phones”. Select ALCATEL MY FLIP 2.  It will show a $19.99 price.  But if you enter your existing Tracfone phone number, the price will change to $0.00 and you can get free second-day UPS shipping.

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And lastly, another article link sent in by Andre: UK Civil Rights Group Suing Government Over COVID Passports.

Please Send Us Your Snippets!

Please send your snippet items for potential posting to JWR. or AVL. You can do so either via e-mail or via our Contact form.