The Editors’ Quote of the Day:

“My only advice: Reporting that makes the publisher uncomfortable from time to time is one sign of a newspaper doing its job. Something to guard against is the temptation to think that rewriting press releases and regurgitating the words of politicians qualifies as news coverage. It’s really an invitation to irrelevancy.” – Dermot Cole

Wandering in the New World- Part 2, by JMD

Yesterday, I began writing about the post-SHTF conditions that may make a wandering nomad type lifestyle much more practical and reasonable. We are talking about considerations for this and continuing with this further today.

Situational Awareness – You need to always be aware of your surroundings, where you are and where you can quickly get to for cover and concealment.


If a medical emergency occurs, you probably won’t have anyone to rely on but yourself and/or your group. You’ll need to learn how to handle common injuries and illnesses with what you have available.


Since you won’t have a house to live in, you’ll need to be able to survive in the wild. This includes shelter making, fire starting, et cryrts. If you’re traveling in a vehicle or RV, you can always sleep inside that.

Food Gathering

You won’t have access to a farm, garden, livestock, etcetera, so you’ll need to be able to forage, hunt, fish, and trap in order to keep yourself fed.


Because you won’t have access to the wonderfully accurate weather forecasts we enjoy today, you’ll need to be able to read your environment and understand how it affects you. Is there a storm coming? When will winter move in? Could a thunderstorm turn that gully you’re sleeping in into a raging river?

Continue reading“Wandering in the New World- Part 2, by JMD”

The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods:

SurvivalBlog presents another edition of The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods— a collection of news bits and pieces that are relevant to the modern survivalist and prepper from “HJL”. The Nanny State is up to their collective eyeballs in ludicrous legislation again.

Rawles XL Voyager

I noticed that the supply of the limited-production Rawles XL Voyager folding tanto knives has dried up. The manufacturer (Cold Steel) sold out more than a year ago. In a recent bit of web-wandering, I only found one dealer that still has a few on hand at around $80 each. If you’ve been hesitating, this may be your last chance to get yours at under $100. – JWR

Paladin Press

Fellow blogger Claire Wolfe mentioned that Paladin Press is closing its doors. Claire mentioned that Paladin Press is closing its doors at the end of December. Sad to see one of the few publishers of controversial titles quitting business. This comes on the heels of both Loompanics and Lindsay Technical Publications shutting down. The only good news is that they have a huge sale right now.

Survival Shelter

The Canadian Prepper has posted a video on building a large survival shelter. The Silky Saws are featured tools and he uses several sizes to accomplish the task. the video shows the entire process of building the shelter. After watching these saws in action, I’m definitely adding a couple to my preps. I’ve been searching for a replacement saw for the standard bow saw and these look good.

Continue reading“The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods:”

The Editors’ Quote of the Day:

“And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.” – Rev. 21:1-4 (KJV)

Preparedness Notes for Saturday – October 07, 2017

October 7th is the day that we remember the 96 American POWs from Wake Island that were executed on the orders of the commander of the Japanese garrison on the island, Rear Admiral Shigematsu Sakaibara. The execution of those American POWs who were blindfolded and shot in cold blood, remains one of the more brutal episodes of the war in the Pacific.

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Wandering in the New World- Part 1, by JMD

Let’s explore the concept of wandering. If you’ve been involved in the world of preparedness for any length of time, you’re familiar with terms like “Bug-Out Location” (BOL) and “Bugging-In”, and you have probably read or participated in discussions about ways to go about securing your house/neighborhood/compound/town. Humans as a species tend to be social animals, and gathering in fixed locations in large groups has always had many advantages, including security, stable relationships, sharing of labor, farming, et cetera. But there have always been individuals and small groups who prefer (or are forced) to minimize their interactions with “society” and not be tied to any specific location.

These have traditionally been called wanderers, travelers, gypsies, nomads, et cetera. While these types of itinerant peoples have existed in one form or another for centuries, the pressures of modern society and the desire of governments to exercise an ever-increasing degree of control over people’s lives has made such an existence extremely difficult. However, in a post-TEOTWAWKI world, those factors would all but disappear, making such a lifestyle much more possible and potentially necessary for some people. This article is meant as a thought exercise in exploring a wandering lifestyle in such a scenario.

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The NRA Has Capitulated on Banning Fast-Firing Semi-Autos

Bump Fire Stocks Legislation

The U.S. National Rifle Association (NRA) just caved in on the issue of fast-firing semi-autos. On Thursday, they issued a public statement that encouraged bump fire stocks legislation. It said in part:

“In the aftermath of the evil and senseless attack in Las Vegas…”[lots deleted]

“…Despite the fact that the Obama administration approved the sale of bump fire stocks on at least two occasions, the National Rifle Association is calling on the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) to immediately review whether these devices comply with federal law. The NRA believes that devices designed to allow semi-automatic rifles to function like fully-automatic rifles should be subject to additional regulations…”

This sort of panicked wholesale capitulation to the mainstream media’s demands will surely cause a cascade of executive orders and/or Federal legislation.

My Objections

I have some huge objections to the NRA President’s capitulation letter, to wit:

1.) NRA President Wayne LaPierre apparently did not first consult the full NRA Board of Directors. And he doesn’t speak for the entire membership.

2.) The statement was so loosely worded that it could include a plethora of parts and accessories. The problem is this vague phrase “…to function like fully-automatic rifles…”   “Like?”  What do you mean by the word “like”, Wayne?  Do you mean firing more than once with with each function (pull or release) of the trigger?  (That is the current legal definition of a machinegun.) Do you mean capable of firing more than once or twice per second?  Or do you mean a semi-auto that “sounds scary”? Do you mean firing semi-automatically from a linked belt or from a magazine of substantial capacity?  Your vague statement could be construed to include not just bump fire stocks but also match grade (light) triggers, binary triggers, magazines over 20 round capacity, pants belt loops, or even rubber bands!

3.) They had the opportunity to confront the horribly open-ended wording of Senator Feinstein’s bill, but they did not.  (Her bill –not yet assigned a number–is an outright ban, with no Grandfather Clause, and has no exceptions. It would cause a Federal “taking” of private property, with no compensation for those affected by the proposed legislation. This sort of taking flies in the face of a long-standing tenet of American jurisprudence. You can’t  just take someone’s property without compensation.)

4.) The wording of the NRA statement was nearly as vague as Feinstein’s draft ban legislation!

5.) The NRA missed a huge opportunity to insist that the National Firearms Act (NFA) of 1934’s machinegun registry be re-opened. By re-opening the National Firearms Registration and Transfer Records (NFRTR) they could solve a number of chronic problems. This would allow amnesty registration (with a $200 per-item tax) on any contraband full autos, including military veterans’ “dufflebag bring-backs.” If need be, this amnesty could include bump fire stocks, if they are erroneously re-classified as “machineguns”.) However, by leaving the error-ridden NFA registry closed it will leave hundreds of thousands of otherwise law-abiding citizens in legal limbo.  And assuming that bumpfire stocks become banned, then additional tens or even hundreds of thousands more gun owners will become “unprosecuted felons.”   What is really needed is a blanket NFA registration amnesty lasting 18 to 24 months. Better yet, the Hughes Amendment to the Firearms Owners Protection Act of 1986 should also be rescinded.  That would leave the machinegun registry open as it should be, to new manufacture and importation.

6.) The NRA didn’t even wait long enough for an ATF forensic report which would reveal whether or not simple “bump fire” was employed, or if Stephen Paddock had actually illegally converted one or more of the ARs he used to true full auto fire.

7.) The NRA leadership has repeatedly promised “no compromise” on the Second Amendment.  Well, you’ve just compromised on a grand scale.  You’ve just capitulated to the gun grabbers. The leftists in Congress will now smell blood in the water, and attempt to pass sweeping civilian disarmament legislation.

8.) History has repeatedly shown that legislated or dictated bans and freezes don’t work.  Especially when a ban infringes on a God-Given right.

In my opinion, the NRA Board of Directors should rescind the letter and remove Wayne LaPierre and Chris Cox from the organization, immediately!

Speak Out!

Please contact the NRA to make your opinion known, visit their web page, or phone: (800) 672-3888.

To contact your Congressman, call (202) 224-3121

To write your Senator:

The Honorable _________________
United States Senate
Washington DC 20510

To write your Representative:

The Honorable _________________
United States House of Representatives
Washington DC 20515

To find out who your Representative is, enter your zip code in the search function at:

To contact the President:

President _________________
The White House
Washington, DC 20500
(202) 456-1111 (phone)

“The price of liberty is eternal vigilence”

Please let your voices be heard!  – JWR

The Editors’ Preps for the Week

To be prepared for a crisis, every Prepper must establish goals and make long-term and short-term plans. Steadily, we work on meeting our prepping goals. In this column, the SurvivalBlog editors review their week’s prep activities. They also share their planned prep activities for the coming week. These range from healthcare and gear purchases to gardening, property improvements, and food storage. This is something akin to our Retreat Owner Profiles, but written incrementally and in detail, throughout the year. We always welcome you to share your own successes and wisdom in the Comments. Let’s keep busy and be ready!


Dear SurvivalBlog Readers,

We’ve had a lovely week of seasonal temperatures and sunny weather.  Most members of our family caught the colds that are making its rounds in our region.  Thus, we kinda laid low, resting, until Friday. However, this week we moved a few large potted vegetables from the greenhouse into the house in anticipation of some hard frosts.  These are the plants I want to try to keep growing through the winter: a dwarf lemon tree, celery, green peppers and oregano.  We picked, blanched and froze a gallon of broccoli. I harvested seeds from cantaloupe, Hubbard squash, pole beans, green beans, and black beans for next summer’s garden.  I also reorganized one of our chest freezers. (We have two–one is electric and one is propane.)

Vegetables in the greenhouse are continuing to grow well despite some observed temperatures just below 32°F in the greenhouse according to the thermometer.  Despite these temperatures the tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers and butternut squash show no signs of damage and continue to grow. I surmise that the ambient moist air surrounding the plants or warm air coming from the raised beds themselves must be warding off the cold air above the plants.

Continue reading“The Editors’ Preps for the Week”

The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods:

SurvivalBlog presents another edition of The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods— a collection of news bits and pieces that are relevant to the modern survivalist and prepper from “HJL”. Today’s focus is on the recent Las Vegas Massacre.

Climate and Weather

Reader H.L. sent us this: US winter forecast: La Niña to fuel abundant snow in Rockies; Bitterly cold air to blast Midwest

Continue reading“The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods:”

Preparedness Notes for Friday – October 06, 2017

October 6 is the birthday of Thor Heyerdahl. (Born 1914, died April 18, 2002.) Although his east-to-west theory of Pacific Ocean transmigration was later disproved by genetics studies, his many adventures were still remarkable.

Today is also the birthday of science fiction author David Brin. (born, 1950.) He wrote The Postman, which was very loosely the foundation of a movie by Kevin Costner.

Continue reading“Preparedness Notes for Friday – October 06, 2017”

Sweet Spot For the 21st Century With Calibers Beating .308- Part 4, by Alpine Evader

Today, I’ll wrap up this series by writing about fire teams and our planning and training regimen. Also, I’ll outline some of our desires for the future.

Fire Teams of Four (or Three)

In SHTF, two fire teams of four would be absolutely fabulous, but we practice with one less person. This factors in SHTF reality, when we’ll suffer injuries, illness, homestead security, et cetera, into our planning and training regimen. A command element of four people– a squad leader, radio, two NCOs– would round this fantasy of a full-strength fire team out. We aren’t into fantasy, but that’s what we would wish for, four-man fire teams.

Fire Team Option A

Fire team option A is the best and most efficient fire team. This team consists of two 12.5″ or 14.5″ 5.56mm operators and two 6.8 SPC operators, one with a DMR of 18″. The fire team is most cost and impact effective with two 16″ 5.56mm rifles and at least one 18″ 6.8 SPC rifle. For primarily MOUT and mounted patrols, three shorter 12.5″ 6.8 SPC SBR rifles and one DMR with 6.8 ammo all around would provide the best kill to barrier ratio. Lose the rifle weight and add up the SAPI armor within a vehicle or as a QRF. Shorter barrel options for the 6.8 SPC and our Christian philosophy of operations within a community at high elevation, particularly as a QRF against marauders of our “neighborhood protection team” members in mutually supporting maneuver elements, are key differences between Grendel and 6.8 SPC.

Continue reading“Sweet Spot For the 21st Century With Calibers Beating .308- Part 4, by Alpine Evader”

Freeze Dried Friday:

Welcome to Freeze Dried Friday on SurvivalBlog! We’ve been making so many things in the Harvest Right Freeze Dryer that we want to share some of them with you. If you have something wonderful you’ve prepared in your freeze dryer that you would like to share with SurvivalBlog readers, take a photo of it and send it in along with a description. We might just feature you here!

Asparagus Chicken Alfredo

The Latimer family is still camping this week so the freeze dryers have not been in production. However, Mrs. Latimer gave me permission to share one of our favorite meals this campout, made using the Harvest Right Freeze Drier. You can make this meal completely, then freeze dry the results if you desire, but it will not be as satisfactory. I highly recommend that you freeze dry the individual components, then re-hydrate and make the meal.

The primary reason is the Alfredo Sauce. Creamy things like sour cream, cream sauces, et cetera, do not reconstitute well. While the flavor is good, the texture is not. Since texture is a significant source of pleasure with food, it makes sense to cater to it’s strengths. To start, the meat and vegetables are all pre cut and freeze dried, the Alfredo is canned, and the pasta is dry. Obviously the oil is separate. When you are ready to start, reconstitute the meat and vegetables as you normally would.

Continue reading“Freeze Dried Friday:”

Economics & Investing For Preppers

Here are the latest items and commentary on current economics news, market trends, stocks, investing opportunities, and the precious metals markets. We also cover hedges, derivatives, and obscura. And it bears mention that most of these items are from the “tangibles heavy” contrarian perspective of JWR. (SurvivalBlog’s Founder and Senior Editor.) Today’s focus is on investing in original movie props.  (See the Tangibles Investing section.)

Precious Metals:

First up at Seeking Alpha: Precious Metals Q3 2017 Review And The Outlook For Q4

o o o

Slide in gold prices halts as dollar eases


Spanish tensions bar Europe from global stocks party


LME zinc prices strengthen; aluminium, copper consolidate

Economy and Finance:

No U.S. Bailout for Puerto Rican Debt, Trump’s Budget Chief Says

Continue reading“Economics & Investing For Preppers”