Economics & Investing For Preppers

Tom I must have missed the January stimulus check? Avalanche Lily Serious Vaccination Digital Bio-Certificate News: Leaders From the European Union Have Decided This Week That a Digital Vaccination Certificate Must be Ready for Roll-Out by This Summer Italian researchers create world’s 1st ‘smart tattoo’ using OLED tech Don’t be deceived Johnson and Johnson’s vaccine STILL genetically modifies your genes inside your cells. How do you know exactly what they’re putting into your body? Why should you trust them? Really? Government officials lie all of the time!! C Here’s two informative videos (by doctors) regarding the EXPERIMENTAL vaccine: [The first video is from Dr. Simone Gold and the Second video is from Dr. Lee Merritt] Matt in Oklahoma Why would I sell my neighbors my ammo? I prepared they didn’t. There’s no life threatening crisis calling for a need that requires them to have…

The Likelihood of Man-Made Disaster, by William Crosby Prentice

…victims, out of which there were only 247 fatalities.  The rate of misconduct of 978 is per 100,000 police officers, whereas the two figures above that are the incidence for the population as a whole, in the first case for the average 2010 US population of 308mm, and the second figure for the adult population only. Used data from NYPD Analysis of active shooters from 1966 through 2010, total of 202 cases in the 44 year period, averaging 3.0 dead and 3.6 wounded per instance, for total casualties to active shooters of 1,333 over the period, during which there was an average population of 252.3mm. Based on battlefield casualties in Iraq through January, 2007 (, based on per 100,000 man-years of battlefield exposure; compares to a KIA rate of 2,231 per 100,000 for Vietnam. Huffington Post, 16-Jun-12, updated 16-Aug-12 (…

Choosing a MBR: The M1 Garand or the M14/M1A?, by Zorro

…p 11/36 7. The History of the M1 Garand — Springfield Armory and World War II Production , 8. The definition of Hardness., www.Scribd ENG1108 -L3- HARDNESS- IMPACT-CREEP _ FATIGUE- OH”S. 9. Forged metals. Metal Tidbits, Forge. Forge Group, 10. Party, Boston T. Boston’s Gun Bible,  USA ; Javelin Press, ed.(2002 -2009),p 11/37. 11. Beachmarks and Striations. Reed-Hill, Robert E,and Reza Abbaschian. Physical Metallurgy Principles. 3rd ed. Boston: PWS Publishing Company,1994. 12. 8620 case hardening steel. 13. The Process of Carburization for 8620 steel., 14. Party, Boston T. Boston’s Gun Bible,  USA ; Javelin Press, ed.(2002 -2009),p 11/38. 15. Pat’s Product Review: Springfield Armory M1A.,, July 18, 2011 16. Most Horrendous M1A/M14 kB! Ever. A comprehensive metallurgical report courtesy of Fulton Armory. Dr. William J. Bruchey, 509 Tome Highway, Port Deposit, MD 21904., April 5, 2001. 17.Tanker Garand.” Tony Giacobbe”., Monday, July 11,…

Editors’ Prepping Progress

…auto-redirected to is to type: ““. Try it. We found that very funny.) It is important to follow what Biden does each day so one can be aware of how to pray and to be ready for what is coming. He is definitely furthering the UN’s “worse than communism” One World Order and will not be a friend to Christians and Conservatives. His call for unity of our country, isn’t our call for unity. His call is for us to compromise our faith and our morals and worse. Nope, that ain’t happening, Mr. Biden. We will not bow down to your depravity. Your “good” is God’s evil, what the God of the Bible claims is sin. We will not partner with it. We fear God more than man. It’s time to seriously Pray and to know God’s Word. Keep reading and listening to it and praying. We need to…

Preparedness Notes for Monday — November 9, 2020

…Heroes of Sutherland Springs & the Guns of the Most Deadly Church Massacre by Will Dabbs on November 8, 2020 GUNSAMERICA Digest Telesilla of Argos Exactly, Don Williams… True and terrible. One might ask how many warnings are needed for people to awaken and remain aware and working actively to fight tyrants. I would re-post this video which is to the credit of another member of the SB community… In fact, I missed this post when it first appeared on the SB. A good friend who is also an active SB reader, brought it to my attention. I am so thankful. I would not have wanted to miss this! Listen to this man, a Serbian. What he has to say is extraordinarily important and timely. If it disappears from YouTube, it will most assuredly have been posted in other places. Telesilla of Argos From your post, Bear… “It’s…

Protection from Radioactive Fallout by Tennessean

…leaves stay separated over time when only background radiation exists.    The usual background radiation rate is about 20 counts per minute at sea level (unless you have radon gas in your home). A kit for making the KFM is available from some suppliers listed at  A comment I have about this kit is that the metal can is far too flimsy.  A can from a small can of beans is much more suitable.  Other choices for dosimeters include: 1. The RADSticker: a chemical dosimeter whose change in color reflects the absorbed dose. These are available from suppliers listed at  At the time of this writing (May 2013) the cost was $25 for five of these. These suffer from the fact that they are single use dosimeters and cannot be reset (rezerod). In addition their shelf life at room temperature in the dark is only about two years.  If…

A Short Review of a Complex Document: Armageddon Online, by Old Bobbert

…and special needs brothers and sisters. Why should we care about these folks? WE CARE BECAUSE WE ARE AMERICANS AND THIS IS OUR PRIVILEGE AND OUR RESPONSIBILITY. WE ARE A FREE PEOPLE AND WE CARE FOR AND ABOUT THOSE WHO CAN’T HELP THEMSELVES. These are a few web sites suggested in Matt Anderson’s materials in the disabled preparedness area. The Access Board DHHS Administration on Aging National Council on Disability National Organization on Disability American Association for People with Disabilities American Foundation for the Blind National Association of the Deaf Los Angeles City Department on Disability Easter Seals For more in-depth information, get a copy of “Disaster Preparedness for People with Disabilities” (A5091) from the American Red Cross.   7. F.E.M.A. RR-28 / Reprinted July 1989 CONSTRUCTION OF A SIMPLIFIED WOOD GAS GENERATOR FOR FUELING INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES IN…

Letter: Clarifications on N95 Masks

…anticipating panic buying, and then offer them on their site for twice the price. “Panic now and beat the rush.” (Rawles) Seen it happen. Maybe you’ll need one this time, or perhaps it will be next time. Get the mask first, then do not delay, get the suit , ASAP. This is a Czech M10. The filter is installed on the inside of the mask. It is easier to maneuver with, but if the filters are clogged, the mask has to come off. However, if used for only short period of time and in a clean environment, it will be fine, and the replacement filters are inexpensive. Here is an example: Czech gas mask filters, new $3.99 Czech gas mask, $29.95: You Tube review and test using pepper spray: Modern respirator is may not be rated for biologicals, but is far better than a N95 mask.:…

How To Use a Baofeng UV-5R, by Tunnel Rabbit

…and CW. The side keypad has 4 arrow keys presented as a single rocker. 1000 Alpha memories in 20 banks are supplied. The scan-search rate is 37 steps/second. Bandwidths are: FM-W 150 kHz, FM-N/AM-W 12 kHz, AM/FM-S 9 kHz and AM-N/SSB 3 kHz (-6 dB). Tunnel Rabbit Hi Manimal, Would love to have some links. Sounds like a good build. Standard over the head headsets are far more desirable than the provided Baofeng ear pieces. The security team should have the best headsets that will stay on, and not fall apart. manimal here is everything in my setup: lapel mic: coiled audio cable: Impact shootin muffs: extended battery pack: folding antenna: manimal corrent link for folding antenna: Fitzy in Pa Tunnel Rabbit thanks for the good article! yeah- if you haven’t taken the ham test – go out to (take the free prep…

The Ghillie Suit–The Ultimate in Camouflage

…poncho. (BTW, I prefer the latter, especially in hot climates.) Both designs are nearly always used in conjunction with a camouflage face veil and a boonie-type hat with similar ghillie garnish. Ghillie suits and capes are commercially made, but these tend to be very expensive (since they are labor-intensive to assemble) and the choice of colors used will not always match your local terrain. Avoid the cheap commercial ghillie suits that are made out of plastic. They are indeed three dimensional but they do not blend in well in the boonies compared to natural materials like burlap and jute. Some commercial sources include: And for our Australian readers, see: Do It Yourself (DIY) ghillie suit/cape construction resources on the web include: U.S. Army FM 23-10: There are also fairly detailed ghillie suit making instructions in one for my favorite…

Retreat Owner Profiles

…firewood storage space, for charity.) 60 x 60 deer-fenced garden plot with eight 4 x 8 raised planter beds. Small poultry house. Annual Property Tax: $1,200 Livestock: Leghorn chickens (for meat), Americauna cross chickens (for eggs), and a few Buff Orpington chickens (for brood hens). Summer flock: 100. Winter flock: 12 to 14. Four Saanen dairy goats. (All does. A friend at church has a buck.) Rex Rabbits for meat. The Kilo family keeps only 2 does plus one buck over winter. Three to eight Belted Hampshire hogs raised each summer. (All are butchered every fall.) 400 square foot underground NBC shelter with pre-filters and Honeywell Z-membrane HEPA filters. (The best combination nuke/chemical filtration.) Communications Gear: Has General class Amateur license. A variety of VHF, UHF, and HF transceivers. (All are either ICOM and Yaesu.) Several general coverage receivers, ICOM 2 meter handie-talkies and one Yaesu base station, marine band…

Propane and Compressor Refrigerators, by Tunnel Rabbit

…lived off the grid for many years, and has lots of innovative ideas on how to reduce expenses and live comfortably with less. Plus, he has a great sense of humor. His videos are quite entertaining. His YouTube channel name is OFF GRID HOMESTEADING With The Boss Of The Swamp Tunnel Rabbit Ma G, That’s my kind of guy too. Love his fridge. Once a Marine… Here is one more option w/o reliance on high tech or spending money. More: Carry on in grace Cederq Tunnel Rabbit, salt water freezes at 28 degrees, fresh at 32 degrees. The salt also provides an internal matrix for the ice crystals to stay stable for a longer period of time instead of doing a phase shift from ice to cold water. You said you live in Montana, I live in Grangeville, Idaho and enjoy your commentary. I have had RV’s for…

Sensible Long Range Cartridges, by Tunnel Rabbit

…for me the single most important component is Trigger time sending rounds Down Range…….And really great First Focal Plane Glass……. Paul I think we have created some requirements for ourselves that really don’t relate to most situations. There are very few places where 1,000 yard shooting is even possible. It is very difficult to even identify a person at 600 yards. What is it that anyone can be doing a third of a mile away to justify taking their lives? We’re not Marines in Korea, 1952. We’re not facing half inch AR500 armor plate. And if you are, you’ve got bigger problems because there are guns ridding on whatever has that 1/2 inch armor you don’t want to mess with. My guess is that most defensive confrontations will occur at shouting distances, so the differences between ’06 and 7.62 NATO are largely irrelevant for most of us. What the thirties…

Generators for Family Readiness – Part 1, by Greg X.

…week or longer, and you come home to a tank down 150 gallons. If you have a critical need for constant power, need power 24/7, need power for farm operations, go for it. Buy a large propane tank though, especially if you have frequent power outages, want to run the set after the SHTF, live in a hot area where A/C is essential, etc. I’m just going to throw away the content of my freezers if the power goes out while I’m on vacation, or maybe my son will come over and fire up a small generator to run the freezers for a couple hours each day. Your $7500 bill buys many freezers full of food. It really depends on your situation, needs, knowledge of electricity, etc. what works best for me may not work for you. The Consultant When it comes to generators, the smaller and simpler the better….

The Accounting Equation and Salvation Equation, by J.E.H.

…I felt it was my calling since high school. And it helped me to explain an equation that without Jesus, we would not be able to have equity in our salvation. If you are not a believer, but feel the urge to be saved, please pray the following prayer: “God, I come to you through Jesus. Jesus is my Christ and I hold him to be your Son. I admit that I am a sinner and have committed the following sins: (you fill in the blank).” Confess all the sins you can think of and place them here. Then state, “And God the many sins I have not mentioned, please forgive me of them. Jesus, please come into my life.” After this, you have just completed a salvation prayer. Your salvation equation is: 100 Salvation – Zero Unconfessed Sins = 100 Salvation Equity. Maybe someday we will meet in Heaven….