Odds ‘n Sods:

One disparate view on Asian Avian flu worth considering as FFTAGFFR: The Threat of an Avian Flu Pandemic is Over-Hyped, by Michael Fumento, JD. See: http://www.ama-assn.org/ama/pub/category/16106.html

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Richard Benson comments on the coming Housing Bubble Implosion

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A new mumps outbreak in the U.S. Midwest.

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A report from Scotland on America’s Cyber War.

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SurvivalBlog reader S.F. recommended this great resource: http://www.buildanark.net

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

“America’s social entitlements, created as a safety net to keep its citizens out of the pit of despair when they were down on their luck, has now for too many become a hammock to lounge in, as a lifestyle. The opposite of entitlement thinking is survivalist thinking.” – Rourke

Medical Training – A Course Review by J.N.

This past month, I attended a Wilderness Emergency Medical Technician W-EMT class put on by Wilderness Medical Associates at a local university. I can say that this is by far the best survival-oriented medical training I have received to date. This particular class was geared towards those who are already certified at the EMT level. The class was intense, and I learned a lot of things that were never brought up in my regular EMT classes.
To start, here is a bit of background on what levels of medical training are out there. Most of these are accessible to the average person willing to put in the time and money.
Basic First Aid – This is what you are typically taught in school, Boy Scouts, or a one-day class offered by the Red Cross. The most basic life-saving skills are taught, such as how to manage bleeding, how to recognize when someone should not be moved due to a possible spinal injury, etc. Everyone should at least get themselves to one of these classes. Many times, they are offered for free or at low cost at a community center, college, etc.

Wilderness First Aid – This is another class that goes over the basics, but in more depth. The Wilderness First Aid (WFA) courses will cover topics like altitude sickness, heat/cold emergencies, and wound care in more depth than a regular (urban) first aid class. These classes are typically two days or so.

Wilderness Advanced First Aid (WAFA) – Similar topics to a WFA class, but goes into much more depth. Typical class is 4 days.\

Wilderness First Responder (WFR) – This is standard training for professional outdoor guides and group leaders. A lot of emphasis is placed on patient assessment, evacuation, etc. These classes are around 8 days, and will be intense. I would recommend a class like this to anyone who is serious about survival and/or outdoor travel.

Emergency Medical Technician – EMT is the certification level that is recognized at the county and state level, and is the entry-level certification for working on an ambulance crew, as a tech in an ER or other basic EMS work. It typically involves 150+ hours of training, plus hands-on contact with patients at an ER or on ambulance ride-alongs. You will learn basic anatomy, the critical body systems, how to identify common medical emergencies, extrication, patient packaging, trauma, delivery of some medications such as Oxygen, and get a basic grounding in emergency medicine.

Wilderness EMT – This class is EMT plus another 40-50 hours of training. The additional training covers topics that are specific to the back country (hypo/hypertherima, altitude, etc) in more detail than regular EMT or WFR training does and also introduces six new protocols. These include administering epinephrine injections for allergic reactions (anaphylaxis), managing sever asthma, reducing simple dislocations, advanced wound care, cessation of CPR, and clearing patients for spine injury. This would be about the best level of training most of us not working full-time in a medical field would be able to get to.
Note that EMT training is typically offered in evening or weekend format in most areas. I think a good bang-for-bucks training strategy would be to go for a first aid or better yet WFR class to get the basics plus wilderness training, then think about enrolling in an EMT program at your local community college. Mine took a semester of night classes to complete, and cost about $300, including enrollment, rooks and uniform.

The upgrade from EMT to W-EMT is a voluntary class that is not recognized by the state or county agencies in many cases. However, many employers recognize it and allow WIlderness-trained EMTs to use that extra training when they are away from a hospital/standard EMS.
The class that I took was five full days, and very hands on and intensive. It was taught at a level of training that assumed students knew basic medical terminology and standard EMT skills. We started with classroom review of the important body systems needed for survival, went over differences in assessing patients in the back country, then went right into the wilderness protocols. Each day was 9-10 hours long, and the class included three full-scale disaster simulations, with made-up patients needing assessment and treatment. The simulations were videotaped and critiqued in class. There was definitely no room for big egos here, as everyone made lots of mistakes, and improved their skills from one simulation to the next. They worked us pretty hard, and expected 100% from everyone.
The instructors were both outdoors people, one a working flight paramedic and the other a mountain-school instructor. Their insights and stories helped flesh out a lot of detail as to how and why a lot of this stuff is done. Additionally, a lot of discussion was had about medical topics not in the EMT protocols, such as applications for OTC and prescription medications for personal use, and what to expect from ALS (paramedic/advanced life support) crews, aircraft and search and rescue. Unlike the urban EMT class, they placed a lot of emphasis on making do with what’s on hand, and using hands-on skills in place of equipment you may not have.
I think an important thing I learned is that just about anyone can be taught how to do even advanced medical procedures. The hard part, is knowing when to do them (and when not to).
I would encourage anyone concerned about being prepared to look into one of these classes. I went to the WMA school but we also heard good things about the other two schools included in the following links:

Wilderness Medical Associates

SOLO Schools

Wilderness Medical Society

Regards, – JN

Letter Re: New Zealand as a Retreat Locale, and New Zealand vs. U.S. Gun Laws

Dear Mr. Rawles,

You wrote the following lumping NZ in with two other countries “The downside in all three countries is that their citizenries are unfairly subjected to draconian gun laws. (At least by American standards.) If you can live with registering all of your guns and some ridiculous restrictions on full capacity magazines, then by all means take a look in New Zealand. By reputation, the real estate firm to consider there is Bayleys”.

I would like to clarify a few points. First of all our gun laws are better here than some of your cities and states. There is no registration of sporting weapons, only MSSAs [Military Style Semiautomatic rifles or shotguns], Collectors (full auto), and pistols. If you have MSSA’s or pistols your magazines are not restricted at all. Any licensed gun owner can buy a suppressor from the local gun shop with no paperwork. By the same token, I could say the US has draconian gun laws because you can’t buy suppressors without ridiculous fingerprinting and outrageous tax penalties by the [American] BATFE. Also, our tax collectors don’t burn children for their own good like the ATF.

Bayleys is a fine real estate firm but they specialize in the premium end of the market. Those wishing to move here would be advised to spend some time determining where they want to live before plopping down serious money for a property as we have a huge range of climates and lifestyles (rural through urban). Cheers, – B.

Odds n’ Sods:

Rev. R.J. Rushdoony on the Biblical Gold Standard: http://www.chalcedon.edu/articles/article.php?ArticleID=281

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JPFO Talkin’ to America recently interviewed Fred of Fred’s M14 Stocks regarding the RWVA Appleseed Project educational program. For downloadable audio, see: www.jpfo.org/talkamerica.htm

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A “must read” piece of economic analysis:  “Central Banks, Weimar Germany and Gold” by Richard J. Greene. See:

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Interesting article about possible societal responses to terrorism in the USA (written by an ex-SOG(?)commander) :

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Peak Sugar, Fuel, or Food?

Odds ‘n Sods:

A professor at the University of Texas proposes that a plague wiping out 90% of Earth’s population would be a good thing. (I’m dubious.) See: http://story.seguingazette.com/drudge.html, and  http://www.sas.org/tcs/weeklyIssues_2006/2006-04-07/feature1p/index.html

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I just heard that Ready Made Resources is now offering free shipping on their freeze dried food!

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To our U.S. readers: Just enter your zip code in the site below, and it tells you which gas stations have the lowest (and the highest) gasoline prices in your zip code area. It’s updated every evening. Be sure to scroll down after getting a map of your area.  See: http://autos.msn.com/everyday/gasstations.aspx?zip=&src=Netx



Letter Re: Out-of-Print Bushcraft Book Now Available Online


I just found my way to this site and thought it would be another good source of survival information for your readers, especially as it had been compiled with military rescues in mind at the time. I have no affiliation with the site, author, etc. Just wanted to pass on a link: http://tions.net/CA256EA900408BD5/vwWWW/outdoor~03~000

Here is a snip from the site: “The section is home to an on-line edition of a classic text that is sadly now out of print, ‘The 10 Bushcraft Books’ by Richard Graves. Richard Harry Graves was born 17th July, 1898 (some sources list year of birth as 1897 or 1899) in Co. Waterford, Ireland. He died 3 days before I was born, on the 3rd of February, 1971 in Sydney, Australia. He is credited with the authorship of several books and is formerly a Commanding Officer of the Australian Jungle Survival & Rescue Detachment on active service with the U.S.A.A.F.
‘The 10 Bushcraft Books’ are the seminal texts on bushcraft and this on-line edition (based on the first edition of the book set) has been released to share this unique source of knowledge. Originally written as wartime information for conducting rescue missions, the notes were later revised and prepared for a School of Bushcraft which was conducted for nearly 20 years. Almost all the quirks of the original text have been retained (illustrations by the author, inconsistent word usage, strange punctuation, etc.) although I have removed 50% of
the commas (believe it or not). I have also converted all imperial measurements into metric.
Each web page in this section is quite large (typically 100 to 150 Kb, including images). All large images have a ‘thumbnail’ place holder that can be used to access the full-size version of the image (by clicking on the thumbnail image).”
Book 1. – Ropes & Cords
Book 2. – Huts & Thatching
Book 3. – Campcraft
Book 4. – Food & Water
Book 5. – Firemaking
Book 6. – Knots & Lashings
Book 7. – Tracks & Lures
Book 8. – Snares & Traps
Book 9. – Travel & Gear
Book 10. – Time & Direction



Letter from Michael Z. Williamson Re: Black Powder Replica Revolver Cartridge


Here’s one of at least two commercially available conversions for black powder to cartridge: http://www.kirstkonverter.com By installing one of these cylinders, one is legally manufacturing their own weapon, so no paperwork is involved. [Under the Federal law] as long as the components are shipped separately, it can be mailed to any adult per federal law. Note however, that some states and localities will have differing laws. – Michael Z. Williamson



Letter Re: Inexpensive Fallout Shelter Construction Method?

Hi Jim,
Boy, is your blog the “cream of the crop”! I’ve read it daily, almost from the very beginning, and am always amazed by the breadth of knowledge within. Great job!

I fully recognize the need for a suitable fallout shelter for my family in these trying times. By suitable I mean more than just an expedient shelter. We may need to be sealed off for several weeks in a worst case scenario. Don’t get me wrong, an expedient shelter will save lives but may not be the most desirable conditions for a wife and toddler. In doing much research on the subject, reviewing Joel Skousen’s books and other’s, I’ve come to the conclusion that this is a MAJOR undertaking involving BIG BUCKS! How can I construct a solid, waterproof, underground fallout shelter, doing a lot of the interior outfitting myself, without breaking the bank? Many shelter producers charge $15-to-$100K per unit. This is almost impossible, while budgeting for other “needs”, without incurring debt. Right now the steel culvert type shelters seem to fit the bill.

Please share your thoughts, concerns, advice. Congrats on your full time blogging, and may God continue to provide for you and your family. – SP in NC

JWR Replies: The first thought that comes to mind to reduce costs is to use one or two fiberglass prefabricated septic tanks as the primary structure for the shelter. Perhaps some SurvivalBlog readers will have other cost-saving suggestions. Please e-mail me, and I will post them.

Odds ‘n Sods:

A professor at the University of Texas proposes that a plague wiping out 90% of Earth’s population would be a good thing. (I’m dubious.) See: http://story.seguingazette.com/drudge.html, and  http://www.sas.org/tcs/weeklyIssues_2006/2006-04-07/feature1p/index.html

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I just heard that Ready Made Resources is now offering free shipping on their freeze dried food!

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To our U.S. readers: Just enter your zip code in the site below, and it tells you which gas stations have the lowest (and the highest) gasoline prices in your zip code area. It’s updated every evening. Be sure to scroll down after getting a map of your area.  See: http://autos.msn.com/everyday/gasstations.aspx?zip=&src=Netx



Jim’s Quote of the Day:

"This course is dedicated to the idiotic proposition that you can be taught the fundamentals of Organic chemistry, Inorganic chemistry, Qualitative analysis, Quantitative analysis, Physical chemistry, and Biochemistry all in one semester. The odds against any of you passing this course would be staggering to contemplate if there were any time for contemplation. However, there is not. Get out your notebooks." – Max Shulman in The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis

Note from JWR:

As previously mentioned, I will be writing SurvivalBlog full time, starting April 7th. Quitting my “day job” is a huge leap of faith. To make a living at this, I will need far more 10 Cent Challenge contributors. I don’t intend to place “guilt trip” on anyone, nor do I want to sound like a beggar, but ponder the fact that less that 2% of the folks that read SurvivalBlog weekly have ponied up 10 cents a day. All that I ask is that if find what you read here valuable, then please pitch in. Thanks!

Today we present the first entry in Round 4 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The writer of the best contest entry will win a four day “gray” transferable Front Sight course certificate. The deadline for entries for Round 4 is May 31, 2006.