Dear Jim,
Tor (“The Onion Router”) has been up and running for some time. It’s a free and highly secure system for anonymous browsing. It requires installation of free, open source software on the host machine.
Also of potential interest is the current release of Freenet, which supports a “scalable darknet:”
A freeware, open source distribution of PGP (named, appropriately, GPG).
A GPG for Windows front end.
TrueCrypt (a freeware/open source hard drive encryption/steganography program)
The Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) tools page
Hushmail: secure, free web mail
Secure, free hard drive/file erasure
Disclaimer and warning: Strong cryptography isn’t legal everywhere. The United States, for example, still regards some types of cryptographic algorithms as munitions, and export is forbidden. Know your country’s laws before you proceed. Cryptography isn’t a panacea for our loss of privacy in the digital age. It is, however, a very powerful tool to put an envelope back on your mail, a lock on your computer’s “filing cabinet,” to destroy sensitive files or to send a letter without a return address – all things our parents took for granted. Learn its limits and use it wisely for your own sake and everyone else’s. Do not attempt to send threats, traffic in drugs or child pornography, plan acts of terrorism or engage in other crimes using crypto. Sooner or later, you’ll draw attention to yourself and the full weight of the law will come down, hard. You will be caught, you will be prosecuted, you will be imprisoned. Period. Regards, – Moriarty
- Ad USA Berkey Water Filters - Start Drinking Purified Water Today!#1 Trusted Gravity Water Purification System! Start Drinking Purified Water now with a Berkey water filtration system. Find systems, replacement filters, parts and more here.
- Ad Follow the Author Don Shift Basic SHTF Radio: A cop's brief guide for understanding simple solutions for SHTF radio communicationIntimidated and don’t know where to start with radio? This book is the perfect guide to what options you have i.e. GMRS, CB, to ham and basic communication topics.
Letter Re: Kudos for an Advertiser
Just a note in regards to, one of your newest advertisers, and their superior customer service. I had an issue with my order. Markus took care of it so fast. that it made my head swim! I’m very satisfied with my experience. Good folks. They should be an asset to your site. Best Regards, – Bob C.
- Ad The Good News About Nuclear Destruction.The lethality of all nukes can be reduced by 90% when you know beforehand what to do and not do.
- Ad SIEGE Belts & Stoves: Engineered for comfort & durability, these awesome gifts will be used for a lifetime and can save lives. Read users' glowing testimonials on these stunning one-of-a-kind US essentials. Code SBLOG for $20 off any belt!SIEGE Belts' unique capabilities have saved their owners in unexpected situations. Many say they'll wear no other belt and never go without one. Hand-crafted in USA.
Odds ‘n Sods:
“Florida Guy” pointed us to a neat new shotgun variant from Mossberg for the nautical types among us.
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A SurvivalBlog reader mentioned that he sells surplus VHF portable two-way radio that operate in the Multi Use Radio Service (MURS) allocated frequencies. These radios come complete and ready to use with antenna, battery, belt clip and drop in charger for only $49 each. Yes, they have a few scratches and they’ll have a sticker that covers the original emergency service department engravings, buy hey, just $49 for a 2 Watt transceiver is a great deal. MURS frequencies and do not require a license. The model that he is presently selling is a Kenwood TK2100 VHF MURS portable. These 2 Watt radios can have much better range than most FRS which typically broadcast just 1/2 Watt.
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Cooling Down the Climate Scare.
- Ad Survival RealtyFind your secure and sustainable home. The leading marketplace for rural, remote, and off-grid properties worldwide. Affordable ads. No commissions are charged!
Jim’s Quote of the Day:
“Discrimination is simply the act of choice. When we choose Bordeaux wine, we discriminate against Burgundy wine. When I married Mrs. Williams, I discriminated against other women. Even though I occasionally think about equal opportunity, Mrs. Williams demands continued discrimination.” – Dr. Walter E. Williams, George Mason University
- Ad Elbit PVS14 No Gain White Phosphor 10 year warrantyCall us if you have Questions 800-627-3809
- Ad Rural Home Defense: non-fiction by author Don ShiftA cop's guide to protecting your rural home or property during riots, civil war, or SHTF. A sequel in the Suburban Defense series.
Note From JWR:
The winner of Round 6 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest is R.E.M., for his article “Maximizing Food Storage Life.” The second prize goes to R.J.C. of Pennsylvania, for his article “Water, Water Everywhere.” Congratulations to both of them. You gents will be contacted by e-mail to arrange for delivery of your contest prizes.
Round 7 of the contest begins to day, and end on the last day of November. The writer of the best non-fiction article will win a valuable four day “gray” transferable Front Sight course certificate. (Worth up to $1,600.) Second prize is another copy of my “Rawles Gets You Ready” preparedness course, generously donated by Jake Stafford of Arbogast Publishing. If you want a chance to win Round 7, get buy writing and e-mail us your article. Remember that the articles that relate practical “how to” skills for survival will have an advantage in the judging.
- Ad USA Berkey Water Filters - Start Drinking Purified Water Today!#1 Trusted Gravity Water Purification System! Start Drinking Purified Water now with a Berkey water filtration system. Find systems, replacement filters, parts and more here.
- Ad Ready Made Resources, Trekker Water Filtration SystemUsed throughout the World
Letter Re: Legality of Converting Replica Blackpowder Revolvers to Fire Cartridges?
Jim, I recently watched the 1985 movie ‘Pale Rider‘ with Clint Eastwood and noticed in the movie that he used what appeared to be a 1858 Remington pistol, I didn’t notice if it was a cap and ball or if it was converted to use conventional ammo. Where can you get those cylinders you mentioned? Seems like a very cool pistol advertised at Cabela’s. But wouldn’t BATFE be all over a loophole that allows a non-FFL firearm to be converted? Just curious..- Jason North Idaho
JWR Replies: Here in the U.S., if it is the end user/owner (a non-FFL holder) that is converting a blackpowder replica to take modern metallic cartridges (via a replacement cylinder) , then it is perfectly legal. Nice loophole. (Note, however, that is the Federal law. Your State and local laws may vary.) IMHO, the highest quality conversions are the Kirst conversions for Rugers. (They also do Colts and Remingtons.) FWIW, I like their Ruger Old Army job the best. If I was going to buy a blackpowder revolver with a cartridge conversion in mind, then that is the model that I’d start with.
- Ad SOURCE FOR IVERMECTIN / HCQ, ANTIBIOTICS, ALL REGULAR MEDS“Mygenericstore” is a well-established pharmacy service that deals primarily with generic medicines produced by quality-assured manufacturers from developing countries.
- Ad AFFORDABLE FAMILY RETREAT FOR SALE IN ARIZONA MOUNTAINS: Year-round spring/creek close to property, Ideal location, Small conservative self-sufficiency-minded community, Set up for Homesteading, Hunting, Guest House, StorageAffordable AZ Mtn Retreat: 3-BDR + guest house, near spring, garden, ckn coops, greenhouse frame, hunting/foraging, food storage, ideal location, small community, AirBnB-ready
Two Letters Re: Chevron’s Deep Oil Strike in the Gulf of Mexico
Mr. Rawles
I read your blog often, thanks for the entertaining and informative site. I would like to comment on David from Israel’s post regarding Chevron’s oil strike in the gulf. I work for a very large E & P company and have many years experience in drilling and production. There is nothing holding back the exploitation of this field except time to build the facilities and and acquiring the drill ships (cost $500,000+ per day for the ship) to punch the holes. We routinely produce gas and oil from 24,000′; the depth of the water does not really matter any longer. The bottom hole temperatures and pressures are the main factors; and we have equipment to handle those at the depths Chevron is drilling. We should see production from this field in approximately five years; time for pipelines and sea bed production facilities to be put in place.
I am currently drilling 28,500′ on land, hence higher temps and pressures that Chevron is seeing on their well in the Gulf. However the general public simply does not realize the amount of money and the logistics it takes to perform these duties. We currently have falling oil and gas prices and the doubling and tripling of service company charges to the oil companies; you will start to see drilling rig idle at $50 per barrel oil and $5.00 [per gallon] natural gas. The comparison that David made ” cruising altitude for an airliner, compare that depth to the 69 foot depth of the first commercial oil well in the USA.” holds some insight the 69′ well could be drilled with a wooden derrick and steam power, today we have high tensile alloy, exotic fibers and 5,000 hp diesel electric motors; also computer power than all but the largest Universities and probably more people with doctorate degrees than those same institutions. We routinely spend $5,000,000 for a 15,000′ gas well! Higher fuel prices are here to stay. The SUV and the McMansion will ensure that. Thanks, – RJ
The letter you posted from David in Israel regarding the recent Chevron discovery in the Gulf is simply and flatly false. I have worked in the oil patch here in Texas for decades, although costly it is routine to not only drill to that depth but also easily produce and refine oil from that depth. He simply has zero knowledge of routine oil production processes. That well will be in production within 24 months if not sooner. In addition, the Gulf and other areas hold equally large deposits of both crude and natural gas. Cost is the only factor in determining whether or not a well is viable. – Doc in Texas
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- Ad California Legal Rifles & Pistols!WBT makes all popular rifles compliant for your restrictive state. Choose from a wide range of top brands made compliant for your state.
Odds ‘n Sods:
Mountain Brook Foods of Tracy, California has announced a special one month sale just for SurvivalBlog readers. From now until the end of October, the following discounts will be available for in-stock items only:
20% off Orders of $100 to $249
30% off Orders of $250 to $499.99
40% off Orders over $500, not to exceed $2,500.
To place your order go to There you will see there full line of storage foods and books. Note, however, that their web site lists only their standard pricing. To get the SurvivalBlog October special pricing, enter “SurvivalBlog” as the coupon discount code. If you have any questions about this special offer or any their products you can contact Mountain Brook at: or call toll free: (877) 668-6826.
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The Werewolf (SurvivalBlog’s correspondent in Brazil) mentioned that he stumbled across some interesting reading at The Memory Hole: De-classified back issues of The Cryptographic Quarterly. This will probably only be of interest to readers that have a background in SIGINT, cryptology, or cryptography. It certainly brings back some memories for me. (I guess that wasn’t sufficiently degaussed when I was read off of my SCI compartments, 15 years ago!)
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A nasty new highly drug resistant strain of tuberculosis is popping up worldwide, including the United States.
- Ad Click Here --> Civil Defense ManualHow to protect, you, your family, friends and neighborhood in coming times of civil unrest… and much more, Go to for contents.
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Jim’s Quote of the Day:
"It does not do to leave a leave dragon out of your calculations, if you live near him." – J.R.R. Tolkien
Note From JWR:
Round 6 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest ends today! The writer of the best non-fiction article will win a valuable four day “gray” transferable Front Sight course certificate. (Worth up to $1,600.) Second prize is a copy of my “Rawles Gets You Ready” preparedness course, generously donated by Jake Stafford of Arbogast Publishing. If you want a chance to win Round 6, e-mail us your article, ASAP. Round 6 will end on September 30th. Remember that the articles that relate practical “how to” skills for survival will have an advantage in the judging. The following article is the final entry in Round 6.
Stockpile Fire Safety Considerations, by AVL
Hazardous materials storage laws can affect your intended stockpile. The survival mantra is “Be Prepared!” to this end; it is often necessary to have stockpiles of materiel that may come in handy in case of an emergency. Most conversations about such stockpiles talk about food, water, clothing, and of course gasoline, ammunition, gunpowder, primers etc. While there are currently no limits as to what quantity of food, water, and shelter you can store, gasoline, ammunition and firearms are another story entirely.
What is considered hazardous material?
A hazardous material is anything that may adversely affect your safety or the safety of those around you. Normally this might be considered acids, flammables, strong bases, oxidizers, fine particulates (asbestos) or radioactive materials.
Hazardous materials fit into a number of classifications based on their affect on health, flammability, and chemical reactivity. This is defined by the NFPA 704 diamond (National Fire Protection Agency) that you will often see on buildings indicating the danger posed by chemicals contained inside.
Why should I be concerned?
A number of the materials you may be considering stockpiling, or have already stockpiled may fit into one of the above categories. Substances such as gasoline, gunpowder, primers and small arms ammunition are considered hazardous. Because of this, most local, state, and even federal governments have set limits as to how, and how much of each material may be stored.
Gasoline, smokeless powder, primers, and small arms ammunition are all flammable and can be dangerous in the presence of heat, sparks or rough treatment. Gasoline, gunpowder, and primers should not be stored together! Gunpowder over 20 lbs should be stored in a portable magazine; this makes it mobile, safe, and legal. Store primers in a similar manner and in small quantities to avoid chain detonation.
Don’t forget, there may be other things in your emergency stock that can cause fire. Potassium Iodate is an oxidizer and should be stored away from flammables.
Due to the regulations, you must carefully consider how you will store these valuable commodities in a way that will not put your property in danger of fire, or government seizure.
The regulations
Smokeless Powder:
At present, few local and state governments set limits on storage of small arms ammunition, or reloading components (Shell casings and projectiles are not counted, just powder and primers). However, the federal government through the NFPA has set limits.
Transportation in private vehicle: 20lbs – 50lbs in a magazine with walls of 1” thickness
Storage in private residence: 20lbs – 50lbs in a magazine with walls of 1” thickness
The NFPA does not seem to have any limits on the quantities of primers stored or transported; however, certain states do impose limits such as Massachusetts, where it is illegal to posses more than 1000 primers without a license. However, the license is reasonably priced.
Other states impose possession limits on small arms ammunition; the most draconian was again Massachusetts, with a limit of 10,000 rounds of rim fire ammunition, 10,000 rounds of center fire, and 5,000 rounds of shotgun ammunition. While neither a federal, nor a preponderance of state regulations could be found. It should be expected that quantities exceeding these will likely garner significant attention from authorities. You should check your local laws regarding this matter.
Gasoline is a fairly easy commodity to store, put it in an airtight container and put it away, rotate every few months. However, the Uniform Fire Code (UFC) sets limits on how much you can stockpile.
Gasoline is required to be stored in UL listed containers (Underwriters Labs). Most commercially sold containers meet this requirement and are available in 1,2 and 5 gallon sizes. The next size up container is a 60-gallon drum. However, UFC does not allow the storage of more than 25 gallons on your premises. [JWR Adds: The limit cited is for private residences. Many farms and ranches have commercially built exterior gasoline tanks–either above or below ground–in capacities that range up to several hundred gallons or even larger. Consult you state and local laws before buying a tank.]
Solutions for the savvy stocker
Based on these limits, there is a fair amount of flexibility as to what you stock. 50 lbs of gunpowder will make 7500 rounds of .308, 15000 rounds of .223 or 80000 rounds of .45 depending on how you load. So keeping your larger cartridges as your stockpile of loaded ammunition gives you a lot more mileage.
For example, keeping 10,000 rounds of .50 BMG loaded with a powder that could be used in .308 and .223 would be ideal, this way it can either be ammunition, or just a storage container. [JWR Adds: Pay close attention to powder burning rates and pressure curves. Powder that is suitable for large volume cases is not always appropriate for large cartridges. Follow published loading data scrupulously!] Only primers must be stockpiled, which are small, lightweight, and can be spread out and hidden in many areas easily. Limits are not imposed on reloading components such as cases or projectiles, so these can always be stored without a hassle.
Currently, the regulations are on a per-premises basis. The regulation isn’t clear whether this is one property, or a single dwelling. However, it opens up the possibility of storing multiple caches on any property you own. This could provide several lifetimes worth of ammunition if done right.
Gasoline presents similar issues, however, unlike gunpowder and primers, gasoline is bulky and doesn’t lend itself to being broken up. However, the UFC does not place any stipulation on carrying fuel in vehicles. The ideal solution here is to have several large vehicles with large tanks which in an emergency you could quickly move the gasoline into your bug-out-vehicle, storage tank for your generator, or just drive off with it in the vehicle.
Survival is a game that goes back to the origins of life itself. As organisms became more advanced they were able to ensure their survival through behavior. The strongest survival advantage in mammals is gained through cooperation and division of labor.
The ultimate stockpile you can create is to have your friends and neighbors stockpile in the same way you do, when the balloon goes up, and there’s no one around to tell you, you’re not allowed to have 26 gallons of gas, trading elements among your friends and neighbors can give you the things you need, and give them the things they need.
While cooperation is essential, operational security is also necessary. Pick and choose those you wish to be part of this carefully. Perhaps recommend quantities to associates, but do not comment on your own preparations. The first thing that happens when you are prepared and others are not never leads to a happy ending. – AVL
Letter Re: 12VDC LED Christmas Lights for Emergency Lighting
On a lark, I order two strings of these 12 VDC LED sort-of Christmas lights. I ordered one string of blue for the porch (really easy on Night Adapted Eyes and one string of white.
Wow! Really neat. Low current (i.e.: extremely low power consumption) and just plain handy. I’m just guessing but I figure two strings would run for 6 weeks on a fully charged car battery.
Nice for those “loss of electricity days/nights” and a lot cheaper than the camping/emergency lighting systems. I think it is a reasonable purchase.Best Regards, – The Army Aviator
Odds ‘n Sods:
Cathy Buckle’s latest “African Tears” letter from Zimbabwe is a compelling read. (The letter dated Saturday 23rd September 2006). I am surprised that the the economy in Zimbabwe has not fallen into total collapse. For now, it is somehow managing to stagger along on inertia. Please pray for a change of government there.
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SurvivalBlog reader”Felix” mentioned this story: The Italian parliament has passed legislation allowing people to shoot robbers in self-defense.
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Reader S.H. mentioned another cool project at the MAKEzine blog: Geiger Counter Modification (a V-700 upgraded with digital readouts, etc.)
Jim’s Quote of the Day:
"Man is so made that whenever anything fires his soul, impossibilities vanish." – Jean de la Fontaine
Three Letters Re: Questions on the Pickup Truck as a Multi-Purpose Retreat Vehicle
Dear Jim and Survival Blog:
I’m sure the question of the best truck for a survival retreat will generate a large response. By trade, I am an engineer; however, I currently am working as a maintenance person for a large camping facility in upstate New York. In my experience with equipment and vehicles, I would have to say anything with a Cummins 6B or 4B diesel power plant will earn the owners respect for the amount of work it will do and the long life you can expect from the unit. I live next to a medium size farm operation and they have several tractors powered by a Cummins engine and they regularly get 15,000 hours before any major work needs to be done to the motor. In my estimates, this is the same as driving 1,500,000 miles (yes, that’s 1.5 million) on the highways and by-ways. Anything built to last that long should be looked into. Most people know that Dodge is the main supplier of Cummins powered vehicles to the masses; however, the Cummins engine can also be found in Ford medium and heavy duty trucks and buses. If you are mechanically inclined, buy an early Cummins powered Dodge with less than 300,000 miles, replace the transmission with a later NV5500 or NV6500, or even an Eaton-Fuller 5-speed. Four-wheel drive is a personal choice. A lot of people get good performance from a differential locker on a two wheel drive truck, and there is less rolling weight to boot. Even a two-wheel drive truck can be set up to plow with the right equipment and weight over the rear axle. I do not have the experience with plow vehicles, so I will bow out for now. Thanks to you Jim for al the work you do. – AJR
I’ve also been researching diesel pickups, though my objective is to convert one of them to Waste Vegetable Oil (WVO). With that in mind, I contacted the good folks at for recommendations. They have a page with comments about the reliability and strengths/weaknesses of different engines and fuel systems. IMHO, the best bang for the buck is going to be the Ford diesel pickups made before 1994 (pre-Powerstroke). There is no computer (as best I can determine), they have dual fuel tanks (better for WVO conversions), and they have reliable fuel pumps that are not expensive to rebuild if the need arises. Dodge trucks equipped with Cummins engines appear to have a stellar reputation, but the used truck prices are commensurate with that reputation; and the fuel pumps are far more costly to rebuild. Both Ford and Dodge only put diesels in the 250 & 350 series trucks, not in the half-ton 150s. Judging by the trucks I see advertised for sale, longevity on these units runs well over 200K miles, with several of them over 300K and still commanding a healthy price. – Dave S. in Missouri
Hi James,
In response to David J.’s questions I offer the following:
1) I would suggest attempting to find a truck that is already equipped with a plow, perhaps a used municipal truck. This makes for a better “package deal”. Equipping an older truck sans plow equipment with plow equipment could prove to be a challenge, not to mention expensive. While some older aftermarket equipment exists, it is harder to get from a stocking dealer because the demand has waned – most of their stock is for the latest vehicles. If you buy the equipment used, how do you know you have every part you need and that some components aren’t missing? Mind you, the equipment for older trucks can be found, but it will take some effort. While a municipal vehicle likely has high mileage, having the engine/transmission components rebuilt will give the vehicle a known date/mileage of the start of a new service life and most likely some form of brief warranty. Since the engines are used in a number of different truck/van models and not just snow plows, rebuilding the original diesel engine and transmission will likely be more economical than finding new or used plow equipment for an older truck as the engine and transmission service parts will be commonly available than model specific snow plow components.
2) My own preference is Ford, but I prefer to avoid the 1995 model year and later Powerstroke diesel models for a endurance/survival application, leaning toward the 1994 and older normally aspirated 7.3L diesels. The Powerstroke engines are indeed more powerful but do have engine management systems – computers (EMP vulnerable) – one failed sensor can cause some problems. The older 7.3L Ford diesel is mechanical except for the starter, glow plug circuit and injection pump solenoid – as memory serves. The injection pump solenoid is used to turn the engine fuel supply off when you turn off the key – thus the engine stops. Another strike against Powerstrokes is while Powerstrokes are more powerful than standard 7.3L diesels since they are equipped with a turbocharger (and in theory more efficient), that same turbocharger can be a hindrance if its seals fail at an inopportune time. A friend who’s a mechanic that specializes in Ford Powerstrokes drove his 1996 F350 supercab from SE Texas to Colorado on an Elk hunting trip. The seals on the turbo failed along the way and the engine ended up pumping its lubricating oil (the turbo is lubricated by an engine oil line) into the engines intake tract because of the failed turbo seal. At least my friend knew what to do – purchase a sizable quantity of engine oil and continue adding it until he could get to area where he could order/replace the turbo! He was not happy with the experience. In a non-turbo diesel this won’t happen, thus it is one less concern. The older Ford diesels often have Ford C6 automatic transmissions, which are excellent and have no electronic controls on them other than perhaps a neutral safety switch. The drawback with the C6 is it doesn’t have overdrive. You can add a very tough Gear Vendors overdrive unit ($3,000 but you get what you pay for) to the C6 if you want overdrive on an older model. I would trust a C6/Gear Vendors overdrive equipped diesel over one of the later Powerstrokes that has a computer controlling the transmission shift points. With a manual transmission the only significant concern is clutch wear and lubricant level. I would go with either an F250 or F350 model. F350 will carry the most at the sacrifice of ride quality.
3) I won’t claim to know what the “best” diesel made is or was, rather, I think it is more of an issue what one’s preferences/intended uses are. I am admittedly Ford biased as that’s where my experience is. GM and Dodge have very fine engines as well. All of them have their benefits and their quirks like any man-made creation (kind of like discussing the best .308 battle rifle). This to me is what’s more important. If a diesel is properly maintained it should have a service life that can approach/surpass 300,000 miles. Change the fuel filter more frequently than the manufacturer recommends. Clean fuel is life to an injector pump and injectors. When changing fuel filters I fill the fuel filter with automatic transmission fluid (ATF). ATF can be safely burned as a fuel in diesel engines and has the added benefit of being a detergent that will clean the injection pump and injectors. I like to add STP Diesel fuel treatment and also one quart of ATF to the fuel tank every third fill up. Change the oil and filter regularly, preferably every 3,000 miles. I prefer Shell Rotella diesel oil as it has a very high zinc content. Zinc is an anti-wear additive that is being reduced/removed from engine oil specified for automobile engines (can you say EPA?). In fact, I recommend Shell Rotella diesel oil (note to self – stock up on Rotella) for older gasoline engines with flat tappet camshafts, as do many aftermarket camshaft manufacturers. The flat tappets benefit from the zinc additive. I prefer to change the coolant and thermostat annually, as I’m convinced this makes the water pump and other cooling system parts last longer.
4) When looking at a used diesel vehicle, if possible, start the engine from a cold start. When the rings and or valve seals begin to wear, visible exhaust smoke manifest when the engine is cold and lessens/subsides as the engine warms up. A seller who wishes to hide the fact that the vehicle smokes excessively may try to warm it up before you arrive. (He may also do this innocently). Also check for fuel leaks. Diesel fuel will turn coolant hoses into useless goo. The diesel fuel contaminated hoses will “swell up like a toady-frog”, then burst. Resist the urge to drive a diesel with a fuel leak – have the leak repaired. The first thing I do to a diesel with an unverifiable service history is replace the fuel filter, then coolant and coolant hoses. Once you acquire the vehicle of your choice, keep a spare starter, glow plug relay and alternator in “the recently mentioned on the blog” homemade Faraday cage – a used/discarded microwave oven(!) – and keep it in the back of the truck in a Rubbermaid Action Packer.
Hope this helps. When writing this I had a BFO about another diesel vehicle that might be ideal – an ’89 Ford E350 diesel 17″ box (moving) van I saw for sale recently. Perfect for that trip to the big box store (or that ultimate trip out of Dodge)! Kind Regards, – M. Artixerxes