Book Bomb Day For The Ultimate Prepper’s Survival Guide!

…& Camping Instructional Guides) Tuesday, October 20th, 3:00 PM, Pacific Time: #100 in Books That wasn’t bad, considering that Amazon catalogs and sales rank about 33 million book titles. And they have more than 80 new print titles and several thousand new e-book titles that become available each day. [Update: As of Wednesday, October 20th, has updated their ordering page for the book to read: “Usually ships within 1 to 2 months.” Sooooo… They apparently blew through their entire inventory in just two days!] The Ultimate Prepper’s Survival Guide is 240 pages, with a clever wire-o binding inside of a hardcover. This allows it to lay flat, when open. Please note that a lot of the material that I wrote for the book has never appeared in SurvivalBlog. The editors (at Welbeck Publishing, in London, England) developed some dazzling graphics to go along with my text. I expect that…

The Gunfighter’s Guide: Lessons Learned the Hard Way- Part 2, by The Grumpy Gunfighter

test using scenarios. Stress Testing Stress testing is adding distractions and complexity around your shooting. Yes, you may be able to get a one hole grouping at 25 yards on a clear sunny day but what about at night when you are out of breath? What about when your hands are shaking from running a quarter mile and chaotic screams or gunfire fill your ears? What happens to your grouping under stressful conditions? If you ever have to get in a gunfight, it will likely be under these stressful and chaotic situations. So, the only way to truly test your capabilities is to train with this added level of stress. Do. Not. Stop. Fighting Let me tell you a story of why you just do not stop fighting in a gunfight. You cannot quit. My friend and a few fellow officers were searching for a domestic violence subject in a…

Ammunition Caching: A 20 Year Real-World Experiment, by Cache and Carry

…“encapsulated cache” as time and effort to remove the pod would negate the “quick extraction” feature of this method. A variation in the encapsulated cache placement could involve the shell being placed horizontally. A horizontal placement of the shell could be included in the construction of a concrete basement wall for example and sheet rocked over. The retrieval would only require the breaking of the sheet rock veneer to expose the “shell” cap underneath. Rebar in the concrete might thwart the use of metal detectors to locate the cache set in such a wall. Most of the remainder of this description will focus on my actual experience in placing and using the cache made from the eight inch outer pipe (for the shell) with the sonobuoy inner container (for the pod), but the concept would work the same whether you could obtain sonobuoy tubes, or made your inside pod tube…

How To Make Den-Type Game Traps, by Terry B.

…digging sticks, but having good tools available makes the construction process much easier. Once you make one of these traps, you will see for yourself just how well they work. If you build a test trap close to your home on your property, you could also install a small security camera with infrared night vision capability, inside the den box, and wire it to a remote monitor. This would let you see when animals are in the trap, if you have the equipment available, and you feel like going to the effort. Please note that, like everything else fun and useful, making and using these traps could be illegal, or could become illegal, as new laws are passed. Use discretion, research you local and state laws, and use this information for survival situations only. I hope that you find this useful, and remember: “God Decides The Outcome Of Every Battle”….

Cold Weather Considerations – Part 2, by JM

…an insulator compared to other sources of wool fiber? We’re thankful for the happy ending in OneGuy’s story, and for the reminders about safety. We should all consider that we may face extended time in adverse weather conditions – and prepare accordingly. In addition to seasonal and transient winter storms, there is also the matter of the GSM. Ben at “Suspicious 0bservers” has a good series out on this topic, and suggests that we are already coming into contact with the galactic current sheet (which may actually be a double layer consisting of two sheets). Contact with this structure combined with the pole reversal in process promises interesting and potentially difficult and dangerous weather (and other geologic) events ahead. It appears that changes are already being observed within our solar system. Making this kind of risk arena especially challenging is that some of the change events will come…

Search Engine Privacy–And Google’s 30 Year Cookie Retention Iniquity

…your search engine cookies and click the box that says: “Don’t allow sites that set removed cookies to set future cookies. In Safari, try the free and versatile PithHelmet plug-in. [See:] You can let some cookies in temporarily, decide that some can last longer or prohibit some sites, including third-party advertisers, from setting cookies at all.” He also recommends: “If you are doing any search you wouldn’t print on a T-shirt, consider using Tor, The Onion Router. [See:] An EFF-sponsored service, Tor helps anonymize your web traffic by bouncing it between volunteer servers.” The article also mentions the tried and true (but slow) See: OBTW, if any of you techno gurus would be so kind, I’d greatly appreciate a summary article about Internet privacy to post on You might even win our non-fiction writing contest. (The prize is a four day course certificate at Front Sight!)…

How to Bypass Blocked Web Sites, by Tamara W.

…unrestricted Internet access also provides more opportunity to not have one’s own computer searched and then seized due to illegal viewing of politically incorrect material. Let the Block Think It is a Harmless Page – Bypassing the Block Step 1 Go to Google or another  browser. Search for the web site name in the search bar. Instead of clicking on the web site link, select the “cached” option below the web site description. This will be seen by the browser as viewing a web page from Google or the search engine, not the blocked site. Step 2 Open up Google. Enter the URL in the format below, but with the blocked web site’s URL in place of|en& Translations through Google are read by web site filters as coming from Google, thus the web site is visible even though the original content is brought up through this command. Step…

Get Informed, by Todd X.

… .  And, you can visit this link for a short how-to-video on how to use Google Reader –  NOTE: Google Reader has just been updated.  The video describes the old Google Reader.  However, the new Google Reader functions the same. If you don’t like Google products, there is a free piece of software that I used before Google.  It is a stand-alone reader that downloads to your desktop.  It is a little dated and doesn’t have all the bells and whistles, but it will keep your anonymity.  The program is called Bottom Feeder. There are also others.  A quick search will point you in the right direction. I created two videos on blogs for a teacher staff development a while back that might be beneficial on searching for and understanding blogs as well.  Part 1 –  Part 2 – YouTube I have to admit, there are…

Surviving Seniorhood With Sharpies – Part 3, by St. Funogas

…is a new one!”) Either you get an antibiotic and a lecture about wearing your, ahem, P.P.E., or an actual exam occurs to note the real burns, followed quickly by a call to those nice young men in their clean white coats and they’re coming to take you awayyyyyy…. I also label sheet sizes on their tags. And in a fit of nesting one year, I Sharpied onto the front edge of the linen closet shelves, on the overhung shelf-liner paper, where each size of sheet should go, as well as labeling the shelves for towels etc. Miraculously the system has mostly been followed so far. (We won’t talk about whether the items ON the shelves are folded neatly, or how much is stuffed under the bottom shelf, or how many random tubes of sunscreen and other miscellaneous things are thrown up on the very top shelf which was supposed…

Preparedness Notes for Wednesday — February 17, 2021

…and the reason for planning. In my earlier life, planning was a part of the job, so this not new to me, but it could be new to you. The best warriors are intellectuals of a kind, not mindless brutes. Our minds are our first and best weapon. Being in good health, and fit, gives our minds stamina. Giving the brain a work out, makes it stronger. This video explores how even the simplest plan could have further reaching benefits that could be realized if one understands how components, individual plans, can work together in different ways, a synergistic way, and provide an unanticipated benefit, a layer of security, an effect, the basis of new plans that allow one to adapt. Adapt and overcome. The more skilled we are at this now, the faster and better we can adapt an overcome a new problem, obstacle, or enemy in the future…

A Helping Hand, by J.M.

…with the proviso you keep anonymity and let them hand it out as needed. God bless Blackcat I would be cautious handing out lighters, if conditions are dry they could start a forest/grass fire that burns you out in the process, remember these people may not be the brightest bulbs. I would also agree make sure they do not follow you home, maybe leave a rear guard hid in ambush with less than lethal [rubber] buckshot weapons to discourage followers. Plan to have less lethal at my gate for the ones who while not dangerous refuse to leave. James Wesley Rawles The even better way to avoid comebacks is to anonymously dispense charity through intermediaries. I’ve addressed this several times in SurvivalBlog. For example, see this column comment from 2013: Panhandle Rancher I’ll provide the refugee with free water (as I have an abundance); free advice; and good directions…

The Editors’ Quote of the Day:

…under Ben Bernanke and later under Janet Yellen — repeated Alan Greenspan’s blunder from 2005–06. Greenspan left rates too low for too long and got a monstrous bubble in residential real estate that led the financial world to the brink of total collapse in 2008. Bernanke and Yellen also left rates too low for too long. They should have started rate and balance sheet normalization in 2010 at the early stages of the current expansion when the economy could have borne it. They didn’t. Bernanke and Yellen did not get a residential real estate bubble. Instead, they got an “everything bubble.” In the fullness of time, this will be viewed as the greatest blunder in the history of central banking. Not only that, but Greenspan left Bernanke some dry powder in 2007 because the Fed’s balance sheet was only $800 billion. The Fed had policy space to respond to the…

Preparedness Notes for Thursday — October 29, 2020

Anonymous An Early Civil War II Forecast Oct 20, 2020 Anonymous So You Say You Want a Revolution? By Morgan Wirthlin October 28, 2020 If Antifa and Black Lives Matter help Democrats beat Trump, history tells us we should not be surprised if it is the Democrats who are targeted next. Anonymous When the Fight Comes To You: Why the Pump Is Primed For a Rural Conflict Posted by NC Scout Oct 28, 2020 Tunnel Rabbit WHEN THE FIGHT COMES TO YOU: WHY THE PUMP IS PRIMED FOR A RURAL CONFLICT, BY NC SCOUT Posted by NC Scout | Oct 28, 2020 Tunnel Rabbit’s comment on the article: I see much of the same thing and agree wholeheartedly with the article. Poverty and drug use is a significant part of the population. There are commie leaders in the state legislature, and locally that…

Top Six Outdoor Survival Skills, by Jonathan Gardner

…reliant upon high tech that the obvious escapes us. It is best we stick to the basics and lower tech, rather become reliant upon a thin layer of higher tech that is essentially experimental, and not widely available. The Anytone AT5558uv radio mentioned yesterday with cross band repeat, is an important piece of equipment that can help strengthen our weakest point in commo. It is tough enough just to get folks to turn on a radio, let alone use a radio. I would use and promote Vietnam Era commo techniques first, rather than the latest. And that is apparently what the other guys are doing too. David ‘n’ Goliath A .22 rifle can really come in handy in a wide variety of situations including the one you mention. For those reading this blog that don’t have one I would recommend that you get one. I like to use .22 CB…

Constructing My Culvert Cooker – Part 1, by J.P.

…the rock-and-concrete outdoor grill my grandfather built on top of an inconvenient chunk of ledge which was too large to move in the backyard. We had many cookouts on that grill … kind of a hybrid between a chimney and a grill. You could get one heck of a fire burning underneath, grill for a crowd on the iron grate he’d salvaged from the dump, and then sit around the stove for warmth. He never built an outdoor kitchen around it, though, which is probably why it fell into disuse in his final years. If you watch MySelfReliance on YouTube, the guy built a complete outdoor kitchen, with a grill, and also a traditional mud-brick colonial oven, in the Canadian wilderness. You can find the complete playlist beginning-to-end HERE: St. Funogas Hey J.P., this is a great idea. I couldn’t quite tell from the photos but how hard would…