There has been an uproar on the Internet (and a significant market rush) caused by the BATFE’s proposed ban of “green tip” M855 5.56mm NATO ammunition, even though it is not truly “armor piercing”, and even though less than 1% of AR-15s are built as pistols. If you oppose this rule change, then please politely send a comment to the ATF.
ATF will carefully consider all comments, as appropriate, received on or before March 16, 2015, and will give comments received after that date the same consideration if it is practical to do so, but assurance of consideration cannot be given except as to comments received on or before March 16, 2015. ATF will not acknowledge receipt of comments. Submit comments in any of three ways (but do not submit the same comments multiple times or by more than one method):Fax: (202) 648-9741Mail: Denise Brown, Mailstop 6N-602, Office of Regulatory Affairs, Enforcement Programs and Services, BATFE, 99 New York Avenue, NE, Washington, DC 20226: ATTN: AP Ammo Comments.o o o
‘Beware of New Jersey’: 72-Year-Old Man Facing 10 Years in Prison Over an Antique Gun. – D.S.
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Free eBook: ‘Surviving the End’ by James Jay Carafano. – G.G.
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Moscow-Based Security Firm Reveals What May Be The Biggest NSA “Backdoor Exploit” Ever. – H.L.
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Pennsylvania Judge Sentenced to 28 Years In Prison for Selling Teens to Prisons. – D.S.
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