Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader AmEx sent news of the know-nothing Big Government crowd at work: Bullet tax proposal in hunt for solution to Chicago gun crime. Call for a levy of nickel for each bullet and $25 for each firearm sold in the city. I predict that their tax scheme will be counterproductive. Note that the tax would apply only to the 40 FFL holders inside Chicago City limits. Who in their right mind would pay 8 cents per round for .22 rimfire ammo, when they are accustomed to paying 3 cents? Obviously, people will take their business elsewhere–namely to gun shows outside of Chicago and to Internet vendors. So, instead of raising revenue they will choke off a revenue stream. Eventually, all statist politicians will be hoisted by their own petards.

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A subject familiar to SurvivalBlog readers, but worth reading: Martial Arts For The Survivalist

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F.G. sent us an interesting clip of a recent Hind helicopter shoot-down in the Syrian Civil War. [JWR’s Comment: The spinning uncontrolled descent is probably indicative of a tail rotor power failure or a dead pilot. Then the big fireball in mid-air appears to be a secondary explosion of onboard ammunition stores. By the way, the rebels are all shouting “Allahu Ahkbar”, but to be more accurate, they should be shouting “ZSU-23 Ahkbar” or better yet, “Mytishchi Ahkbar,” since they designed and built that big lead slinger.]

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Speaking of ZSU-23 cannons, see the documentary: Front Lines of the Libyan Revolution