Odds ‘n Sods:

Although the “No Code” Technician license is often suggested for novice ham radio operators in the U.S., it is important to go ahead and learn Morse Code. It takes very little power to enable good communication over long distances. There are many propagation situations where voice is unintelligible, but Morse can still get through. The folks at Code Quick have one of the best teaching methods. They’ve had great success in teaching most folks in just two weeks.

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R.F.J. sent this gem: IKEA Hack: MALM with Storage Boxspring. This is great way to create a hidden storage space, even for someone with no carpentry skills.

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I noticed that Makai’s has added several outdoor survival products to their line.

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L.C. in Montrose mentioned: Missionary’s son invents ‘Maverick’ flying car.