Notes from JWR:

I’ve been warning SurvivalBlog readers for more than four years about derivatives trading. And now there are now some troubling indicators that there could be a derivatives implosion and/or a credit collapse in the near future: 1.) SurvivalBlog reader Steve K. mentioned this article: Bond insurer Ambac files for bankruptcy. Steve commented: “This is a very, very big problem for the global financial system as Ambac was a huge player in Credit Default Swaps, Mortgage Backed Securities and all other derivatives. It’s all about counter party risk!“ 2.) Zero Hedge recently summed up the almost inconceivably enormous overhang of derivatives: …

Bugout Base Camp: My Solar School Bus, by T.K.

In a true breakdown scenario, one of the most crucial survival advantages, if not the most, has to be mobility. Pandemics or violent gangs that overwhelm congested populations can be escaped. More fertile land — wilderness with wild edible plants, big fish in the lakes, and game in the woods — can be reached. And if you can carry your shell on your back, along with an independent source of energy, you’ve got the ultimate survival advantage. An RV qualifies if you have at least $60,000 to toss around in this economy, but a more affordable, challenging (and fun) solution …

Letter Re: David in Israel on Secure Personal Computers

James, Here’s a follow-up to David from Israel’s article on Linux. I encourage your readers to heed David’s advice and wean themselves off the MicroSoft Windows operating system ASAP. Linux Mint Debian is a good OS option. See the Linux Mint Debian tutorial. Here is a description: “This tutorial shows how you can set up a Linux Mint Debian 201009 desktop that is a full-fledged replacement for a Windows desktop, i.e. that has all the software that people need to do the things they do on their Windows desktops” According to this article, the the Chinese military have already removed …

Letter Re: The Value and Practice of Journaling

Mr. Rawles, M.E.R. makes good points for the practice of journaling. I, too, encourage the activity. I would add a related activity – logging. No, not cutting trees, but recording activities, events, and details. I do my journaling within my log. I am not big on “my feelings”. I am more about doing what is needed and savoring the feelings later. Better? No. Different perhaps. I have found logging to be extremely valuable. My log has been computerized for decades, but lends itself to the same manual media as presented by M.E.R. I have recorded diverse events for years. I …

Letter Re: Advice on Backpacking Solar Panels

CPT Rawles: I realize that you aren’t an advocate of fully-mobile retreating. Yes, I can see the wisdom of having a well-stocked fixed retreat. But since I’m still in college (due to graduate in 2011), my situation is different. Until a get a job, I can’t afford a retreat, and I’m not in any sort of a group. So I’m approaching the whole preparedness thing coming from the viewpoint of “just what I can fit in my car”, with the back-up plan of “just what I can carry on my pack”, or perhaps pushing/pulling a small deer cart, like you’ve …

Letter Re: From Beginner to Fully Stocked Prepper

Jim: This was a great article, but I have one technical question that I’m sure others do as well: the author advises using pool shock to create bleach, and then to use that bleach to disinfect water. But what amount of pool shock creates a standard gallon of bleach? Thanks, Dan. JWR Replies: This letter in the SurvivalBlog archives describes how one 50 pound bucket of hydrated Sodium dichloro-s-triazinetrione “Pool Shock” can be used to treat up to four million gallons of pre-filtered water.

Economics and Investing:

Greenspan Accuses U.S. of Dollar Weakening (Thanks to F.J.D. for the link.) Sue C. spotted this: Currency Disputes Hang Over G-20 Summit Amherst’s Goodman: One in five distressed homeowners at risk of losing home. (A hat tip to B.B. for the link.) John R. sent this: The Scariest Crash Is The Muni Bond Crash Items from The Economatrix: Doug Casey On Gold’s New High, The Fed, And The Greater Depression   Economic Irony:  Creating Bubbles To Maintain Stability  

Inflation Watch:

Food inflation sees Ben & Jerry’s break through £4 Duane sent: NIA Projects Future U.S. Food Price Increase M.B. pointed us to: Bacon Math. Why your toilet paper is shrinking. (Thanks to Ferd for the link.) Secret Walmart Survey Shows Inflation Already Here

Odds ‘n Sods:

Jason M. forwarded this collection of photos shows what a combination of resourcefulness, desperation, and stupidity can do: Are you getting the maximum use out of your vehicle? BTW, this sort of vehicular improvisation is not solely a Third World practice.    o o o Rick H. mentioned: In an exclusive interview with CNN, Dr. August Hanning, a former head of Germany’s foreign intelligence service, said intelligence indicated that al Qaeda had already started planning to launch Mumbai-style attacks in the United States. Any bets on whether American gun grabbers like Chuck Schumer will start shouting for “more gun control” …

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

“We hold from God the gift which includes all others. This gift is life — physical, intellectual, and moral life. But life cannot maintain itself alone. The Creator of life has entrusted us with the responsibility of preserving, developing, and perfecting it. In order that we may accomplish this, He has provided us with a collection of marvelous faculties. And He has put us in the midst of a variety of natural resources. By the application of our faculties to these natural resources we can convert them into products, and use them. This process is necessary in order that life …