Odds ‘n Sods:

Bobbi-Sue sent a link to some crunch leading indicators with individual and regional railroads in accessible graphs.

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GPS-led travel goes amiss; Three Oregon parties rescued

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Super C. sent a link to some informative text and video about about unexpected immersion in cold water.

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Reader Mike O. sent us this: Packing Heat in Helsinki; Why do Finns own so many guns? This piece in the liberally-biased Slate, fails to mention several key facts. Among these: 1.) Although firearms ownership is widespread in Finland, its violent street crime rate is lower than in almost “gun-free” England. 2.) The journalist attributes the predominance of gun ownership to the hunting culture. This is partially true, but they failed to mention that many Finns consider private gun ownership “invasion insurance.” I guess the Slate writer never heard about the Winter War, and 3.) The two mass shootings that he mentioned were aberrations. Finns are largely peaceable folk. And whether the folks at Slate want to admit it or not, being well-armed helps keep their society peaceable.