Economics and Investing:

Don’t Think That it Can’t Happen Here Department: Chavez devalues currency by 50%. (Thanks to Damon for the link.)

Eric. C. mentioned the latest piece by Dan Denninger: A “Macro Level” Look At The Economy

The Economist makes a Bubble Warning: Markets are too dependent on unsustainable government stimulus. Something’s got to give. (A tip of the hat to GG fro the link.)

KAF sent this: China Overtakes Germany as World’s Biggest Exporter. But wait! You should also read this: Contrarian Investor Sees Economic Crash in China. (Thanks to Rick V. and Darryl C. for sending the latter link.)

Items from The Economatrix:

Are You Ready for a Stock Market Crash of 2010?

Fed Statements Clear Any Doubt of Gold Hitting $1,700

United States Debt Ridden Road to Perdition

Contracts Down: Is US Housing Heading for Double Dip?

California Requests $8 Billion in Federal Aid