Economics and Investing:

From frequent content contributor GG: Gold acquires new investment aura: The weight of gold coins sold by the US Mint far this year has exceeded the one million ounce mark, up 40% year-on-year

Sticker Shock at Pump: Gas Prices Poised to Soar

Jeff mentioned this over at Zero Hedge: Is The Fed Facing Margin Calls From European Banks?

Knocking off two zeroes. (BTW, don’t gloat, the US Dollar may be next to have a 100-for-1 exchange): North Korea Revalues Currency to Curb Free Trade. (A tip of the hat to SSK for the link.)

Trent spotted this: What Recovery? U.S. Consumers Getting “Dramatically Worse,” Howard Davidowitz Says

Items from The Economatrix:

UAE Central Bank Guarantees Dubai Banks’ Debt to Head Off Crash

Lenders Face Sanctions For Failed Loan Modifications
Just Like Dubai, Our Recovery is Built on Sand

Banks Must Pay for Market Failure

Audit The Fed: Bernanke and the Bankers are Running Scared

Is Britain on the Brink of Financial Armageddon?

Dubai, Debt, and a Return to Reality

John Galt: The Day The Dollar Died, Part 5 (A New Day Of Economic Justice For All)