Letter Re: Web-Based Soil Survey Maps as a Resource for Retreat Selection

Dear Mr. Rawles,
I came across this web site: SoilWeb: An Online Soil Survey. Its purpose is to allow users to access NRCS and NCSS 1:24,000 scale detailed soil survey data (SSURGO) in many parts of the lower 48 states. Where this data is not yet available, 1:250,000 scale generalized soils data (STATSGO) can be accessed instead. (In Arizona, California, and Nevada only.) An interactive map interface allows for panning and zooming, with highways, streets, and aerial photos to assist navigation.

This could be useful for those considering relocation, as soil make-up and condition should be a consideration for any homestead.

I enjoy the blog, keep up the good work.

Sincerely, – Ezmerelda

JWR Replies: Thank you, thank you! That is an incredibly useful web site. I strongly recommend that SurvivalBlog readers delve into that data, especially via the Google Earth Interface overlay. I was stunned to see that even the very remote Rawles Ranch was included in the 1:24,000 scale soil survey map. The demarcations between soil types was surprisingly accurate. Being able to see it integrated with a Google Earth kmz was sweet icing on the cake! This soil taxonomy data is invaluable in selecting retreat properties! OBTW, you’ve just earned yourself a $30 Amazon gift certificate as a special SurvivalBlog editor’s award.