Letter Re: Indian Tribal Reservation Boundaries as an Issue in Choosing Retreat Locales

Dear Jim:
In one of the latest posts you mentioned Idaho County, Idaho in regards to population density. What are your thoughts about buying on [Indian Tribal] reservation land? This applying in generally to any reservations, but also in particular to those in Idaho. I know folks in the area and they do not speak favorably [of buying land inside of reservation boundaries] as the Native Americans are free to cross their land, hunt on it, etc where the people who own the land cannot do anything about it.
Thanks a lot, Mike D.

JWR Replies: I describe Idaho retreat locales as well as tribal reservation boundary lines (and related issues, such as hunting, fishing, casinos, and the additional law enforcement jurisdictional layer) in detail, in my book “Rawles on Retreats and Relocation.”

Also, take a look at this SurvivalBlog post that I made in June of 2006.