Letter Re: Dealing with Common Addictions–True Readiness for Disasters

I agree in principle with your response to C.Y. about getting rid of addictions and the things that feed them, but with regard to caffeine I think the necessity “on the ground,” so to speak, can be a bit more nuanced. I’ve always been a “night owl” and function quite well in most instances when it’s dark out, unlike probably a majority of people. I’ve been working second or third shift for more than 11 years and don’t need caffeine to stay awake late at night because my body has adjusted to those hours. However, there are instances when, even though I may be fully rested, I just need that extra kick that coffee provides to maintain alertness–sometimes the body just feels like napping.

In a Schumer-hits-the-fan situation, as you have noted both on your site and in your novel “Patriots”, having one or more people on lookout duty 24/7 may be a necessity, and in such cases alertness can’t be compromised. Caffeine tablets might seem like the easiest way to go, but for some people the tablets might be overkill if they don’t drink a lot of caffeine. One possibility is to get mylar “minipouches” (relatively easy to find online) and seal up a scoopful of whole-bean (not ground) coffee so that in a pinch when alertness is required, the individual could munch on a few coffee beans for as small or large a dose of caffeine as they need to stay alert. Is this ideal? Not at all. Would some people turn their noses up at the taste of straight, bitter coffee beans? Probably. But in one way or another each one of us has had to take “bitter medicine” at times to get through a situation, and when it’s a matter of staying alert to survive, the bitter taste of coffee beans will go away after a few minutes. That unpleasant “medicine” is worth it if the end result is the resolution of a dangerous situation or completion of a vital task. – Chad S.