Dear Jim,
Great Site, Jim! I wanted to warn some folks that may have ordered or intend to order the Kelly Kettle (mentioned in the article “Prepare or Die”, by J. Britely .) After receiving my kettle I rinsed it out with water and soap. I then tested the kettle to make sure it worked, and most importantly, learned how to use it before the situation required its use. I started with paper burning, then put small sticks from the yard in the chimney and that baby really boiled water fast. However, after using it twice and rinsing it out, I ran my finger along the inside of the water container. My finger was coated with a good coating of aluminum dust and some type of slightly greasy sticky substance. I rinsed it out again and again, boiled it again and again, and still my finger comes out with a good coating of aluminum dust. This cannot be good for human consumption. I sent the manufacturer e-mails but never heard back. It was so much dust–imagine spraying aluminum spray paint and passing your finger through the flow of paint real fast–yes – really, that much. If you fill it with water you can actually see fine aluminum particles float in the water at the top. Just a warning. – Jesse
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