“I personally believe that we don’t need a lot more laws, I think we’ve got far too many laws on the books now, that’s part of the problem…. We don’t need more government, more laws; we need a lot less. I’m up there [in Washington, D.C.], trying to dismantle a lot of this giant government…. When you ‘pass a law’ with the current attitude in the Congress what do you get in a law today? You get either more spending, or more taxes, or more controls…. Which do you want? Do you want more spending? I think we’ve got too much. Do you want more taxes? I think we’re taxed too heavily now. Do you want more controls over your life? Does anybody say ‘Hey look, I really believe the federal government needs to control me. I want to be a slave. Please tell me how to run every facet of my life.’ I don’t hear many people saying that. I think most people say ‘I think it’s time we get the government off our backs, and out of our pockets.” – Congressman Lawrence P. “Larry” McDonald
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The Editor’s Quote resonates.
Ultimately virus-related government overreaction and intervention will kill more people than it saves. The increased tyranny and destruction of liberties will dwarf that of the Republicans’ post 9/11 Patriot Act and NDAA.
Montana Guy, In full agreement that the PANICDEMIC is far more destructive than what amounts to sniffles(the Bioweapon we released mainly effects asians(chinese/iranians), Europeans and Africans are not mainly effected.
GGHD, if you do not confront these idiots and introduce them to facts and don’t back down up to civil/criminal action(restraining orders,terrorism charges-make them move/put them in jail) you just surrender and encourage foul behavior that has been allowed too long.
VT, … You’re absolutely right in your comment to me, GGHD.
“I personally believe that we don’t need a lot more laws, I think we’ve got far too many laws on the books now, that’s part of the problem…. We don’t need more government, more laws; we need a lot less.” from the paragraph here at SurvivalBlog.
In my neighborhood, if someone says something like that, the left-wingers here would say, “That’s fascist ideas.” … ++Left wingers here, when ~told, that ~actually the fascists wanted a bigger government with everyone obeying orders, and marching in lockstep for the government, the left-winders will then call you ‘Hitler’ as a trite rejoinder.
Nothing like a false accusation, “to get someone’s Irish Up” which results in saying, “Oh nonsense, Hitler was NOT pro-life, and he wanted a big intrusive government.” … Of course, it would be prudent to step backwards then, as the left-winger might have a ‘Linda Blair moment like in the Exorcist movie.’ The Left Winger’s head might start spinning on their shoulders, and they might also start expelling green vomit.
It seems, the best solution to crazy ‘neighbor’ problems is just moving to the Redoubt Region as recommended on SurvivalBlog. … ‘The Redoubt Region where most people are at Peace with the World, and do NOT walk around perpetually angry. [So angry the eyes and the veins on the face always bulge outwards because of the anger. (if they were bikers, their nickname would be Twitchy.)]
“Lord, make me an instrument of your peace; where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is discord, union; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy.” Amen
[GGHD = and the Wisdom to ‘head for the hills’ in the SurvivalBlog’s Redoubt Region, before it’s too late!]
GGHD…“Lord, make me an instrument of your peace; where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is discord, union; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy.” Amen
Beautiful. Is that St. Francis? At any rate, I am grateful you posted it.
No matter who is right about political leanings, repeating that prayer will serve us all, down deep inside.
Carry on
Once a Marine; Always a Marine.
A prayer of St. Francis of Assisi:
“Lord, make me an instrument of your peace; where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is discord, union; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy.
“O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled, as to console; to be understood, as to understand; to be loved, as to love; for it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.” Amen.
An excellent quote… It’s terribly unfortunate that many Democrats today wouldn’t recognize Larry McDonald’s quote as having come from a member of their own party.
We awakened to some sunshine this morning, a welcome reprieve from the rain even as the rain is also a blessing! Listening to the wild birds of the forest and the rush of the water in the creek nearby, the realities of the world in which we are now living remain surreal. Our prayers continue for the preservation of life here on earth, Life in Heaven for those who pass through the Eternal Gates, and for safe delivery to the other side of this crisis for all.
From the early and first reports of this virus, we knew this story was different, and very dangerous. Alongside our SB editors and many SB readers, and even as we have been “preppers” for many, many years, we redoubled our efforts. We are so very thankful we did, and were most especially so when Mom (who is advanced of age and who shares in our multigenerational home) shared today that she woke up to this day feeling safe.
We are also thankful for the SB editors, the forum and resources they make possible, and for the community that has been built here. We hope to continue to share helpful posts with others, and appreciate all the ideas and exchanges shared by others. Even as we face times that will surely become more difficult, together we are already building and rebuilding.
Remain steady. Be safe. Stay well everyone!
The real point is that people don’t want more spending unless it is on them, they don’t want more taxes or controls unless it is on their neighbors, which unfortunately is how people vote these days. No one wants to be regulated, but they damn sure want to regulate others for their own benefit. The politicians and the system have learned how to exploit that attitude very well.
Wow, Benjammin, you sure nailed it there.
I think I found this quote on SB some time ago:
If you have been voting for politicians who promise to give you goodies at someone else’s expense, then you have no right to complain when they take your money and give it to someone else, including themselves.” – Thomas Sowell
Carry on
Once a Marine,
That was awesome!!
BYW, heard from daughter (Pendelton) a little while ago. She’s Ok, still in ordnance class but she said they are not really learning anything right now with everything going on. I suspect she wants to tell me “more “ but of course she can’t.
Haven’t heard from son (Miramar) yet but he’s 22, a man, a Marine and in California so I get it.
Be safe and Rock on
Unfortunately Congressman McDonald died way too young when his airliner was shot down by the Russians. He was way ahead of his time and the things he was focusing on have gotten a whole lot worse. Their is are a few bright spots like curtailing many ridiculous EPA regulations and streamlining a number of bloated bloated regulatory agencies. It is still an uphill battle.