Editors’ Prepping Progress

To be prepared for a crisis, every Prepper must establish goals and make both long-term and short-term plans. In this column, the SurvivalBlog editors review their week’s prep activities and planned prep activities for the coming week. These range from healthcare and gear purchases to gardening, ranch improvements, bug-out bag fine-tuning, and food storage. This is something akin to our Retreat Owner Profiles, but written incrementally and in detail, throughout the year.  We always welcome you to share your own successes and wisdom in your e-mailed letters. We post many of those — or excerpts thereof — in the Odds ‘n Sods Column or in the Snippets column. Let’s keep busy and be ready!

Jim Reports:

We had a fun week. There has been some beautiful albeit chilly weather. I took Lily and our Younger Daughter ice skating on a nearby lake. Lily will provide the details on that.

I slaughtered four roosters.

I’ve been quite busy packing antique gun orders.  (We are running our biggest sale of the year, at Elk Creek Company.)

Now, Lily’s report…

Avalanche Lily Reports:

Dear Readers,
The weather this week was dry, early in the week cloudy, at the end of the week, sun.  Temperatures were cold with lows of sixteen and highs up to thirty-one degrees.

The ground finally froze making for more pleasant conditions for the animals in the corrals and loafing areas. because they are no longer wet and muddy.  It’s very good.

This also means that all of our local bodies of water have frozen over with at least three and a half inches of ice.  Jim drove by one of our local lakes and noted that it had frozen over with windowpane black ice and folks were out ice fishing and walking around on it.  He came home and told me that I must go up there and to skate, immediately.  I was getting dinner ready and Son Number Two was visiting. Jim practically chased me out of the house to do so.  So I grabbed my wind pants, my ice self-rescue hand spikes, a water bottle, a snack, extra clothes just in case (I forgot my mittens), and I took the “pup” and ran out to our SUV  There was about an hour left of daylight.

When I arrived, the last of the ice fishermen were just getting into their cars and nobody else was there.  “Cool!”  “All to myself.”  I put on my skates and staying close to the shore in the shallows for safety, I began skating down the lake.  It was so smooth and beautiful.  I could see through the ice to the bottom of the lake.  I looked for fish or anything alive, but there was nothing but two 12-to-14-inch dead trout lying on the lake floor rotting.  I skated up and down that section of the lake for an hour and a half until it was nearly dark.  The alpine glow pink sky from the departed sun was gorgeous.

The “Pup” was such a good girl.  She kept a serious close eye on me.  She didn’t like being out on the ice.  It was very slippery for her, so she followed me along the shoreline, running ahead of me just a bit and then stopping when I would call her.  In the dim light, her colors blended in with the vegetation on the shoreline so sometimes even though she was right there, I would lose sight of her.  So I’d call her frequently to check up on her. Sometimes, she would run a bit and give herself away. She was always right on shore and paying attention to me, not doing her own thing.  Sometimes when I would call, she would just stare at me as if to say, “What? I’m right here!”

After we had been there for awhile, I went a little further out from the shore out onto the lake.   My “Pup” didn’t like the widened distance between us, so she braved the ice, after figuring out how to walk on it without her legs slipping out from under her and came padding up behind me.  I didn’t know she was right there for a moment, but then turned around and saw her. coming, walking carefully but happily because she was getting closer to me.  I praised her for being such a good girl and a loyal companion.  She was very proud of herself for being able to figure it out and join me.  She didn’t seem to like being on the hard water too much generally speaking, but because I was on it and further away than she liked she was going to join me.  When she reached me, I saw her look at my feet and take a good look at the skates, checking them out more closely to understand them and then she looked back at me right in the eye.  I thought that was such an intelligent observation on her part. Anyhow, we had a very good time.  I packed it up and returned home just as it was almost completely dark.  That Ice skating on the lake was an amazing experience and a pure gift. When I returned home, I thanked Jim for sending me out to skate on that beautiful ice.

The next day the three of us went back together while the sun was shining.  It was even more amazing to look through the window pane ice to the bottom of the lake.  We saw lots of rocks, water plants, logs, etc.  The only critter I saw was a lone five-inch perch.  I skated alone, because Jim doesn’t skate and Miss Violet forgot her helmet. 🙁  I told her if she was very careful, she could skate.  But she chose not to skate, on her own accord, since she has had a couple of bad falls while ice skating in the past. Probably, it was a wise choice. She and Jim walked out on the ice and sent rocks skimming across its surface and looked through it and listened to all of the sounds the ice was making.  Young, fairly thin ice is very musical. Jim took a lot of photos of the scenery, Miss Violet, the pup, and me. On arriving home, we left the skates in the car and Miss Violet put her helmet in the car for our next round of skating, so it wouldn’t be forgotten next time.

We have invited #1 Son and his family to come up this weekend to join us on the lake.  The conditions are epic! it is the first time in fifteen years that we’ve seen Windiowpane Ice, so we want to take advantage of it.  We also are planning on checking out some ponds in the meadows at our neighbor’s place that we are caretaking this coming week.

Our incubating eggs hatched this week. So I spent a lot of time keeping an eye on the hatching chicks and the chicks that already hatched, and caring for them.

Jim and I butchered four more roosters. Now we’re down to just five roosters in the coop, with about thirty-seven hens. I boiled the four roosters.  Jim deboned them, and I froze the meat.

I spent some time pruning the apple trees.  I’m not finished.  I will be doing more in the future.

I reorganized our freezers.  We took delivery of three traditional propane appliances to help us get more off-grid much less reliance on AC electricity.  These include a propane kitchen range that has a battery ignitor, a new propane Refrigerator freezer, and an additional propane freezer.  We are replacing these three electrical appliances with these new propane appliances.  Our AC refrigerator and AC upright freezer were both over thirty years old.  And our old propane range has a glow bar igniter that required AC power. It is good to be done with those.

I continued hand-copying Deuteronomy 14-16:10.

I have been listening to Deuteronomy Chapters 4-8 in Hebrew through Mechon-Mamre website.

I watched the Inauguration of President Trump and I have listened to his speeches and watched him sign some of those hundreds of executive orders.  Don’t be deceived!  I fear that he could be Deep State, along with most of the other politicians. There are not really two major political parties. In essence, there is only ONE political party with two different faces and names.  You saw how buddy-buddy Trump and Obama were at President Carter’s funeral. They could be on the same team with the same goals.  They have different roles to play, but are working towards the same outcome!

Trump’s planned annexation of Canada and Greenland may be part of the  Club of Rome’s plans for Global Governance. Remember the Ten Toes mentioned by the prophet Daniel?  They are creating ten regions of the world that will be governed by ten kings.  Canada, Greenland, USA, and Mexico down to Panama could be one of the regions of The Ten and will have the same currency called the Amero.

Globalism is being masked by “Nationalism.”

The globalists want to expand AI and in that they want every citizen to have a Biometric ID.  And Trump is so liked by all the mainstream Christians that many will do whatever he says even if it turns out to be the Mark of the Beast of which these Biometric Real IDs might be.  They could be connected to the CBDCs and vaccine records. [Jim Adds: But Trump has issued an anti-CBDC Executive Order. What we hear in the news is often confusing and contradictory — sometimes within the same news cycle!] You will not be able to buy or sell without The Mark.  It will be a stealthy move, a tightening of the noose, and before you know it, you are inThere is no repentance, no forgiveness, no remedy, or going back, after someone submits to it.

Remember the Hegelian Dialectic?  Remember that they, the Elites, cause chaos, immorality, destruction,  and then they “fix” the mess and in so doing, they are furthering their agenda of more control over us.  Biden’s Presidency mishaps, gaffs, and crimes were all an act to enrage you.  To “everyone’s relief”,  Team Trump has come in to clean it all up — to bring back morality and religion, restore our borders, expel illegal immigrants, tap into our natural oil supplies, restore our economy, help our natural disaster-stricken communities.

But what if he wants to bring in AI Biometric ID to know who all the illegal immigrants are and to get every one of us identified so we can all be tracked and monitored and controlled?   He says that he is bringing us back to moral living.  We all are so relieved and happy about it.  But, I fear that this is his job — to give us what we longed for and yet in doing so he is piping us into The System.  It’s all by design.  He says all the right things.  But he told you that he is not a Christian.  Did you hear that? Perhaps that is why he did not place his hand on the Bible during his swearing-in. He told us that we Christians need to go out and vote and that if we vote him in we will not ever have to vote again!

If anything, be on even higher alert. Do not be deceived. Get ready, spiritually.  The noose is tightening.  Pray like you’ve never prayed before and be in the Word of God!  Beg the Father to give you wisdom, discernment, and understanding of what we are seeing! The days of Great Tribulation/Jacob’s Trouble are fast approaching. Jesus Christ is the LORD of ALL!  HE IS KING! EVERY KNEE WILL BOW AND CONFESS THAT JESUS CHRIST IS KING AND LORD!!

May You All Remain Safe, Blessed, and Hidden in Christ Jesus,

– Avalanche Lily, Rawles

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As always, please share and send e-mails of your own successes and hard-earned wisdom and we will post them in the “Snippets” column this coming week.  We want to hear from you.