Pat Cascio’s Product Review: CRKT Trencher

If you stop and think about it, everything I cover on our website, be it knives, guns, or water filters, are tools. They’re tools for survival in one shape or another. Many people simply look at a knife or a gun and consider them as “weapons”, and they are. However, they are still tools designed for specific tasks. Some firearms are designed for self defense, some are designed for hunting, and some are designed for target shooting. The same goes for knives; some are for self defense or everyday use, some for dressing out game, and some for use around …

Letter Re: Missouri Constitutional Carry—Not So Fast

Gentlemen, The recent override of Governor Nixon is indeed a step in the right direction. However, it is important to remember that Missouri citizens do not enjoy state preemption. This bill only allows permitless concealed carry where permitless open carry is currently allowed. Many localities ban carrying a firearm (concealed or unconcealed) without the state concealed carry license. If you choose to carry a concealed firearm without a valid permit, you will NOT enjoy any of the exemptions that are enjoyed by those who DO carry on a valid CCW permit, including exemptions to federal laws that prohibit firearms in …

Pat Cascio’s Product Review: Kershaw Knives Emerson Launch 5

When I think back to my childhood in Chicago, IL, I can’t help but smile about how good we had it back then. We had a tiny black and white TV, which had maybe half a dozen channels to choose from. My grandparents, who raised me, even had a coal stove for heat for many years. Remember, this was Chicago! My grandparents never even had a key for the front door to their apartment. Kids growing up in the 1950s really had it good with no computers, no video games, no MTV, nor any of that stuff that kids today …

Pat Cascio’s Product Review: Ruger American Rifle With Vortex Scope

When I first started writing about firearms, back in 1992, one of the first rifles I received for testing was the Ruger Model 77. It was a heavy barrel rifle in .308 that was meant for serious long-range shooting. To be sure, the rifle itself was heavy, with the wooden stock and the heavy barrel. It was not my first choice in a hunting rifle. However, it was a tack-driver! The late Bill Ruger, who owned Sturm, Ruger & Co., sent me a letter telling me to keep the rifle with his compliments because he didn’t have any use for …

Letter Re: Cut Shells

Sir: Watching the video on the 12-ga. from today’s post, I am wondering about the safety of the cut-off shot shell. First, is it safe at the chamber/bore juncture? Secondly, is it dangerous in a choke? Thank you! – CF HJL Comments: Shotgun slugs have only been with us for a little over 100 years. Prior to that, a cut shell was generally the closest a person could get to the modern slug. The fact the load is still made up of the typical birdshot and that the case is generally flexible (being paper or plastic), the load will deform …

Pat Cascio’s Product Review: Cold Steel Swift I & II

I’m one of these people who doesn’t sleep much at night. On a good night, I might get three or four hours of sleep. So, I spend a lot of time thinking. I sometimes come up with my best ideas in the middle of the night. I’ve often “written” my articles while in bed and put them down on paper later on. I’ve “designed” many knives while lying in bed wide awake, and then put the idea down on paper, and more often than not I can bring my idea to fruition. My long-time friend Lynn Thompson, who owns Cold …

Justifying Citizen Possession of Firearms, by S.G. in Florida

Most persons recognize the value of the firearm as a hunting and food gathering tool for the rural American. Often, gun control advocates will latch onto this justification for the Second Amendment when proposing various gun restrictions. The firearm tool can find utilitarian employment by an individual in many situations, and this article seeks to list the possible contemplated individual uses for firearms. Note that I am in no way suggesting that these situations exist now, nor am I advocating the employment of firearms in any of these ways. However, thinking ahead and outside of the box will allow us …

Pat Cascio’s Product Review: Taurus 605 .357 Magnum

Once again, we are taking a look at a revolver, for survival purposes. We have received numerous requests from our readers over the past several months for more articles on revolvers. We sometimes tend to get so caught up with the newest and coolest semiauto handguns that we forget the good ole’ fashioned revolver. While the revolver is a very old design, it is not antiquated, as many think it is. We also have to take into consideration what is meant by “survival” in any discussion on this topic. For too many, myself included, survival means financial survival, and no …

Pat Cascio’s Product Review: S&W 9mm Shield Performance Center Model

Right off the bat, I’ll admit my bias against Smith & Wesson– the company, not the guns. I used to be a huge fan of their firearms for a lot of years, but their warranty service is lacking. It’s something to keep in mind when purchasing one of their firearms. However, S&W continues to produce some outstanding firearms these days. For several years, as a private investigator back in Chicago, IL, I packed a S&W Model 586 with a 4” Bbl on a daily basis. It was a comforting (not comfortable) handgun to carry all day long. When I was …

Letter Re: Taurus Judge

Pat, Hello. I just read your info about the problem with Taurus Model 85 and have a quick note about a Judge I bought from a nice dealer. I tried shooting it several times, and it worked well with no failures. I disassembled the firearm safely, then had it color-coated by a finisher. I did the disassembly and apparently lost a small spring, and when I reassembled it I didn’t find it. I then contacted Taurus and sent the firearm to them. I received a call from a service tech that the coating had to be removed, and they returned …

Pat Cascio’s Product Review: Taurus Model 85 Polymer Protector

My wife and I were forced, by circumstances beyond our control, to move back to the Chicago, IL area in 1982. We stayed until the middle of 1984, at which time we moved to Colorado Springs, CO. While back in Chicago, I went to work for a large private detective agency that I had worked for in the past. I was the manager of the Investigations Division, and I not only supervised a good number of Investigators I also oversaw all the big cases from the many branches we had around the country. I was also the company gunsmith and …

Letter Re: Pat Cascio’s Review of the Springfield Commander Size RO

Hugh, Pat was saying that he wished to change out the recoil spring for a heavier one on the commander size Springfield RO for +P loads. From what I’ve experienced Wilson Combat’s flatwire recoil spring kits for the 4 and 5 inch 1911’s are money well spent. In addition to giving More protection and control they will last considerably longer than conventional springs. Forty thousand rounds or more in comparison to the 5000 round life of conventional springs. Money well spent. – G.M. Pat Cascio comments: Sadly, the ones made by Wilson Combat will not work in the current Springfield …

Pat Cascio’s Product Review: Springfield Armory, Range Office Champion

I love taking folks out shooting who have never shot a gun before in their lives. I especially love taking anti-gunners out shooting for the first time. I was working as the Youth Minister for the Salvation Army down in Klamath Falls, Oregon back in 1988-1989 and also ran their Youth Center. The Officer (Pastor) there was a fairly young fellow, younger than me, and just out of training school. He was totally against “assault rifles” of any kind and had never shot any type of gun in his life. I took him out to my brother-in-law’s ranch and introduced …

Letter Re: Reloading

Hugh, I have been a hand loader for 30 years. The test load technique described by S.B. was shown to me by a retired gentleman that long ago. Like S.B., I had a rifle that would not accurately shoot factory ammo. Using hand loaded ammo that was tuned to that rifle, it delivered groups just over 1 inch at 100 yards. I’ve used hundreds of these loads over time. When I pull the trigger I expect that round to go off as planned. I expect the bullet to land very near where the crosshairs were when the gun went off. …

Pat Cascio’s Product Review: Gerber Big Rock Camp Knife

I used to test and write about a lot of Gerber knives in the past. However, for whatever reason, Gerber rarely sends any writers knives for articles. I guess business must be good and they don’t need the free ink. Last time I toured the Gerber factory was back in the early 1990s, and it was busy. I understand that these days many Gerber knives are made in China, so let’s get that out of the way. The knife under review today is their Big Rock Camp Knife, and the model number is 22-01588. I can live with some products …