From “Dr. Sidney Zweibel” — Review of a Front Sight Shotgun Course

Dear Jim: Well, I’m back from my trip to Front Sight and I believe that it was very informative. Some of the things I learned I would like to share with you and your readers:. 1. There were several policemen in the class and they, along with the instructor, do NOT recommend using a sling on a shotgun for home defense. 2. One cop was using Federal Tactical buckshot and was getting the best groupings and patterns on his targets. 3. The lecture on the color-code of awareness is vital to understand. 4. They really stress being able to load …

On Preparing Your Children

Introduction Let us review the basics of child rearing. Children are a gift from God and we are to bring them up in the fear and admonition of the Lord. All preparedness means nothing if we have prepared our children for the eternal fires of hell. God, in His eternal wisdom and grace, providentially provided His son Jesus to restore us to a loving relationship with the Almighty. God provides covenantal blessings for those who obey Him and curses for those who don’t. With that being said it is imperative that all our worldly preparation be first and foremost spiritual …

Letter Re: Doug Carlton’s Article on Concealed Carry

Letter Re: Doug Carlton’s Article on Concealed Carry (SAs: CCW, Holsters, Survival Guns, Survival Mindset, Firearms Training) Greetings Jim, Thanks for an outstanding blog–it is on my “must read” list everyday. Doug Carlton’s article on concealed carry is right on target. One of his best points is to practice the way you carry. I try to do this often to hone my skills. Being a practicing pharmacist I am exposed to all kinds of people. The ones that concern me are the thugs/pill heads/stop-‘n-rob types whose desperation has risen to new heights. But, I do have the luxury of wearing …

A Few Comments On Developing Your Shooting Skills, by Christian Souljer

Most of your readers probably know most of the following by now, but for the sake of those for those who have not grown up hunting and have not had the luxury of being able to shoot often and learn the information below. Please note that my goal is not to show what I have learned, but to help those who may have missed these facts along the way to consider what they need to do in order to become more prepared: Guns are one of the highest priorities on most survivalists’ buy lists, yet many people are not fully …