My Two Cents, by G.H.

. I read with interest the after action reports for Sandy and the ice storm in the South, and I wanted to let people know what I have learned after three natural disasters, two ice storms, and a microburst. They all came on with little notice. The ice storm in January wasn’t supposed to be much of anything until it covered the area with over two inches of ice. In some areas there was no power for 42 days after that one! The microburst came at 2am in July and knocked down every power pole on the main road for …

Survivalist or Prepper, First and Foremost It Is a State of Mind, by SCL

This is my first time to submit anything to a blog. Since I found about a year ago, I have become a daily reader. In my opinion, it is the most worthwhile site on the Internet. I do browse a lot of the other sites but not on a daily basis. I have considered myself a survivalist since I was a teenager, some 40 years now. I grew up in a very small town on a small farm. We raised animals and always had a garden. The animals we raised were chickens, pigs, goats, rabbits, horses, and cows. The …

Letter Re: Preparing Now For Good Sanitation After The SHTF

HJL, The author should include a bidet bottle in his/her supplies, as well as all preppers. In fact I recommend getting one and start using it right away. I believe you will find, as I have, that once you start using a bidet, you will wonder how you ever did without. It will save great amounts of toilet paper, as now you will only use a few sheets to pat yourself dry. There are places to buy one, but you can also easily make one out of a 1-liter water/soda bottle. Once you get the hang of it, it will …

Letter Re: Jury Nullification Law in Alaska

There is a quid-pro-quo to this proposal. If juries are allowed to “interpret” the application of a law, they could also decide to escalate the severity as well as diminish. I sat on a quasi-judicial board as chairman for a time, and on rare occasions the board would decide, by majority, on the “spirit” of the law rather than the letter of the law, thus compelling the municipality to appeal the decision to administrative court, wherein the decision was consistently overturned. The point is, sometimes they decided not to enforce the law, and sometimes they decided to impose a more …

Come, Dear Friends, Fellow Preparers, and Interested Readers; I Will Tell You A Simple Tale, by M.R.

I was raised by two people that survived a depression, a world war, and a conflict called “Korea” to know the value of a dollar, to be resourceful, to be “smarter than the average bear”, and above all, to live with honor and integrity. I am a man that in these “seven years of plenty”, has been storing grain for the years of want that are yet to be. I am exceedingly happy that these seven years have been stretched into several decades in this particular nation, but I see the writing on the wall and know that it cannot …

Letter Re: Preparing For Friends and Family

Thor1964. You have a good heart. To come as far as you have in 24 months is a real achievement. Keep up the good work. I do want to point out that by doing your “Christian best” you are only delaying the pain of these people that will seek you for help. So, why not take the “help” up a notch. Instead of just giving them some food and a few items that will just bring them back to your door when they are desperate again, open that door and bring them in! Don’t send these folks back out into …

Prepping and the Mind, by D.R.

When people talk about “The End Of The World As We Know It” (TEOTWAWKI), it is almost always in ways of how we might prepare for the end, what equipment to have, how much food to store, and what skills we must learn. These are all valid points. Most people can agree on common standards in these areas, but what if the act of preparing for the end can cause danger to yourself and your family? I’m not mocking prepping; I’m a prepper myself. I’m simply stating that a prepper must be in the correct mindset to make choices they …

Perspective from the “Inside”, by J.H.

I’ve been following many survival blogs and prepper sites for some time. I realize that what I am posing in this piece will be received by some as controversial or possibly taboo, but in order to get a balanced view of things, many viewpoints must be examined. That being said, I will inform the readers that I have been in law enforcement for twenty-five years, and I am able to speak from what I’ve experienced on this side of things. There are a number of plausible scenarios that could entail the imposition of martial law, gun confiscation, and suspension of …

Three Letters Re: Plan B

Hugh, Regarding the gentleman consigned to receiving IV meds in the hospital: I’m not sure what he might be dealing with, but IV vitamin C has been found to cure just about every viral and bacterial affliction (and cancer) known to man. There are many “alternative” cures out there that traditional doctors either aren’t aware of, or won’t mention for fear of the FDA. – M.T. o o o HJL, please pass this along to LDM, if you find the time. I don’t mind if you post it; maybe it will help others as well as him. After reading your …

Preparing For Friends and Family, by Thor1964

About 24 months ago, I made a change in the way my family bought and used Proverbs 25:26 groceries. Before that, we visited the grocery store almost every day and did not have enough food in the house to feed our family for a week. It was easy to see the price of food slowly creep up, even though the government was telling us there was no inflation. Then I saw “After Armageddon” on the History Channel, and it really scared me. I’m generally an optimist, but I also believe in being prepared for whatever may come. So, I immediately …

Letter Re: Five Stages of Survival Grief

Hugh, Regarding the article The Five Stages of Survival Grief , Dr Bob may be at “acceptance” at what he disclosed in his opening paragraph, but I am still at “anger” and don’t know if that will change any time soon. First a hearty welcome back to the good doctor! We have missed your valued contributions to this blog. I only know Doctor from this blog and having purchased some of his products previously advertised here. I presume it was the sale of those products that got him in hot water with the regulators. It “irks” me no end that …

PLAN B: When The Long-term Is No Longer An Option, by LDM

I’ve contributed several articles outlining my journey through preparedness. I have outlined how, as a rookie, I started my journey with no support from my family. I shared how I brought my family into the fold, how we picked out a retreat/retirement home, and what I’ve done to make it my own personal bastion. One thing I have never considered is: What happens if life throws a curveball, and my own personal, long term needs and plans are irrelevant? Or more accurately, what do I do with all this stuff and all these plans, if I’m not around to make …

The Five Stages of Survival Grief, by Dr. Bob

(In writing this submission after quite a long hiatus, I am hoping to bring awareness to the issue and help people be better prepared. After having to go through this cycle of grief myself in regards to the State and their overreach in professional licensing and control of physicians, I have reached acceptance and have emerged willing to try once again to help others. Acceptance of the fact that ANY one of us can be hauled off by the State now for “infractions” is a tough thing, but as Doc’s wife says often: “It is only through faith in God …

Letter: Request for Reader Advice

Mr. Hugh, I am a long-time reader of Survival Blog. A recent diagnosis requires a lifetime commitment to receiving IV medication every month in a hospital setting. This does not bode well for my long-term survival, when the world falls apart. I am right with God, so no worries there. My children think my views about prepping are somewhat eccentric. I am okay with that too. I am ready to move forward to help the grandchild generation. Would you ask your readers to comment on tasks I could complete to accomplish this? – J.G.

SHTF Lessons From Venezuela, by CSR

I am an avid reader and have not attempted to contribute to this fine blog because I personally had little to offer from the perspective of knowledge or skills that many more knowledgeable individuals have already contributed. However, as I have been closely monitoring the current events in Venezuela I realized that this is an area where I have knowledge and skills that many others don’t. Also, there is a great deal about these events that,in my opinion, correlate to the United States’ political and economic directions and possible outcomes. The people of Venezuela are learning lessons the hard way. …