How to Prepare to Counter Sovereign Cryptocurrencies

Today, in place of my regular Friday column on Economics and Investing,  I’d like to address an important monetary issue. This article expands on a piece that I posted in SurvivalBlog back in July, 2022. — During the recent COVID pandemic, multinational corporations stayed open for business via the Internet, and grew larger. People cocooned at home, watched movies on Netflix, and ordered many of their household supplies via But meanwhile, millions of small “Mom & Pop” businesses that dealt face-to-face with customers were forcibly shuttered and ruined, during the protracted lockdowns. When viewing national and world affairs, always …

Truth-Based Preparedness – Part 2, by R.M.

(Continued from Part 1. This concludes the article.) Claimed Global Warming and Climate Threats You may recall hearing this, back in 2023: This is the hottest year in 12,500 years! So, it is hotter now than during the ice age! Who’d a thunk it? Will you base your prepping on a media story about a politician who says “Earth is on fire”? You can find many charts showing various time periods and temperatures recorded somewhere. Many times a “temperature increase” is measured the exact way and in the same location they did a hundred years ago, in the cities. However, …

Truth-Based Preparedness – Part 1, by R.M.

Here is my premise: People need to base their preps on correct information that is grounded in truth. The Truth is Out There, Somewhere! Everyone that I know who does any “preparing for the future” has a specific future problem or set of problems in mind. Their plans are determined by their perception of what the threats are, how likely they are to occur, and what they might do to their world. Our perceptions are based on the world as we see it. We see the world through information – filtered by the lens of what and how information and facts …

Readying For Spring, by Hollyberry

As the saying goes, “spring is just around the corner” but it’s going to be a real, long corner. Winter in Maine can be really long and dark. So far this year the temperatures have been above normal and it’s one week before Christmas and there is hardly any snow on the ground. We had two days of heavy rain and wind which caused great damage to the state. Our bridge partially washed out and we live on a road that ends on a snowmobile trail that was also underwater. Days are short and it can be cloudy for two …

What To Do in 2024?, by SaraSue

There has been a tremendous amount of change in our country, just in the past three years, not to mention the years and decades before.  It’s as if, the worst of the worst scenarios have accelerated, and many of us feel it in our bones that things are going to get worse in our country (America).  I grew up in the 1960s and 1970s, and it was a wonderful childhood. But, as I look back, I can see how the gross inflation and economic problems of the 1970s affected my father, while he insulated us children from most of it.  …

Overcoming Starvation — Food for Thought, by M.M.

Introductory Disclaimer: What follows are my personal experiences and observations.  This information is for educational purposes only.  Although I am a physician, I am not your physician.  I am not providing you medical advice.  I am not a dietitian or nutritionist.  Before you consider taking any course of action similar to mine, consult with your physician. — Recently I completed a fast lasting 11 days, during which time I consumed zero calories.  I drank water and black coffee but took in no nourishment.  Notably, I never experienced hunger or a significant decline in function.  I lost approximately 25 pounds during …

SAR Lessons for Preppers, by H.F.K.

In this article, I will relate some key lessons for preppers that I have learned as a Search And Rescue (SAR) worker and volunteer.  I tell people that we live in a wonderful and fun place, as long as you never forget that the wilderness is always trying to kill you. They think I’m being funny. But s a member of both a county sheriff’s SAR Team and a Mountain Rescue Association-affiliated team, I can tell you that I am being completely serious. Any prepper should approach life very similarly to how they would approach a backcountry hiking trip. The …

Why We Should Dread a Second Civil War

Introductory Note: In a SurvivalBlog essay that I wrote back in January, 2019, I warned that there were signs that a Second Civil War might be brewing. I’d like to update and expand on that theme, in this essay. — The recent release of the first trailer for the scheduled April 2024 release of the A24 Productions movie titled Civil War has prompted considerable conjecture. The film reportedly had a $75 million budget. Commentator Tim Pool posted his thoughts on it, and then followed up with a more in-depth panel discussion, and then another. Dozens of others have also chimed …

Homesteading Cautionary Tales – Part 2, by Mrs. Alaska

(Continued from Part 1. This concludes the article.) PERSONAL EXPERIENCE with a Chimney Issue My husband and I also heat our remote, off-grid home with a woodstove. One cold February night we had to evacuate our cabin at 3 am because the chimney pipe had gotten so clogged with creosote that the smoke in the firebox was leaching out into our home rather than drawing upward to the outside. We evacuated with camping chairs to our shower house, which has an on-demand, propane heater. Every two hours, we ventured back in to the cabin, wearing N95 masks, to ascertain when …

Resisting Thought Control – Pt. 6, by Cyclops

(Continued from Part 5. This concludes the article.) Covid Vaccines: With each passing month, we understand more about the true impact that Covid vaccines have on those who received them. In the Moderna vaccine patent application, they clearly state that the use of mRNA molecule was a better alternative to using DNA, which crosses the blood-brain barrier and can induce a lobotomized state of mind. The only problem is that the mRNA was derived from DNA, and it is nearly impossible to remove all the DNA fragments from the resulting vaccine. As a result, we are seeing numerous incidents of …

Resisting Thought Control – Pt. 5, by Cyclops

(Continued from Part 4..) Name Calling It never feels good to be called a name, particularly if it is an unjust accusation. It is one of the reasons that the fear of being thought of poorly is a powerful manipulative tool, as mentioned in the preceding “Fear section”. During Covid, some public voices were openly hostile to those who did not get the vaccine. CNN’s Don Lemon was one of these personalities. Lemon would launch into tirades showed unrelenting ridicule, disdain, and a lack of concern for anyone who would even think of not agreeing with the prevailing narrative. He …

Resisting Thought Control – Pt. 4, by Cyclops

(Continued from Part 3.) Shifting Definitions The person who controls the definitions of words, controls the thoughts of the people. Orwell knew this well as he crafted his dystopian novel, “1984”. In that story, the ruling “Party” used “Newspeak” to control language and definitions to limit the subjects’ ability to think and communicate about ideas that went against the Party. In the allegory, “Animal Farm”, also by Orwell, citizens endured a set of definitions that constantly shifted to suit the leader’s lust for power. For example, the phrase, “all animals are equal” shifted into “some animals are more equal than …

Resisting Thought Control – Pt. 3, by Cyclops

(Continued from Part 2.) Denial is a form of selective information. If you can’t succeed in limiting the information that a brainwashing subject takes in, at the very least you can deny that the information they have received is true. Now many politicians and agencies are denying some of the actions they openly demonstrated during the Covid frenzy. In an October 1, 2023 Substack publication, attorney Bobbie Anne Cox outlines just a few of the reversals that public figures are attempting now that more information has come out about the lack of effectiveness of masks and/or Covid “vaccines.” What came …

Resisting Thought Control – Pt. 2, by Cyclops

(Continued from Part 1.) FEAR We are hard-wired to avoid things that ignite fear. This is a central aspect of reward/punishment conditioning that is central to the way humans learn about and adapt to our surroundings. The adrenaline-induced panic that we experience in a fight or flight response is a physical reaction that helps us learn how to survive, and is ingrained in our genes. But this aspect of our biology makes us vulnerable to those who want to manipulate us through fear. The level of fear that can sway our values and behavior need not be extreme, such as …

The 21st Century Geopolitical Chessboard

As we approach the end of 2023, I’ve been assessing world events. In short: The world is an increasingly dangerous place. There are numerous current threats, most notably: The Western debt-based financial system is overextended and nearing a collapse. The rise of the BRICS bloc. Pandemics are being used as weapons to reduce population, control citizenries, and as excuses for a wide range of social engineering projects. Note that Avian Flu is still spreading and a new pneumonia strain broke out in northern China, and it is already jumping national borders. There is also a new canine respiratory illness and …