The Novice And The Expert- Part 2, by Old Bobbert

Today, we are continuing to learn, whether we are a novice or an expert in preparedness. If experts, we can learn how to guide a novice in their preparation planning. Confidence Key Words We left off yesterday with a group in a pandemic situation going grocery store shopping in teams with lists and cash. We had a reference to use confidence key words at checkout to help avoid being a victim. What are these confidence key words? I know that you know them. Read the following out loud: “Please and thank you. Yes, sir. Yes, ma’am. We appreciate your help.” …

The Novice And The Expert- Part 1, by Old Bobbert

This article will not make you an expert prepper, but it can help you as you help a newbie prepper get started, It can also help the newbie get a good start, even if they’re without a expert to pick up the broken pieces of a poorly prepared preparedness plan. A Little Pretending As We Plan Let’s pretend today. You are one of the two primary types of preppers. You are either an experienced very competent prepper, one who genuinely cares to help others, or you are the inexperienced newbie who desperately wants someone to help you survive and make …

Letter Re: Eclipse TEOTWAWKI

Hugh, The coming tsunami of city folk to the small towns of the Redoubt would be a good time to practice your prepping skills. You should be sure to have an extra gas can filled. Keep your water hoses at the ready. Make a grocery run a few days before. The visitors will arrive in hordes, ill prepared for hot weather, lack of food, water, toilet facilities, gas, or medical facilities. Fights will break out. When some idjit tries to hike down the road for a better viewing spot and trespasses on some retired/unemployed logger’s or rancher’s property and starts …

Emergency Checklists, by M.B.

Where’s your emergency checklists? The worst part about emergency situations and disasters is that they never happen when it is convenient. It’s 2 AM and you awake to find someone pounding on your door. The dam has been breached and you have maybe 30 minutes to get to high ground. What would you do? How do you know what steps to take? What items would you take with you, and how would you prioritize things? Emergency Chaos Maybe you live in New Orleans or one of the other Gulf States. A category 5 hurricane is bearing down on you. Do …

The Antifa Threat Spiral: Some Safe Predictions on the Coming Unsafe Era- Part 2

In Part 1 of this article, I pointed to the rapid post-election growth of the leftist so-called “anti-fascist” (Antifa) movement. This movement has some clear parallels to the draft protests of the late 1960s and early 1970s.  Now, in Part 2 , I’ll further describe how the threat spirals will likely develop. The Crypto Guys It is safe to assume that cryptography and novel communications techniques will be used by leftist domestic terror organizations, as they internally develop their tradecraft. It is very likely that anonymous mail forwarders, Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) and a variety of cryptographic tools are already …

The Antifa Threat Spiral: Some Safe Predictions on the Coming Unsafe Era- Part 1

The rapid post-election growth of the left’s so-called “anti-fascist” (Antifa) movement is alarming. This movement has some clear parallels to the draft protests of the late 1960s. These protests spawned a wave of domestic terrorism with groups like the Weather Underground, the Black Panther Party, the BLA, the FALN, and the SLA.  Anyone reading this who is under my age is probably missing out. This is because they don’t have a good recollection of just how profoundly violent the late 1960s and early 1970s were in these United States. Bombings, fake bomb scares, riots, arson, bank robberies, airliner hijackings, attempted assassinations, …

Fire Fight, by J.M.

Are you ready for a fire fight? One of the most discussed topics in the “preppersphere” is how to start fires. There are tons of articles, blogs, books, and products geared towards helping you start fires in wilderness or TEOTWAWKI scenarios. However, there’s one aspect of fires that tends to be overlooked—how to put them out when you don’t want them. Every year in the U.S., fires cause thousands of deaths, tens of thousands of injuries, and billions of dollars in damage. And that’s with fully functional fire departments in almost every city, town, and county. Imagine how much worse …

Preparedness Movement History and My Own Preparations- Part 2, by Old Bobbert

Yesterday, we began part one of this contributed article on the preparedness movement history and Old Bobbert’s own preparations. Today, we will learn some very personal information about him and his preparedness success with regards to finances and persevering. Financial Freedom Through Determined Budgeting Okay, how can someone in that credit trap situation find freedom easily. Sorry, “easy” pays minimum wage and perpetuates itself. Success requires a specific goal, a reasonable time line, and a written list of what, when, where, who, and why. There must be a specific methodology to look at efforts and consider the current position. There …

Preparedness Movement History and My Own Preparations- Part 1, by Old Bobbert

We will take a look at some history, the preparedness movement history and also some of mine. My goal here is to move you to see happiness and enroute stop off to visit anger, sadness, feeling shamed, and then fully satisfied. We will be thrilled with ourselves, and finally recognize “I’m both right and righteous”. I have been reading and contributing to this blog for about 10 years. So far I have about 76 3-ring binders of preparedness data on the book shelves. I like to read. (I’ll share why I read later.) A Lot of History That Points to …

America’s Public Schools are Government Indoctrination Centers

The following article might strike some of our readers as a bit of a rant. So if you dislike reading rants, then please just skip reading this article. It Started With a Letter The impetus for this article was a fairly cogent well-intentioned letter from a SurvivalBlog reader: Dear Editor: I am concerned about some of the information linked on your blog. I’m a Christian, an avid prepper, and a daily reader of your blog. I support your effort to make readers aware of the world around us, and the changes that we feel are to come. I do have …

Guest Post: So Why Would You Do Tactical Training?, by David

“So why do you do this tactical training stuff?” This is a question I get asked from time to time.  Sadly, the answer does not lend itself to a sentence or two.  Let me lay out my premises and then some conclusions. (This article comes from David, who is a multi-class MVT alumni. He is the organizer of the Idaho Classes in 2016 and 2017. And MVT says, “We have already scheduled Idaho May 2018.”) Assumed Role In our family, I am literally the last man standing of my generation.  Since I am no longer immersed in pursuing “the rat …

Planning For Success During And After The SHTF- Part 2, by Old Bobbert

Yesterday, we looked at the rules of planning for success during and after the SHTF and began examining the component of a good plan and the changes that might be required after SHTF. We already covered the areas of finances and food and began looking at the topic of medical. We will continue on to examine the area of medical and other topics today. Medical (continued) Pre-incident acquisition of emergency and bartering medications and water purification tablets is very important. It is legal, and simple, to use any of the Internet search engines to determine and evaluate various pharmaceutical distribution …

Planning For Success During And After The SHTF- Part 1, by Old Bobbert

Success requires a plan, and that is true if you want to have success during and after the SHTF. You can have a great deal of knowledge and ideas but not have organized and applied any of this. Remember, only applied knowledge is power, and this is especially true of financial power. Plan For Reality As It Exists Today Success without an action plan is dumb luck in action. So, get your plan well documented! Your plan should be, must be, based on your specific reality– reality as it exists today and never based on some pipe dream. You can’t …

Horizontal Relationships: The Key to True Independence- Part 2, by J.E.

We are continuing to look at my thesis: True independence is achieved by cultivating horizontal dependencies and avoiding vertical dependencies. We have done so through a hypothetical family’s situation– the Johnson’s– and analyzed their most basic needs, as Maslow would say. We’ve looked at the Johnson’s food, water, and shelter scenario. Security Speaking of Maslow, let’s look at another critical need– security. If the Johnsons are anything like the average American Suburban dweller, they probably have a shotgun somewhere in a closet. It was probably Mr. Johnson’s dad’s or grandad’s, and it brought down many a fowl in its day. …

Horizontal Relationships: The Key to True Independence- Part 1, by J.E.

Within our relationships, as preppers, let’s look at the concept of true independence. It applies to us in our preparedness pursuits and in life in general. While we, of course, avoid many dependencies, what may surprise you is that it requires we cultivate certain dependencies. Fourth of July or Independence Day? Here’s a question: Do you wish your friends and family a “Happy 4th of July” or a “Happy Independence Day?” For me, I always make a point of calling this holiday “Independence Day”. I want to remember and remind others that all the fireworks; red, white, and blue; and …