SurvivalBlog Readers’ & Editors’ Snippets

This weekly column is a collection of short snippets: responses to posted articles, practical self-sufficiency items, how-tos, lessons learned, tips and tricks, and news items — both from readers and from SurvivalBlog’s editors. Note that we may select some long e-mails for posting as separate letters. — First up, is this news: Federal judge blocks Colorado county from banning sale and manufacturing of specific semi-automatic weapons and magazines.  JWR’s Comments: The impact of the Supreme Court’s Bruen decision is just starting to be felt. Bruen clarifies that a “text, history, and tradition” test must be applied. Hence, any sort of …

SurvivalBlog Readers’ & Editors’ Snippets

This weekly column is a collection of short snippets: responses to posted articles, practical self-sufficiency items, how-tos, lessons learned, tips and tricks, and news items — both from readers and from SurvivalBlog’s editors. Note that we may select some long e-mails for posting as separate letters. — To begin, there is this video, that breaks down the UK government’s tyrannical pandemic masking and lockdown over-reaction: Paul Joseph Watson – We were right. o  o  o Please take the time to watch a very thought-provoking video essay from Patriot Nurse: The United States is Going to Break Up: Why It May …

SurvivalBlog Readers’ & Editors’ Snippets

This weekly column is a collection of short snippets: responses to posted articles, practical self-sufficiency items, how-tos, lessons learned, tips and tricks, and news items — both from readers and from SurvivalBlog’s editors. Note that we may select some long e-mails for posting as separate letters. — First up, over at Redoubt News, there is this pointed and downright poignant essay: Baby Boomers Don’t Recognize America. o  o  o Reader R.D. spotted this: He turned his weed-filled yard into a low-water jungle of fruit trees. o  o  o Mrs. Alaska wrote: “I loved your update to your retreat location suggestions. …

SurvivalBlog Readers’ & Editors’ Snippets

This weekly column is a collection of short snippets: responses to posted articles, practical self-sufficiency items, how-tos, lessons learned, tips and tricks, and news items — both from readers and from SurvivalBlog’s editors. Note that we may select some long e-mails for posting as separate letters. — First up, there is this Fox News article about a Bear Home Invasion, forwarded to us by reader C.B.: Colorado man shoots bear inside his home with his .40-caliber pistol. JWR’s Comment: Note that he emptied his pistol magazine — most likely 15 rounds — before the bear stopped. The Bidenistas tell us …

SurvivalBlog Readers’ & Editors’ Snippets

This weekly column is a collection of short snippets: responses to posted articles, practical self-sufficiency items, how-tos, lessons learned, tips and tricks, and news items — both from readers and from SurvivalBlog’s editors. Note that we may select some long e-mails for posting as separate letters. — Fox News: Top health official: New York treating polio case as ‘tip of the iceberg’. o  o  o In the Stars & Stripes: One year after Afghanistan, spy agencies pivot toward China. o  o  o Taiwan dominates the world’s supply of computer chips – no wonder the US is worried. o  o  o SaraSue …

SurvivalBlog Readers’ & Editors’ Snippets

This weekly column is a collection of short snippets: responses to posted articles, practical self-sufficiency items, how-tos, lessons learned, tips and tricks, and news items — both from readers and from SurvivalBlog’s editors. Note that we may select some long e-mails for posting as separate letters. — A useful 22-minute instructional video: Basic Radio Comms Setup for SHTF — Featuring UV5R. o  o  o Reader Tim J. recommended this video from Grunt Proof: Why do all YouTube Preppers get Political? “Bury your head in the sand all you want, but politics do have an affect on your life. Just ask …

SurvivalBlog Readers’ & Editors’ Snippets

This weekly column is a collection of short snippets: responses to posted articles, practical self-sufficiency items, how-tos, lessons learned, tips and tricks, and news items — both from readers and from SurvivalBlog’s editors. Note that we may select some long e-mails for posting as separate letters. — “Wolverines!” As evidenced by the photo topping this column, the Ukrainians are still putting up a spirited resistance to the invading Russian army. But sadly, both troop numbers and time are not on their side. We can assume that the Russians will maintain their resolve, even when continuing to take huge troop and …

SurvivalBlog Readers’ & Editors’ Snippets

This weekly column is a collection of short snippets: responses to posted articles, practical self-sufficiency items, how-tos, lessons learned, tips and tricks, and news items — both from readers and from SurvivalBlog’s editors. Note that we may select some long e-mails for posting as separate letters. — In a shooting range video, attempting to recreate the 80% hit accuracy at 15 to 20 yards in 15 seconds of the Indiana Impromptu Mall Defender: The Eli Drill. (Elijah Dickens is pictured above.) I’ve read that he was armed with a compact Springfield Hellcat 9mm pistol. He demonstrated commendable speed and accuracy, …

SurvivalBlog Readers’ & Editors’ Snippets

This weekly column is a collection of short snippets: responses to posted articles, practical self-sufficiency items, how-tos, lessons learned, tips and tricks, and news items — both from readers and from SurvivalBlog’s editors. Note that we may select some long e-mails for posting as separate letters. — First, foremost, and for your immediate action on mitigation: Have you seen this bill, now undergoing markup, in congress? H.R. 1808. This is REALLY bad legislation: This ban is like a flashback to 1994, but even worse. It is patterned after California’s notoriously-bad semi-auto and magazine bans. Unlike the Federal 1994-2004 ban, it …

SurvivalBlog Readers’ & Editors’ Snippets

This weekly column is a collection of short snippets: responses to posted articles, practical self-sufficiency items, how-tos, lessons learned, tips and tricks, and news items — both from readers and from SurvivalBlog’s editors. Note that we may select some long e-mails for posting as separate letters. — First up, there is this, over at Live Science: Never-before-seen microbes locked in glacier ice could spark a wave of new pandemics if released. o  o  o Just as I suspected: Disinfo Governance Board is Back: ‘White House Task Force to Address Online Harassment and Abuse’. o  o  o John sent this comment: …

SurvivalBlog Readers’ & Editors’ Snippets

This weekly column is a collection of short snippets: responses to posted articles, practical self-sufficiency items, how-tos, lessons learned, tips and tricks, and news items — both from readers and from SurvivalBlog’s editors. Note that we may select some long e-mails for posting as separate letters. — I found this linked over at the Whatfinger news aggregation site: Peer-Reviewed Study Finds Young Moderna Jab Recipients Have a Jaw-Dropping 44X Higher Risk of Developing Myocarditis Than the Unvaccinated. o  o  o Reader D.S.V. sent this item: The Dutch Farmers’ Protest and the War on Food. Don’t miss this video from Holland, …

SurvivalBlog Readers’ & Editors’ Snippets

This weekly column is a collection of short snippets: responses to posted articles, practical self-sufficiency items, how-tos, lessons learned, tips and tricks, and news items — both from readers and from SurvivalBlog’s editors. Note that we may select some long e-mails for posting as separate letters. This week my family is camping in a remote rural region in the Redoubt with very limited opportunities to access the Internet.  Today, I’m posting just one humorous item in the Snippets column, to keep you entertained. I’m confident that this video will have a viral spread. When I found it on Saturday (June …

SurvivalBlog Readers’ & Editors’ Snippets

This weekly column is a collection of short snippets: responses to posted articles, practical self-sufficiency items, how-tos, lessons learned, tips and tricks, and news items — both from readers and from SurvivalBlog’s editors. Note that we may select some long e-mails for posting as separate letters. — Tracy M. sent us the link to this fascinating study: Mapping a Magnetic Superstorm: March 1989 Geoelectric Hazards and Impacts on United States Power Systems. Here is a brief excerpt: “Electric fields induced in the Earth during magnetic storms can drive uncontrolled currents in electric-power systems, interfering with their operation. Geomagnetically induced currents realized …

SurvivalBlog Readers’ & Editors’ Snippets

This weekly column is a collection of short snippets: responses to posted articles, practical self-sufficiency items, how-tos, lessons learned, tips and tricks, and news items — both from readers and from SurvivalBlog’s editors. We may select some long e-mails for posting as separate letters. — Tim K.  spotted this article from The Kitsap Sun: A Bangor sub just transferred its crew without returning to port. Here’s why that matters.  My old friend Sandy, who served on a U.S. Navy nuclear sub back in the early 1980s had this comment about the article: “This doesn’t sound unusual at all.  I was …

SurvivalBlog Readers’ & Editors’ Snippets

This weekly column is a collection of short snippets: responses to posted articles, practical self-sufficiency items, how-tos, lessons learned, tips and tricks, and news items — both from readers and from SurvivalBlog’s editors. We may select some long e-mails for posting as separate letters. The latest from Ian McCollum: SIG M5 Spear Deep Dive: Is This a Good US Army Rifle? o  o  o Deadly secret: Electronic warfare shapes Russia-Ukraine war. o  o  o Mike in Alaska recommended this very portable and very versatile HF dipole antenna: Chameleon Six Band No Tuner Portable HF Antenna. These are great for Field Day …